Has science come far enough to reconcile with ancient wisdom? What's the urgency you ask? What do Mayan glyphs of Bolon Yokte have to do with the gargoyles of Paris? Just who is the Observer in Quantum physics? There are even more Germans in the jungle. — Orage
Black Sun Rising
By Jack Heart & Orage
Part 3
"We shall see them again at the epoch of the Revolution."
- Abbé Louis Constant (Éliphas Lévi)
Somewhere along the line, that which is true is being made to appear false, because that which is false is accepted as truth. — Dewey Larson
Time has no power over the spirit and will of man — C. G. Jung
In the Book of the Jaguar Priests or Chilam Balam it is written that the road from the stars will descend from the sky and the 13 Gods of Heaven and 9 Gods of Hell will come to earth. The Maya believed that the end was the beginning and the beginning the end, in destruction would come creation and creation destruction. It would happen at the black hole. At the crossroads an image would appear in the sky. The dark kingdom of Xibalba would manifest itself upon the earth. Xibalba is inhabited by winged creatures with the body of men and the heads and wings of bats. These creatures are blood drinkers and hostile to man. Most fierce among them is Camacotz or Camalotz which means "Sudden-Bloodletter." Camalotz killed most of the denizens of mans second creation by ripping off their heads.
The Cthulhu mythos is the nightmarish legacy of H. P. Lovecraft. He wrote the old ones were sleeping in the bottomless depths of the oceans until the time when the right astral alignment will awaken them and they will once again walk the earth reigning over an unspeakable kingdom of darkness. Their return is awaited by a priesthood of bat winged humanoids who bide their time concealed by darkness in the unknown recesses of the earth’s forgotten caves.
The Mayans themselves are a people shrouded in darkness. Somewhere in the ninth century Maya civilization suddenly ceased to exist with the city Cancuén, their center of trade in what is now Guatemala, abandoned in an orgy of violence. The aristocracy of Cancuén; thirty-one men, woman and children were recently discovered hacked to pieces and tossed in what was their palace cistern. Eighty yards away in an unmarked shallow grave was buried their great king Kan Maax. The massacre took place around 800 CE.
The Mayan calendar — just like the story of Akakor and the true names of Yahweh — is based on the number 13. The calendar is divided into 13 Baktuns. Each Baktun equals 144,000 days. When all 13 Baktuns are completed the calendar resets to zero and the Mayan doomsday scenario takes place. Mainstream archaeologists say the Mayan calendar began on August 11, 3114 BCE.
Using this genesis date the destruction of earth should have took place on December 21, 2012. But in the epilogue of Chronicles of Akakor Karl Brugger states “According to the Chilam Balam, the books of the jaguar priests of the Maya, history begins in 3113 B.C. The German Maya scholar Wolfgang Cordan connects this date with a mysterious historic event of great importance.”
Brugger doesn’t say what the historic event was but Wolfgang Cordan was the foremost expert on Mayan hieroglyphics. Historical records indicate that he died in 1966 at the age of fifty six while in the field doing research. They also indicate that his friend and closest colleague was killed six months later. The index cards to Cordan's major work, a comparative dictionary of Mayan writings, have never been found.
Cordan was the lead linguist in a huge expedition composed of some ninety archaeologists from the University of Pennsylvania under the direction of William D. Coe. The dig began in 1956 and finally ended in 1969. The effort, unprecedented to this day in Mesoamerican archeology, unearthed ten square miles of the enigmatic Mayan city; Tikal, with its most imposing structure being Temple 1, the temple of the giant Jaguar.
Almost all but the most superficial information about Cordan seems to have been purged from academic records. The German Wikipedia editor laments that secondary sources are nonexistent and there are no available comparisons of Cordons work to the current state of research on Mayan hieroglyphics. Predictably the editor was also unable to find anything about the circumstances of Cordan's death.
The Tikal expedition unearthed five step pyramids, three hundred and fifty houses and enough artifacts to stock a museum. Temple 1 rises a hundred and fifty-four feet above the plaza and Tikal itself is situated in the middle of an impenetrable jungle canopied by trees up to a hundred and eighty feet tall. Although the interior of the Tikal temple complex is connected by a finely cobbled network of walkways there are no roads into the surrounding jungle.
The fresco and artwork found on the site depict only priests in acts ranging from fertility ceremonies to human sacrifice. Craftsman and agricultural workers are conspicuous by their absence of representation. William Coe is on record as remarking how it seemed unfathomable that such an advanced culture could be developed in such an inhospitable place that seemed to be unable to support more than just a few huts. Wolfgang Cordan speculates that although Tikal’s inhabitants made children’s toys with wheels they must have transported their goods on sleds because no working wheels were found on the site.
It consists of seven pieces all together. Another of the pieces is in Metropolitan Museum of New York but the whereabouts of the other two is unknown. The box was salvaged from Tortuguero, a Mayan site discovered in 1915 not far from the city. Another German Mayan scholar — Professor Berthold Riese of the field-leading Bonn University — describes Tortuguero as the western most emblem province of Palenque.
Emblem Glyphs denote Mayan city states. Dr. Riese goes on to say that although short lived the site was one of the most important for Palenque. He published two scientific papers on the interpretation of monument 6, one in 1978 the other in 1980. They have never been translated from German.
In 1981 a cement factory was built on top of Tortuguero destroying the rest of the site.
In the shadow of the cement factory the disciples of Michael D. Coe; racist, CIA asset since the Korean War and acknowledged by academia as the foremost expert on Mayan hieroglyphs since the “untimely” death of Wolfgang Cordan, work feverishly to interpret monument 6. Their incoherent products run the gamut but they all seem to agree that Bolon Yokte “may 'descend' ye-ma, y-emal.” Bolon Yokte is a Mayan God usually associated with war and discord but also creation. In Mayan Bolon means nine as in the Nine Gods of Hell or the Nine Lords of the Night.
The Pharaoh wears a very similar headdress clearly depicting the snake and the vulture the same motif used in Göbekli Tepe; life and death. The opposing motifs repeat themselves again in America with Pumapunku dedicated to the snake and Ollantaytambo to the vulture.
In 2004 yet another of those meddling German Mayan scholars wrote a master thesis Tortuguero, Tabasco, Mexico - History of a Mayan City, depicted by their glyphs. Sven Gronemeyers work was however published in English, “updated” of course, in 2006. He translated the monument in six parts.
The first part pays homage to Balham Ajaw’s ascent to the throne. The second describes the Star Wars that the Mayans, particularly Tikal, incessantly waged on each other. Star Wars could only be initiated with the rising of Venus as the Morning Star. Mayan wars would be held in abeyance until this happened. As noted in the monument these wars were usually culminated with the decapitation of the prisoners taken in them.
In 2013 in Uxal a few hundred miles northeast of Tortuguero on the Yucatan Peninsula, like ants that won’t go away at the picnic, German archeologists unearthed a mass grave of twenty four Mayans who had been beheaded and dismembered. The ever annoying Germans suspect the remains to be that of royalty because many of the skulls have jade inserts for teeth.
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One of the bricks used at Comalcalco |
No worries but for our intrepid hero and his zombie archaeologists. The brick has been sequestered, presumably with the two missing pieces of monument 6. The glyphs are so badly damaged on the fourth part of monument 6 that it is doubtful whether even Wolfgang Cordan himself could have made anything out of them. Dr. Gronemeyer passes on that one.
The fifth part describes the ceremonial burning of a house, the erection of images of Balham Ajar and the Mayan ritual of ruler binding. Dr. Gronemeyers translation of the critical sixth part reads like this from German to English: previously it happened, it was completed for re-birthing, It was 2 days, 9 Uinals, 3 Tuns, 8 Katuns and 3 Baktuns before the 13th Baktun is completed on 4 Ahau 3 Kankin. Then it will happen - darkness, and Bolon-Yokte will descend to the…
Comet Ison with 2 objects new feed, this time from the Chinese Space Radar. From the comments: “I’m a Chinese from China. on the up-left corner it says "it will collide with Earth on Dec, 21 2013"”
In part 6 of Behind the Bush: Aleister Crowley, Yeats, the Anti Christ & Armageddon I spit in the face of both Free Masonry and Talmudic Judaism by publishing the thirteen letter formulae for how to derive the true names of their God whom their Magi call Vav Heh Yod Heh and Vav Yod Heh Heh. “Two names of the Tetragrammaton for the first is indeed a perfect name, but the latter is thoroughly and completely perfect.” “The living creatures rush forth and return.”
These quotes are from the Zohar which instructs the Qabalist on how to use them. One is for conjuring and the other banishing. They are Yahweh’s proper names and as far as I know nobody’s ever published them before. When Rabbi Moses de León published the Zohar he would die the next year. A couple of years later the Knights Templar would be rounded up, charged with heresy and burned at the stake. Less than a generation later the Black Plague would lay waste to Europe.
No doubt when I published part six of that series I made powerful enemies but as they should understand by now; they also have powerful enemies. The more astute readers of Black Sun Rising should be starting to see why.
The Mayans were no savages. It is you that are the savage; “The White Barbarians.” The creation, what is for now the world of the living, is based on thirteen. The Mayans understood how to use this. The Germans, at least their leadership, knew exactly who the Mayans were because they broke with Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century, working together with the historical Ordo Bucintoro, which will be explained in later parts.
They have the Dresden Codex and have had it since it was first sent to Europe by Hernán Cortés. That is why they were traipsing through the malaria infested jungles of the Americas two years after National Socialism assumed power in Germany. Revelations, which is a Qabalistic book that brands the Christian religion as a creation of Judaism, tells its goyim that 144,000 thousand shall be saved. The 144,000 is the number of days in a Baktun and the Germans had the good sense to want to prolong those days for humanity.
Human existence, as it is known now, is cyclic. When a cycle is over it goes back to reset with almost everyone dyeing and a Star Wars is fought over the souls to be harvested. The Mayan priesthood, who were master Qabalists, knew this and had the exact calculations for when this cycle, the current cycle, began and ended.
In part 1 of this essay I said the fulcrum of the lie was that Judeo Christianity was founded by simple goat herders. Now I will reveal the purpose of the lie. The purpose of the lie is to keep from you the abyssal horror of the truth. You are the goat. You are livestock farmed by soulless alien races that exist in a temporal ether and derive their sustenance by what is permanent in you; your soul.
None will be saved by a corpse on a stick and few will be saved by denying your physical senses, fewer still by a pantheon of gods who are among their tormentors. Only man can save man which is why the one thing the king of these alien races fears is the Son of Man. He is close now, poised at the doorway of time nursing an insatiable hunger for vengeance. That is why you are all still here and Bolon Yokte is not. Let me introduce you to reality. Morgan Freeman is not a scientist, he is a Hollywood actor.
Einstein’s vaunted theory of relativity is wrong. Einstein was a misogynistic amorphous blob of a fraud who’s only real talent was a talent typical to most frauds; plagiarism. Ironically enough —and these “gods” do love irony— the most brilliant human alive today is a rather engaging woman named Lisa Randall. Einstein would have loved that. He could have humped her leg while stealing her notebooks.
Bell's theorem synthesized from experiments based on John Stewart Bells 1964 paper titled On the Einstein Podolsky Rosen paradox, in which he tried to prove Einstein’s theory of relativity correct but instead —just like Charles Otis Whitman before him proving the theory of evolution wrong while trying to prove it correct— proved once and for all the non locality of matter, invalidating Einstein’s speed limit.
Objects and events can and do interact though they are to close in time and separated by to vast a distance in space to be manipulated even by something traveling at the speed of light. Everyone who has ever had a premonition should already know that. But that is what the herd mentality does; eliminate the common sense of the individual.
The fastest of all things that fly is the thought.
In Quantum entanglement Electrons can be emitted in pairs with their spins dependent and opposite from each other. If one is negative the other will adjust to positive. When the electrons are separated the adjustment continues even in experiments where the electrons were separated by over a hundred kilometers. As soon as these particles are examined with instrumentation the adjustment ceases and the electrons go back to random spins. This is called wave function collapse.
Many modern technologies are beginning to rely on Quantum entanglement; state of the art technologies like Quantum computing, Quantum cryptography, and Quantum teleportation. Scientists have already succeeded in teleporting complex sets of information using the rules of Quantum entanglement.
Dr Quantum: Wave particle duality and the observer!
In the slit experiment subatomic particles up to the size of buckyball molecules exhibit the characteristics of both waves and particles when according to Morgan Freeman science they should behave only like particles. When equipment delicate enough to observe them is added to the experiment the wave function collapses and they will behave only like particles.
Since the very first days of relativity, science was aware of the probability of Einstein Rosen bridges; wormholes that could act as bridges through both time and space and violate the limitations imposed by the theory of relativity. For many years it was believed that travel through these wormholes would be impossible because in the center was a black hole whose own center was a singularity which would rend anything passing through to its smallest possible particles. In 1988 this scientific maxim was proven mathematically incorrect when using the equations of the real discoverer of relativity; Hendrik Lorentz. Lorentz published the Theory of Relativity in 1904, a year before the plagiarizer Einstein. In 1988 Lorentzian Traversable Wormholes became a probability. In 2009 over the frigid night skies of Norway one of these wormholes was caught on video.
The priesthood of Tikal did not need roads or wheels to travel through the jungle. Many people have reported an anomalous atmospheric condition called electronic fog. Bruce Gernon gives the best known account in his book The Fog. While piloting a plane to Miami he was engulfed by a fog that was penetrated by a spiral tunnel. He flew through the tunnel for a period of what felt like a few minutes. When he emerged the plane was already over Miami and 40 minutes had gone by.
In every far flung corner of the earth spiral petroglyph testify to prehistoric mans awareness of these portals. During significant astrological alignments sun daggers pierce the center of some of these petroglyph as if marking periods of time when they will open up or take travelers through them to desired destinations.
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Uncle Shlomos address in the ether. |
It is a scientific fact that the Dene carry markers for Haplo Group X, Hebrew mitochondrial DNA, in their blood. The Dene sequences suggest that they acquired the Haplogroup X relatively recently, about 1000 years ago. Unfortunately there is no capital punishment yet for zombie archeology, so academia drones on without facing the much deserved consequences.
In part 6 of Behind the Bush I presented overwhelming circumstantial evidence that the Sepher Yetsirah, the Qabalistic book of creation, is Quantum physics. There is an incorporeal eleventh dimension called Da'at in the ancient Hebrew schematics of the universe and to this very day the existence of an eleventh dimension is hotly debated in Quantum mechanics. When that eleventh dimension is added to the equations, particle physicists call it M theory. With the addition of the eleventh dimension what the egg heads call elegant equations are made possible and they do not blow up into infinity. Infinity is the criterion for what is false in sub atomic physics. One cannot have infinity in an “elegant equation.”
In M theory, also known as String Theory, the smallest particles are in actuality 2 dimensional dancing filaments of energy that interact in 10 dimensions plus time. The oscillation of these string-like filaments produces all the different particles that constitute the universe. The oscillation of the strings themselves is contingent on the geometry of each of the dimensions they interact with. String Theory was seen from its inception as the potential Holy Grail of science, unifying the gravitational forces of relativity with quantum mechanics and the behavior of electromagnetism.
Pythagoras has been called the father of String Theory because he taught his followers that existence was produced from harmonic vibrations like the string of a lyre being plucked from different positions. His theory about the music of the spheres and their ratios anticipates the discovery 2700 years later of the Orbital resonances which guide the planets through their methodical orbits. Many legends and stories were spawned by Pythagoras' legendary intellect. But in a story very similar to the birth of Jesus, Manly Hall asserts that Pythagoras was born in Syria some 2800 years ago and schooled by Rabbis.
In part 3 of Behind the Bush I wrote about the Skinwalker Ranch and the National Institute of Discovery Science; a front for the Department Of Defense. The DOD has little interest in ghost busting. There is a war going on right now between gods and gargoyles, demons and angels, men and machines. Those of you who do not have access to the underground sanctuaries just narrowly missed becoming casualties of that war, no thanks to the DOD either. A Skinwalker is just what it sounds like; you may be sleeping with one tonight, watching TV with it and sitting down to meals to discuss the latest absurdity of what it and its kind have pawned off on you as your culture. You are at a distinct disadvantage. It knows who you are. You have no idea. These are the hidden masters of the Abrahamic religions, the malevolent shape shifting reptilians of David Icke, the “ultra terrestrials” of John Keel and the “control mechanism” of Jacques Vallée. They are The Gods of Eden from William Bramley's book and they live through human pain and sorrow.
Jacques Vallée and John Keel — the two most brilliant men to ever study the UFO phenomenon — both came to almost identical conclusions. In Passport to Magonia Vallée theorized that the very same entities man once saw as angels, fairies and leprechauns he now sees as aliens and UFO, because the entities have no true form, they appear as man expects them too. They are control mechanisms; consciousness's that operate within the parameters of mans perception. Keel went one step further when he postulated that these beings live “conterminously” with the human race in dimensions that are beyond the periphery of mans perception.
Notre Dame, Paris
Vallée was vehemently accused by the UFO community of falsifying information in one of his later books, when he referenced a flying refrigerator like object terrorizing peasants in South America by draining their blood with a light beam while they hunted overnight from blinds in the jungle and slept in their village huts. Realizing that the whole UFO phenomenon was a new religion for fools, Vallée stopped writing about it after that and put his prodigious intellect to better uses. Fools may believe as they wish to the peril of their own souls, but from Göbekli Tepi to Ollantaytambo, to the rites of Baal and Moloch, which means king in Hebrew, on to the Maya, Anasazi and Aztec, these entities are all blood drinkers.
And it is Yahweh; Moloch of the Jews and Christians, that demands that the blood of animal’s men slaughter for meat be reserved for him in the kosher rites of Orthodox Judaism.
The “Chupacabras” reputedly draining the blood of livestock in the Mexican valley bear an uncanny resemblance to the Gargoyles that were festooned all over European architecture during and after the Templar’s period of preeminence. Something has been carving up livestock in Americas Southwest since the late sixties. Cattle mutilations have been documented since Skippy the horse in 1967. Scientists at the Skin Walker Ranch ascertained with forensics that the mutilations on the ranch were done with a long blade and shorter scissor-like instrument. Just like the elongated claw and teeth that once graced the anatomy of certain dinosaurs.
Salisbury Cathedral
Cosmic rays interact with the earth’s magnetic field which in turn interacts with the Schumann Resonance. Some scientists have postulated that the Schumann Resonance is the very life breath of the Earth herself, governing all the forces of nature. It effects human behavior and has been linked in scientific papers to suicide rates. There is also a growing awareness that it affects sunspot activity and human health.
But the most striking thing of all about the Schumann Resonance is the man who discovered it; Winfried Otto Schumann. In 1937 the occult Vril — now organized in an armaments factory called Antriebstechnische Werkstätten OHG, Munich — began its continued flying disc development program with official Nazi Party backing under Professor W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich. Dr. Schumann had worked with The All-German Society for Metaphysics on the Jenseitsflugmachine from 1922-1924. Jenseitsflugmachine is German for "Other-World Flight Machine" or "Afterlife Flying Machine."
An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apocálypsis, from ἀπό and καλύπτω meaning 'un-covering'), translated literally from Greek, is a disclosure of knowledge, i.e., a lifting of the veil or revelation. The word “apocalypse” is popularly understood to mean “global catastrophe or calamity.” But its first meaning is “disclosure” or “unveiling” – the disclosure or unveiling of the truth. The unveiling of truth, and the ensuing demand for justice, is the real "apocalyptic threat" to the age-old schemes.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
— Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1822, German Writer and Philosopher)
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— Citations —
- http://www.sacred-texts.com/nam/maya/cbc/index.htm
- http://www.vanderbilt.edu/exploration/text/index.php?action=view_section&id=340&story_id=92&images
- http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/12/01/behind-the-bush-aleister-crowley-yeats-the-anti-christ-armageddon-6/
- http://www.tikalpark.com/penn.htm
- http://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv.aspx?from=&to=en&a=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiegel.de%2Fspiegel%2Fprint%2Fd-46265695.html
- http://wissen.spiegel.de/wissen/image/show.html?did=46265695&aref=image036/2006/03/08/cqsp196608098-P2P-100.pdf&thumb=false
- http://www.grahamhancock.com/forum/StrayG1.php
- http://mayanesteem.org/archival.htm Die Maya ISBN 3 406 46264 2
- Riese, Berthold http://youtu.be/zeyV4fpEWlY Comet Ison with 2 objects new feed this time from the Chinese Space Radar
- http://www.wayeb.org/research/whoiswho_profile.php?id=1
- Gronemeyer, Sven Sven Gronemeyer's Tortuguero thesis part 1: http://www.wayeb.org/download/theses/gronemeyer_2004_1.pdf Sven
- Gronemeyer's Tortuguero thesis part 2: http://www.wayeb.org/download/theses/gronemeyer_2004_2.pdf
- Sven Gronemeyer: "The Maya Site of Tortuguero, Tabasco, Mexico: Its History and Inscriptions"; in Acta Mesoamericana Vol. 17, Verlag Anto Saurwein; Markt Schwabe, Germany, 2006
- http://www.wayeb.org/notes/wayeb_notes0014.pdf
- https://latrobe.academia.edu/SvenGronemeyer
- http://www.world-destiny.com/mayacaldes2.html
- Eberl, Markus; and Christian Prager (2005). "B'olon Yokte' K'uh. Maya conceptions of war, conflict, and the underworld.". in Peter Eeckhout and Geneviève Le Fort (eds.). Wars and conflicts in prehispanic Mesoamerica and the Andes: selected proceedings of the conference organized by the Société des Américanistes de Belgique with the collaboration of Wayeb (European Association of Mayanists), Brussels, 16-17 November 2002. British Archaeological Reports International Series, no. 1385. Oxford, UK: John and Erika Hedges Ltd. pp. 28-36
- http://youtu.be/zeyV4fpEWlY
- http://digital.slub-dresden.de/fileadmin/data/280742827/280742827_tif/jpegs/280742827.pdf
- http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/11/04/was-einstein-a-wife-beater-womanizer-plagiarizer-and-eugenicist-part-i/
- http://greatteachers.harvard.edu/videos/lisa-randall-knocking-heavens-door
- http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Bell%27s_theorem
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lOWZ0Wv218
- http://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/everyday-myths/teleportation1.htm
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oX49xam2Wts
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWbWPgjJ7W0&feature=related
- http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/sta19.htm
- http://quibb.blogspot.com/2010/04/orbital-resonance.html
- http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread996610/pg1
- http://www.glcoherence.org/monitoring-system/earth-rhythms.html
- http://www.earthbreathing.co.uk/sr.htm
- http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_ondas_shumman_2.htm
- http://cyclesresearchinstitute.wordpress.com/2010/11/15/schumann-resonances-and-human-health/
- Part 1 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/10/20/273850/
- Part 2 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/10/26/behind-the-bush-jack-heart-part-ii/
- Part 3 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/11/16/behind-the-bush-aleister-crowley-yeats-the-anti-christ-armageddon-part-3-jack-heart/
- Part 4 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/11/21/behind-the-bush-aleister-crowley-yeats-the-anti-christ-armageddon-4/
- Part 5 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/11/24/behind-the-bush-aleister-crowley-yeats-the-anti-christ-armageddon-5/
- Part 6 http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/12/01/behind-the-bush-aleister-crowley-yeats-the-anti-christ-armageddon-6/
Very interesting stuff again, Jack. The apocalypse definition sheds light on an entirely different perspective. Unveiling their secrets would/will indeed be apocalyptic to those cockroach-chimp mutants. Can't wait for the next one.
ReplyDeleteI LOL'ed at the Morgan Freeman scientist comment. By the way, is there any truth to the rumor that the braying, orange-faced pompadour is actually Gumby sidekick Pokey under the influence of Axe hair gel?
"The braying, orange-faced pompadour is actually Gumby sidekick Pokey under the influence of Axe hair gel?" I'll be burrowing this one Jake if you don't mind
DeleteHaha -- I'd be honored, Jack!
DeleteTime has no power over the spirit and will of man — C. G. Jung.
DeleteI don't see how this quote can be a definite truthful proposal at this stage of the game.
I understand power, in this sense, to be something whose terms dictate and impinge upon a specific subject or object. Man cannot dictate the terms to time, and time places constraints upon man that man is forced to consider in many undertakings. For this statement to be true, we must accept ideas which at this stage, are not certainties.
Time, and space itself, are constructs of the observer. See http://jackheart2014.blogspot.com/2014/03/behind-bush-part1.html
DeleteThe Cthulhu mythos sounds like it is directly taken out of Revelation. Have you noticed that the creatures let loose on the earth to literally torture certain people on the earth, in Rev, at the very end of this age, resemble many of the creatures you spoke about above? i am not speaking about the animal images of the earthly Kingdoms, but on that note, if memory serves, the jaguar is also mentioned as a Kingdom in Rev 13 but is called a Leopard. Leopard and Jags are basically synonymous the only real difference being where they are found (old world- new world).
ReplyDeleteCould Balham be Baal the pagan God who opposed Christ/God? Could this be the same Baal that the tribes got in trouble for worshipping--that got them booted from the land? Could this also be the same God of the Celt Druid (Old Israelite, paganized then) Bel, Belenus, Belinos, Beli Mawr, Beli, Bile, or Beltene?
The Mayan 13 "Gods" of Heaven and 9 God's of the underworld seem to have some numerological connections to the 12/13 (Levites being 13th tribe with no land) and 9 being an inverted 6 which is the number of man. Interesting!
As to Ieosus's name or the prime creator's name, the prime creator (according to the Greek) is "I am that (or who) I am". This is also Christ's name (and the "father's name") Christ being the 3rd part of the compound oneness that is the prime creator. But the Greek NT also talks about when the true Lord comes back he will have a NEW NAME. Many believe this name will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
I told a "Jew" one time who asked me who I was, "I am who I am". He retorted "That's blasphemy-- that's
YHWH's name!!". I then simply refused his judgement and asked him, "Are you not who you are"? He laughed and was totally stumped. This should show all that the prime creator/savior lives in those who believe.
"It is a scientific fact that the Dene carry markers for Haplo Group X, Hebrew mitochondrial DNA, in their blood."
Do not be deceived. I would like to know their "Hebrew" control sample that makes Hapli Group X "Hebrew". Let me tell you, the "Jews" have been fooling many in their identity theft using THEMSELVES as the control sample which automatically disqualifies these findings. If we want a true Hebrew control sample it would be very easy to find one. All these need to do is get a DNA sample from one of the main Patriarchs of Israel's tombs but unsurprisingly, the "Jews" won't do that, for they knew, their identity fraud game will be GAME OVER, if they do.
Another outstanding article Jack. MAN, I love reading your stuff!!
We have gone over this on Veterans Today Tyron. I really don’t think any control group was ever used for Haplo Group X. Its one of those things they apparently feel that by ignoring will just go away.
DeleteHaplogroup X is particularly prevalent in the Druze, a minority population in Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It is also found in Northern Europeans who were the ancestors of the Celts. Northern Europeans can be linked directly to Egypt through the Nebra sky Disk. Additionally Haplogroup X is found in concentrations in the area of Italy that once comprised the land of the Etruscans; the progenitors of Rome. The Etruscans trace their own origins back to the Minoans who wrote in Linear A now popularly excepted by scholars to be an early form of Semitic.
As far as Baal being Balham you probably score a bingo there Tyron but can we prove it? Considering that Wolfgang Cordan was murdered and replaced by a CIA opp we have to question everything that comes out of these so called Maya scholars that are not German. That’s why my sources here are all German and this is easily the best piece that’s ever been written about the Maya in English.
As far as Cthulhu and the old ones it should be remembered that Lovecraft was a Christian and an Anglophile just like you say you are Tyron. I’m not. Maybe if you knew the whole story you wouldn’t be either. Keep reading.
DeleteYea, I don't want to necessarily rehash only stuff. Just putting it out there for others to consider since I am sure most here don't know where I am coming from. We have spoke about the Tut genetic findings, right? I get confused at times speaking with so many different people. I often loose where I am at in regard to individuals.
I wouldn't exactly call myself an anglophile. I am pro white and authentic Christianity, whether that be German, Anglo Saxon, Scandinavian, Spanish, Italian etc.I am also, anti "Jew" like Ieosus was. I can't remember the evidence now but I read where Romulus and Remus were actually physical Israelites (probably of Dan- the Celts). I will see if I can dig up some stuff on this to support the contention.
What I found interesting about the Tut genetics is that Western European peoples are anywhere from a 99.6% match to 50% (by the time you hit Italy and Germany going from the UK--eastward). This matches up perfectly with the Greek scriptural narrative concerning the tribes of Ephraim and Manassah who have ruling authority only to be usurped (just like Levi and Judah were) by the Esau fake "Jews" at the end of this age. Ephraim and Manassah are the Son's of Joseph (Imhotep in Egyptian) who's Mom was a white (from Shem) Egyptian Priestess.
As to the Celt Druids, their medalians are inscribed on the back saying "Hebrew" in old celt (Iber). Their Druid Priest outfits are 100% identical to the Levitical Priests. The tribe of Dan was the judge tribe of the tribes of israel. They controlled the Priesthood only to give way to the Levites because during the "civil war" between North and South, they refused to pick a side and were disgusted that there brothers would kill one another so they up and left, sailing to Italy, Spain and later, Ireland (Iber-land--Hebrewland).
I will keep reading with interest because you often run across certain deeply embedded truths that help me paint a more accurate world view.
Thanks for your response.
Very interesting Mr. Heart
ReplyDeleteI still suggest to get a true sample of "Hebrew" X DNA, Ireland or the Palestinians might be the best bet. Stories of Celts in the new world are legion and go way back into ancient history.
You know those gargoyles we see on the statues do look amazingly like pics of the Chupacabra we have been seeing all over the internet from Puerto Rico to Mexico.
You are probably familiar with Carlos Barrios
There are some interesting treatises on calculus stealing also from Captain Ajit, who is always entertaining and very knowledgeable.
He copied his laws of gravity from "Surya Sidhanta" the great Sanskrit astronomical work written in the Vedic age . Reproduced in another written text by Bhaskara , 1200 years before Newton it clearly explains gravity without an apple. However Vedic gravity was a push ( after observing the solar eclipse ) and NOT a pull.
I would say Newton " did a Pythagoras" who copied his theorem from the great Sanskrit mathematics text Baudhayana Sulba Sutra, published thousands of years earlier. Or probably he "did a Copernicus" who stole from Aryabhatta .
The sages who gave this planet the Vedas , Upanishads did not care to leave their names; the truths they set down were eternal, and the identity of those who arranged the words irrelevant."
Cygnus is definitely a star alignment that corresponds to the pyramids. I have always found this fascinating.
Scott Wolter, whom owes his job to me, is on the TV as I type this Mick. Now he’s saying the Aztec’s original homeland was in Americas Southwest, the four corner area. He even produced a pre Mexican War map showing it as such. They changed it right after the war ended. I said this two and a half years ago in The Cross, the Rabbi and the Skinwalker. What people are going to need to start asking themselves is how I know these things. I’m not done yet either Mick. I have the answers to all the questions you have been asking for the last twenty years. Just keep reading.
DeleteScott Wolter (a Scandinavian from Minnesota like myself) had a program I saw the other day saying that the Aztecs may have actually came from the Wisconsin area and then traveled south to form the early Aztec Empire. In a program I watched of his last night, he found a grave in the southern Arizona mountains with early Anglo-Saxon Runic writings. It turned out to be a grave stone marking the remains of a Christian Englishman in a Cave approximated to be from about 1200 AD. They were able to trace his name to a certain place in the UK where in 1200 AD his family line ended- which would make total sense. 5 minutes away from his home in England are early anglo-saxon sandstone "cliff dwellings" identical to the "native American" cliff dwelling structures throughout the SW. The question then becomes, did the english build them only to be occupied by the Indians in the area or did the English maybe teach the Indians how to construct them? Who knows? One thing is for certain, early pre colombian whites had a presence in the SW.
I don't know about any Captain Ajits, Dublinmick - but I can tell a Captain Fecking Eegit, when I read one. If I were you I'd stick to your Catholicism for redemption - don't get yer mind bogged down in all this new age nonsense. These charlatans will wear you down time and time again - they have the whole internet on which to while away the hours!!
DeleteRight, Jack? How you must hate Christianity - or more accurately, Catholicism - but it's gonna get ya in the end; as you say, there's no denying the (real) TRUTH, eh, guys???
Glad to see you have your own site. You publish that book, pdf, print, I will be happy to buy a copy. I have to pick and choose now days on which reading and study I spend my time on, always have time for yours. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI am going to publish it John; privately. Then I’m going to charge 500$ a pop for it and everyone that wants to know will find out just how I know these things and better yet why I am able to state them with impunity. I will be on Ipanema Beach drinking a Pena Colada for Karl Brugger.
DeleteYou publish it, I'll buy it. On the theme of things you were pointing out, I have a replica sword, British revolutionary war. Some people call it a dogs head sword, those few honest ones call it a monster head sword. All the symbolism which has been used was used for a reason. When I started researching my family tree it did some things for me. It introduced me to history that they do not teach you, because they do not want the masses to know. It also showed me another thing they do not want you to know, how the same group of people have been running things for thousands of years. When they tell you anyone can grow up to be president, it is unmitigated bullshit. What is coming is worse than at least 95% of the masses can imagine in their worst nightmares.
DeleteThere is the “rabble” John, the unkempt masses. When you are born to the purple it easy enough to look at them as untermensch, sub creatures, even while you are sharing their hardships with them. It is a revulsion that is instinctual and it is a trap. This is a wasteland scorched by war, sadistic intrigue in a bottomless pit of cruelty. There were no fanciful coronations, no debutants balls and no unquestioning adoration. How could there be in thousands of years of darkness? Here there are no birthrights. The only thing you are born with is the keys to that kingdom. It is you have to find the door and turn the lock. Sometimes you may even have to kick it down. The question is; are you man enough to do it? Can you pull the sword from the rock? That’s what it means to be born to the purple.
DeleteThe trap of christanity is that it gives you this all or nothing BS, that you have one shot at it, toe the line, get it right or burn in hell forever. This keeps people, (souls) from understanding the true reason they are here. They rule by fear and once you do not fear them anymore, they have lost and you have won. they can kill and eat this body, but if you own your own soul, you have won the war. The masses are not who I have utter contempt for, I wonder at their self imposed ignorance and sheepleness, but minions who have knowingly sold their souls for perverse pleasure or short termed financial gain and fame, those are the cow shit beneath my feet. I am honest enough with myself to say that in past lives I am sure I did the same. Its about wanting to learn and to turn from the evil, its about paying the price to buy back or redeem your soul. Its about excepting you are here to play a part, even if you do not understand what that part is fully at the moment, its about accepting that part and stepping up to the plate when its your turn to bat, that is why you are here. I spend my time trying to prepare myself for that part so that when my time comes, I will do the best possible job of it. There was a time when my job was to try to warn people and open their eyes, my job now is to prepare.
DeleteWell said John and I agree with all of it except for this part:
Delete“in past lives I am sure I did the same”
I doubt it, thus the rightful indignation.
Leviathan, meant to ask you about this some time back, something you said about the mothmen and the ocean. This would help explain Fukushima, the using of the sonar weapons in the oceans. Do not know if you have heard of Clift High at Halfpasthuman, in some of his predictive linguistics he has mentioned several times that soon there will be incursions of "huminoid?" sea creatures into the rivers and on land from the oceans, and that TPTB will react violently, re-militarizing some old forts facing the oceans and ports.
ReplyDeleteLeviathan is the lost word of the Free masons, the deepest darkest secret of the Qabalah known only to those who have mastered all the secrets of the Rabbin. Every thousand or so years someone comes along who understands it; the Rashba, Aleister Crowley and you John if you keep reading.
DeleteI will keep reading. It is always refreshing to see someone discuss much of these ideas. It is difficult to answer some of this in the short blocks provided by joogle blogs. I put it in blog form. The answer as to where the X DNA came from may well have already been provided by Edgar Cayce. They came from Atlantis.
These creatures are blood drinkers and hostile to man
ReplyDeleteAnd work at Goldman Sachs?
Anon 1.48, most likely you are correct!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to politely make a correction.
ReplyDeleteYou wrote:
"Cordan was the lead linguist in a huge expedition composed of some ninety archaeologists from Penn State under the direction of William D. Coe. The dig began in 1956 and finally ended in 1969."
These scholars were from THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, not Pennsylvania State University. They are two separate schools. The University of Pennsylvania is a private, Ivy League School located in Philadelphia. It was founded in 1740 by Benjamin Franklin. The Pennsylvania State University, on the other hand, is a public, state university located in State College, PA. They are well known for their football team.
Is there any way you could please make this correction?
You are correct, thank you. I´ve made the change to the University of Pennsylvania.
DeleteRE: Cygnus
ReplyDeleteFound on Nature magazine
Wet exoplanet has clear skies
The smallest exoplanet yet found to contain water is about the size of Neptune — and a rare glimpse at its atmosphere reveals clear conditions. The handful of other small planets whose atmospheres have been studied all have cloudy skies.
“It’s the smallest planet that we’ve seen anything in the atmosphere besides clouds,” says Jonathan Fraine, an astronomer at the University of Maryland in College Park. “The fact that it’s clear at all is significant.”
Fraine and his colleagues describe the atmosphere of the planet in the 25 September issue of Nature1. Known as HAT-P-11b, the body is about 38 parsecs (124 light years) away, in the Cygnus constellation.