The Blood of Christ – Hemorrhagic Fever, Expendable Humans and Bacteria Gone BeZerk, Paint It Blue…
The empire's mad scientists are in the business of killing things by poison -- They know their business
… by Jack Heart & Orage
Because of his ability to alter his environment with tools, man has proceeded under the arrogant assumption that he is the highest expression of organized matter in that environment.
It’s never even crossed his mind that he may himself be the tool of another organism. An organism in which he is coterminous, yet an organism that until recently has always managed to remain invisible…
Early in August of 1994, a strange gelatinous rain pummeled the tiny town of Oakville, Washington about forty miles west of Mount Rainier. Residents emerged from their houses after the downpour to find the gelatinous substance coating the branches of trees and laying around their yards in hailstone like clumps. Unlike hail the substance did not melt when handled but many of those who handled it became violently ill. 211
People in the area reported heavy activity at the time by unmarked black helicopters and planes. Some speculated that it was the military. The noxious biological hazard has since been dubbed with the Disneyesque moniker of Star Jelly by the media. Apparently for no other reason than it occurred during the Perseid Meteor Shower, seen all over the world every year in the wake of the Swift-Tuttle Comet.212
In the aftermath of the illnesses, some requiring hospitalization, the Washington State Department of Health assigned state microbiologist Mike McDowell to analyze the mysterious jelly. He found it positive for Pseudomonas fluorescens and Enterobacter cloacae, 213 both like Serratia marcescens, are from a genus of extremely vigorous bacteria and opportunistic pathogens.
McDowell became convinced that the substance was a “matrix.” In microbiology a matrix is “any kind of carrier in which other substances are imbedded. They occur naturally like the protective jelly found around amphibian eggs but they can also be manmade.” 214 According to McDowell they can be used to carry “nerve agents, organisms, chemicals” and “viruses…”215
McDowell’s investigation was abruptly terminated when he came to work one day and found all his samples of the substance missing. When he asked management what happened to them he says he was told not to ask again. To this day McDowell is adamant that the “material” he examined was “manufactured by someone for some purpose and for some reason Oakville was chosen as a test site.” 216
E. cloacae is used in a bioreactor-based method for the biodegradation of RDX, 217 an acronym for Research Department X-plosive. RDX is one of the most powerful of the conventional high explosives and has been in use since WW II. It is literally the ‘Old Bessey’ of military and industrial applications requiring an explosion. A bioreactor is a manufactured or engineered device or system that supports a biologically active environment.
Pseudomonas fluorescens besides being used in soils to promote plant growth and the biodegradation of pesticides can also be genetically engineered to degrade 2, 4-Dinitrotoluene (DNT). DNT is the precursor of TNT.218
Pseudomonas is a Gram-negative non- sporulating genus that also includes Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The genus is suspected of being the most common precursor of ice crystals in clouds and a primary cause of both snow and rain.
Both P aeruginosa and P fluorescens secrete pyoverdine; a fluorescent yellow-green siderophore, as do most species in the genus. In fact P fluorescens is named for it. Siderophores are among the strongest soluble iron binding agents known to man.
P aeruginosa and P fluorescens also share a fondness for dining on crude oil. The biodegradation of petroleum and hydrocarbon pollutants by microorganisms, called bioremediation, is one of the primary and most cost effective ways of removing them from the environment. P aeruginosa and P fluorescens utilize hydrocarbons as a nutrient by means of rhamnolipids. 219
Rhamnolipids are a specialty of P aeruginosa. They are an extracellular secretion that acts as a surfactant; a compound that lowers the surface tension between two liquids or between a liquid and a solid. Besides being a favorite biosurfactant of the oil industry rhamnolipids are heavily used in cosmetics and are also effective in the bioremediation of heavy metal.
Compared to chemically synthesized surfactants, the expenditure in producing rhamnolipids has not always been cost effective but recently strains of P aeruginosa have been isolated that can “produce a very high yield of 12 grams per liter, from initial production levels of 20 milligrams per liter.” The strain called NY3 was expected to come into play in cleaning up the Gulf Coast oil spill… 220
The genus Pseudomonas was named at the turn of the twentieth century by Polish born German bacteriologist Walter Migula. In Greek, the language of bacteriological nomenclature, pseudes (ψευδής) means ‘false” and monas (μονάς/μονάδος) means “a single unit.” Until this day, no one knows why the German chose to call the bacteria a false unit.
P aeruginosa is the most common cause of infections in burn injuries and the most frequent colonizer of medical devices in hospitals. As an opportunistic pathogen it is often deadly to humans if it gets into the vital organs. It is found happily colonizing diesel and jet fuel tanks where it creates dark gelatinous mats improperly called algae. But there can be only one microscopic master of the universe.
Serratia marcescens is just getting started with prodigiosin. In laboratory experiments pitting it against its closest rival in a nutritionally limited environment S marcescens “dramatically overcame the vigorous P. aeruginosa.”221
It apparently did so by hijacking the biological functions P. aeruginosa uses to sustain its own biofilm with a secretion called bacteriocin. A biofilm is the extra cellular matrix that is the product of a microorganism’s secretions. It’s a self-serving and self-contained environment. Some people would call it slime.
When cultured by itself in the experiment’s phosphate-limited medium, the numbers of S marcescens decreased as would be expected. However, the mortality rate of the S marcescens was drastically reduced “when it was co-cultured with P. aeruginosa”222 in the same phosphate-limited medium. In fact the P aeruginosa “appeared to sustain the S. marcescens WW4 biofilm.”223
S marcescens never ending repertoire of secretions also includes a delightful little enzyme called metalloprotease which it produces “in great abundance and high specific activity.” 224 Metalloproteases aid in the hydrolysis of peptide bonds leading to protein degradation. Their catalytic mechanisms almost always involve a metal and are dependent on metal ions as cofactors, usually Zinc, sometimes Cobalt.
Metalloproteases are believed to function in cell-to-extracellular matrix interactions. The two closely related families; matrix metalloproteases (MMPs) and metalloprotease-disintegrins (ADAMs) are now thought to be crucial determinants in tumor growth. In fact many microbiologists are now convinced that “If MMPs promote cancer development, then their inhibitors should prevent it.”225
A Cure for Cancer?
The next entry in the doomed Reichsgeschäftsführer Wolfram Sievers’ diary, right after the ones made for April of forty-four that Dr. Kurt Blome had been experimenting with neutron radiation, humans and bacterial pathogens, said one of Blome’s research crews had found a cure for cancer. The word Sievers used, or at least the English translation of it, is “supposedly” from a plant extract…226
Blome, who had a war to fight, need not have went through all the trouble of isolating MMP’s and ADAM’s to find the best chelating compound to inhibit them. Chelating compounds remove metal by binding its ions. Ethylenediaminetetraacetate, better known as EDTA for obvious reasons and now the chelating compound of choice among microbiologists, had already been discovered almost a decade before WW II.
Praeterhuman genius and personal confidant to both Hitler and Göring; Baron Manfred von Ardenne had actually invented the scanning electron microscope, one of the two tools that would revolutionize microbiology, all the way back in 1937.
In fact by 1933, when the National Socialists took power in Germany, German physicist and eventual Nobel Prize winner Ernst Ruska had already produced the working model of the electron microscope that all others would be based on to this very day. Ruska’s electron microscope is the other tool that revolutionized microbiology. By 1937 the Germans had tasked Ernst’s brother; Helmut Ruska, to develop applications with biological specimens for the new invention.227
German prowess in nuclear physics is well documented in Black Sun Rising part 4. As the Plenipotentiary for Cancer Research in the Third Reich Blome had unlimited use of the same assets, or at least the basic versions of them, available to microbiologists today. He also had the additional perk of being institutionally sanctioned to experiment on humans…
Blome very well may have found a cure for cancer. In his quest to mutate S. marcescens using neutron radiation he may have stumbled across the variant; S. marcescens ost3 which produces a Prodigiosin that is toxic to tumors. In laboratory tests the Prodigiosin of S. marcescens ost3 has shown a fondness for dining on cancer cells and only cancer cells.228
Most insidiously Serratia marcescens secretes an extracellular endonuclease of extraordinarily high specific activity. Called a restriction enzyme this nuclease is routinely used for DNA modification in laboratories and is a vital tool in molecular cloning. Restriction enzymes are characteristic of bacteria and their cousins, once called archaebacteria, now called archaea.
The enzyme produced by S. marcescens, called SmaI, is a sugar nonspecific hydrolase capable of cleaving both RNA and DNA in either double or single stranded form. It requires divalent cations, preferably magnesium (Mg2) and as long as the Mg2 to DNA ratio for maximum activity is maintained and the nucleic acid substrate contains no fewer than five phosphate residues, SmaI will cleave both single or double stranded DNA and RNA at similarly accelerated rates.
Indeed S. marcescens ravenous rates of hydrolyzing nucleic acids, the biological material that composes DNA and RNA, have led to SmaI’s deployment as a suicide gene by certain nefarious bacteriologists that would murder the world and call it a job. After a set period in time the gene will not only automatically obliterate the weaponized bacteria it’s been inserted in it will also destroy any recombinant DNA plasmids as well.
Throughout the nineties and into the twenty-first century it was demonstrated in laboratories throughout the west that the genus of Serratia is capable of slow growth using only DNA as its carbon source. Some of the more novel uses for the Serratia nuclease were and still are being explored in the former Soviet Union.229 Recently the SmaI enzyme was shown to be able to bind to a hybrid form of DNA called B-Z DNA.
In a Russian experiment SmaI, along with its metal cations, bound to the hybrid B-Z DNA substrate concocted by the Russian scientistsand ceased virtually all enzymatic activity, as if it were displaying a natural affinity for the Frankensteinian genetic material. In the experiments premise the scientists acknowledge that SmaI is a prolific killer of both DNA and RNA but they also note it displays “sensitivity to the secondary structure of the substrate.”
Z-DNA was first observed in the late seventies, Z RNA was observed a few years later. The Z is descriptive of the molecule’s zigzag appearance on its backbone that looks so different from the smooth continuous coil seen in the far more often occurring B-DNA. 231
When the base pairs of B-DNA are flipped upside down it results in the reorganization of its structure to a left handed spin. B-DNA and A-DNA, which is similar to B DNA but less often occurring, both have a right handed spin. The result of this reorganization is that the phosphate groups are closer together in Z-DNA producing a higher state of energy…232
Z-DNA has been difficult for microbiologists to study because it’s not a stable feature of the double helix. It’s a transient structure that is occasionally induced by biological activity. It is believed to be involved with transcription; the first step of gene expression when a particular segment of DNA is copied into RNA which then helps synthesize, regulate, and process proteins, playing a fundamental role in the cells biological functions.233
It has been found that three regions near the promoters of the c-Myc gene form Z-DNA when c-Myc is expressed. These regions, however, quickly revert to B-DNA if C-Myc transcription is switched off. The protein encoded by the c-Myc gene is a multifunctional nuclear phosphoprotein that plays a role in cell cycle progression, also called cell-division cycle. It also plays roles in apoptosis or programmed cell death and cellular transformation.
Cellular transformation is the direct uptake and incorporation by the cell, right through its cell membrane, of exogenous genetic material from its surroundings.234 True cellular transformation only occurs naturally in bacteria…
When DNA Makes Mistakes
Cancer researchers working out of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridge, England recently identified two mutant genes that are present in almost every cell of the human body. The rate of these genes mutation is believed to function as a built in biological “death clock.”At least one of them, called a “mitotic clock” by the researchers, is the result of a DNA mutation that takes place in the cell division cycle.235
Mike Stratton, Director of the Institute, theorizes that alterations in the mutational rate of the genes could change the rate at which cancer occurs. He adds that “these two processes could contribute to ageing and their presence at a constant rate could predetermine the rate of ageing.”236
Less is known about the other process. Initial speculation is that it may be linked to mutation that occurs through DNA repair. DNA is damaged over time. It has to be repaired at the molecular level through the replication of small sections a little at a time. During these endless repairs mutations occur. Stratton notes “the machinery that replicates DNA occasionally makes mistakes.” 237
By 1989, it was known that S. marcescens produces a DNA glycosylase gene that repairs these mutations in its own DNA. Uniquely, in experiments with E coli, a different species, it repaired the mutated DNA of the E coli.238
DNA glycosylases are a family of enzymes that repair damaged DNA throughout the cell cycle. They are found in all the taxonomic kingdoms but were first discovered in bacteria. Uracil-DNA glycosylase, now known to be the human version of the gene, was first isolated in E coli...
In his role in Star Trek as the Rand Corporation’s newspaper boy, it may well have been the specter of S. marcescens that inspired Gene Roddenberry to write about the Borg; a hybrid race of man and machine that challenges man as the dominant expression of humanity itself.
Not only is S. marcescens requirements for Zinc insatiable but so is its need for iron. It also includes the HasA protein in its never ending repertoire of secretions. HasA is a relentless extracellular scavenger of iron. Hemolysin, also an extracellular secretion of S. marcescens, breaks down red blood cell walls and is thought to allow for the release of iron sequestered in the blood cells.239
Apparently the future belongs to a bacterium that is man, machine and vampire…
The first nanomechanical devices were based on the transition of B-DNA to Z-DNA with the addition of Hexamminecobalt. Magnesium and Hexamminecobalt were the cations used by Filimonova in the Russian nuclease experiments.240
Almost a decade ago using S. marcescens as a “swimming robot,” only a few hundred’s of a millimeter in size, was being proposed in America’s top research laboratories. Speculation was made about the part machine part bacteria “microrobots” potential to “enable hardware platforms for self-organization, swarm intelligence, distributed control, and reconfigurable systems in the future.”241
By the end of 2010 PhD dissertations were turning up at the University of Pennsylvania about how to control the S. marcescens in a “fluidic environment.” 242 Fluidic environment should probably be taken as a euphemism for the human bloodstream.
The Association of American Universities (AAU) consists of sixty American and two Canadian universities. It is considered by many in the academic world to be to be the most elite organization in higher learning. The University of Pennsylvania is one of fourteen founding members, as is Yale University where José Delgado had his fellowship and Harvard University attended by George W. Merck. The University of Wisconsin, where the empire’s bacteriological warfare program began, was attended by both Frank Olson and Ira Baldwin. The AAU was founded in 1900.
Northwestern University, the alma mater Henry Puharich, joined in 1917. Duke University, which played host to the pioneering work of Joseph Banks Rhine the intellectual predecessor of Puharich, joined in 1938. The California Institute of Technology, attended by Sidney Gottlieb, became a member in 1934 the same year it formed the Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT) under Theodore von Kármán, heir to Qabalism’s dark legacy of the golem.
The Golem
Alarmed by the ascendancy of Rudolf II to Holy Roman Emperor in the latter quarter of the sixteenth century, Judah Loew ben Bezalel the Maharal of Prague had taken precautions. The Maharal, a master Qabalist without peer until Aleister Crowley would walk the earth three centuries later, fashioned a living being from a special kind of clay he found on the on banks of the Vltava River.
The rabbi was acting on instructions that he had extracted from the Sepher Yetsirah; Qabalism’s oldest and most potent magical text. Ostensibly the being, called a Golem in Hebrew, was created to protect the Jewish community of Prague from Christian pogroms. But the golem, endowed with supernatural powers and able to summon up the dead, bestowed great power on its creator. It’s said the Maharal had to deactivate his evil creation because even he feared it.
The inert golem had been kept in the attic of The Old New Synagogue or Altneuschul, in Prague till the dawn of the twentieth century. For two hundred years it was the silent sentinel that promised the always troublesome Germanic Christians mutually-assured destruction. Many educated and respected people both Jewish and Christian professed to having seen it up there, but no one knows what happened to it after the attic was renovated in 1883.
There is much mythology in literature blending the missing golem seamlessly with National Socialism’s insatiable appetite for occult quests.
Perhaps coincidentally Kármán, heir to the Maharal of Prague’s bloodline, would go on to found Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) with Jack Parsons’s heir to Aleister Crowley’s Magick. Eventually JPL would give rise to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration or NASA…
Nucleases, such as those secreted by S. marcescens, have opened the doorway to the cybernetic mutation of the human race. The ‘Brave New World’ of Aldous Huxley is not open to interpretation by would be philosophers and dime store pundits. It never was. It has been engineered through the images of scanning electron microscopes…
Both Zinc-Finger Nucleases and Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nucleases (TALENs) give microbiologists the tools they need to bind and cleave DNA at specific desired positions. The genetic blueprint can be redrawn, tweaked in just the right the places and the new man will create himself through microstructural evolution…
Recently TALENs were used to engineer gene-editing T cells. The benevolently mutated T cells of cancer patients no longer have to be matched to their own donors, which is the current method. This is infective due to the inherent shortage of healthy T Cells in the patients. 243
In the near future cancer killing T Cells may be mass produced in laboratories and prescribed as randomly as painkillers by physicians. In London, within weeks of their administration, a single 1ml infusion of these one size fits all cancer killing T cells to a critically ill one-year-old girl appears to have completely cured her of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 244
The “Marburg Strain of Bacillus subtilis” has been known to produce its own restrictive enzyme at least since 1963. By 1966 experiments were being run with it on the DNA of E coli... 245
Now called BglII the Bacillus secretion is a type II restrictive enzyme. The SmaI secreted by S. marcescens is type I. Both require magnesium for activation but type II’s don’t require Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is used in cells as a coenzyme and is usually vital in processes of intracellular energy transfer.
Early in 1947, working out of Yale, iconic botanist and microbiologist Paul R. Burkholder, assisted by Norman H. Giles, Jr subjected “single colony isolations of the Marburg strain of Bacillus subtilis” to ionizing radiation. The American scientists were inducing mutagenesis with X-rays and Ultra-Violet light.246 Neutron radiation is the byproduct of nuclear fission and fusion. Only Dr. Kurt Blome had ever used it on bacteria.
That same year Blome would be acquitted of all charges in the Nuremberg Doctors’ trial.
The experiments at Yale yielded strain 168, which would become the preferred strain of B subtilis used by most academics and in many industrial processes till this day. When the Yale experiments ended strain 168 along with at least four other mutant strains were preserved and transferred to the possession of Dr. Charles Yanofsky of Stanford University. Stanford is another of the fourteen founding members of the AAU.
The strains would not appear in public again till 1958 when Yanofsky handed them over to Dr. John Spizizen 247 working out of the Western Reserve University School of Medicine in Ohio. Founded all the way back in 1826 Western Reserve was well known for its development of the modern technique for human blood transfusion...
In 1967, after merging with the Case Institute of Technology, Western Reserve became known as Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine (SWRU). SWRU became a member of the AAU in 1969. In 1887 the famed Michelson-Morley experiment that supposedly refuted the existence of the aether and launched the special theory of relativity actually took place in the basement of the campus dormitory of Case.
Spizizen would run experiments with Yanofsky’s “stimulus” and “advice.” They were financed by the AEC under the Division of Biology and Medicine. The experiments demonstrated cellular transformation in sporulating strains of the mutated B subtilis. That same year, 1958, Spizizen published a landmark paper proving bacteria other than Streptococcus pneumoniae, the primary cause of pneumonia and known to engage in cellular transformation since 1928, could absorb and assimilate enzymes through their cell wall.248
Because of the ease with which strain 168 was transformed back to its original state before being mutated at Yale, it became the subject of endless follow up experiments. Eventually academia’s love affair with strain 168 would develop into “classical genetic methods.” The fetish for its sporulation would later lead to “recombinant and genomic technologies.”249
Ergonomically curious, Spizizens follow up work, over two years later, would be on strain 168 in what he called a “vegetative stage of growth” which he said was far easier to work with than the germinating spores that “require complex factors.”250
There is a discrepancy as to what a Marburg strain is. When compared to the original “wild” Marburg strain, deposited in the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) in 1930, Burkholder and Giles Marburg strain had undergone at least two undocumented domestication processes before the published Yale experiments even began in forty-seven. Consequently strain 168 and every other strain from the Yale experiments on are of unknown genetic origins.
In a fortuitous coincidence for those who love a mystery, Yale has lost almost the entire “B. subtilis collection, including the wild-type parent” 251 that Burkholder and Giles were working with.
Assassinating Scientists?

Frank Olson, fell to his death in 1953, after he had been working on the US Bioweapons Program… only the Good die young
Because of the incredibly reckless destruction of records at Fort Detrick and the failure of its senior bacteriologist Frank Olsen to achieve flight over New York City, exactly how the military arrived at its ‘red strain,’ alias B. atrophaeus, B. globigii or B. subtilis var. niger, will forever remain a mystery.
“On average, the genome of B. atrophaeus is approximately 86% identical to B. subtilis on the nucleotide level.”252 Nucleotides are the basic building blocks of both RNA and DNA. It doesn’t get much closer than that without being the same species.
Sometime in the early sixties, Dr. Curtis Thorne started handing out a new strain of B subtilis called W-23-Sr. It was described by its recipients as “a prototrophic derivative of the threonine-requiring strain 23 (Spizizen, 1958) [that] is streptomycin resistant.”253
Prototrophic simply means Thorne’s specimens were nutritionally independent and not auxotrophs like the Yale strains. Streptomycin is the most important antibiotic on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) List of Essential Medicines. The recipients of this shiny new “streptomycin-resistant mutant” were bacteriologists working out of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). UCLA became a member of the AAU in 1974.
Thorne had received his specimens from Dr Maurice Fox of Rockefeller University...254. At the time Fox was considered the foremost expert in the world on transformation. He would go on to become Professor Emeritus of Biology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he would chair the Radiation Protection Committee. MIT has been a member of the AAU since 1934.
In 1961, Thorne was working out of Fort Detrick isolating transducing phages for B. subtilis in order to facilitate transduction. A phage, also known as a bacteriophage, is a virus that infects bacteria.
A bacteriophage can act as a biological envelope to deliver genetic material to the bacteria it infects. This is called transduction and is yet one more way in which bacteria incorporate alien DNA.
Since it doesn’t require physical contact between the cell donating the DNA and the cell receiving it and is resistant to deoxyribonuclease, which sometimes interferes with transformation, transduction is now the preferred tool for stably implanting a foreign gene into a host cell’s genome.
Transduction occurs in either a lytic cycle or lysogenic cycle. Cell lysis which occurs in the lytic cycle breaks down the cell membrane and releases the phage particles upon culmination. In the lysogenic cycle the phage chromosome is integrated into the bacterial chromosome where it can remain dormant for thousands of generations.
Thorne successfully induced the latter stage. He smugly notes in the experiments abstract that even after heating at 149 degrees for one hour the “spores retained their lysogenic condition” and were able to infect a medium they were added to with the bacteriophage.255
The following year, 1962, would find Thorne along with Dr. Martha J. Taylor and an arcane Francis A Beall from the Army Chemical Corps over at Fort Detrick impersonating scientists as they giddily distilled the toxin of Bacillus anthracis to more efficiently kill rats. 256
Beall didn’t write anymore papers but the ever eclectic Thorne and his coed sidekick Taylor ran experiments at Fort Detrick in sixty-three unsuccessfully attempting to transduce Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis. Undaunted they remark in their paper that their failure to achieve cross transduction is not surprising since “the two species differ with respect to the base composition of their deoxyribonucleic acid.” 257
At this point, it’s absurd to believe the CIA was interested in anything other than weaponizing B subtilis and putting an indestructible time released doomsday machine into the hands of an empire gone mad. The endospores of B subtilis can carry anything from the instructions to become an antibiotic resistant B anthracis-B subtilis hybrid to a mutation with the punch of Yersinia pestis or Legionella pneumophila; the bacteria that causes Legionaires’ Disease.
Mad Scientists and Dragon Soldiers
The empire’s mad scientists and its dragon soldiers are in the business of killing things by poison. They are the latter-day apostles of Lucrezia Borgia. They know their business and they know their religion. If you are looking to kill your enemy’s livestock anthrax is not the most efficient bacteria for doing so.
According to Wikipedia, during the first half of the 20th century, Mycobacterium bovis was estimated to have killed more farm animals than all other infectious diseases combined. Its kissing cousin Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes tuberculosis, is no less lethal to humans.
In active cases that go untreated, M tuberculosis kills over 50% of its victims. If it gets into the extrapulmonary organs, such as the liver, spleen and kidneys it becomes Miliary tuberculosis which left untreated is almost always fatal. Even with the best modern medical treatment about 30% of those afflicted will die. Those that don’t will wish they did and be maimed for life.
Miliary tuberculosis has previously been commonly called galloping consumption. It allegedly derives its now commonly used name from the tiny lesions it leaves in the lungs that resemble millet seeds when viewed in a chest radiograph. Its resemblance to numerous millet seeds on the organs it afflicts had been noted as early as 1700 by John Jacob Manget, but the name never really caught on until recently. Perhaps coincidentally red strain, alias B. atrophaeus, B. globigii or B. subtilis var. niger is often simply referred to in the literature as “Military” BG.258
It’s estimated that one third of the world’s population is already infected with M tuberculosis and another 1% are infected every year. Although most of those infections are latent, it still manages to kill close to a million and half people a year. The vast majority of those it kills are people of color. The existing data predicts that about 80% of the population in many Asian and African countries will test positive, while only five to ten percent of Americans do.
Viral Hemorrhagic Fever is the ominous scientific sounding name the empire has tagged its latest plague du jour with. The disease first appeared in the area of Frankfurt Germany in 1967 where it killed seven of thirty one people infected. It was just a year after the empire realized their pet bacterium was producing an endonuclease that would potentially allow them to splice DNA and adjust the mechanism that drives evolution in living organisms.259
The deadly fever would be dubbed the Marburg virus and a story would be released to the press about a batch of infected monkeys from Africa delivered to a lab in Marburg Germany.
Camp King is just a “short drive”260 from Frankfurt, eleven miles. Olson had been making that drive with diplomatic pouches. Undoubtedly those pouches were laden with new and deadly strains of bacteria freshly brewed from laboratories in the world’s most inscrutable places. There is no reason whatsoever to believe Olsen’s successor was not doing the same thing fifteen years later at the height of the cold war. There is every reason to believe they were.
Camp King would close its doors for good in 1968. It would change both its job description along with its title to the command and control center for the United States Army Movements Control Agency – Europe.
In the summer of 1976 Dr. Peter Piot, a 27-year-old scientist and medical school graduate training as a clinical microbiologist, along with others at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp, Belgium examined the contents of a bloody cooler they had received from a Mission in Yambuku, Zaire. The remote African village was in the grip of an unnamed epidemic that would eventually kill 280 of the 310 people it infected. It had fallen on the Institute of Tropical Medicine to give it a name…
Peering through their electron microscope, they observed a “gigantic worm like structure – gigantic by viral standards,” Piot continues with his account: “It’s a very unusual shape for a virus, only one other virus looked like that and that was the Marburg virus.” Piot is a Baron now and the Director of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He is best known “for his work on theorizing the ‘viruses’ behind Ebola and AIDS.” The preeminent Piots theories would for a long time lead to the erroneous assumption by researchers that “HTLV-1had a role in AIDS.” 261
A few weeks later Piot, along with a posse of his colleagues, would dramatically plunge into the jungle playing a role later made famous by Dustin Hoffman in the Hollywood movie Outbreak. It was nothing like the movie. Instead of a thermonuclear device, the “Outbreak” in Zaire was halted by simply stopping the priest and nuns, cowering isolated in a guest house on the Mission grounds when the scientists got there, from their at best homicidally incompetent medical practices. The nuns had been dispensing dirty needles for the injection of vitamins every morning to the native woman attending the mission’s antenatal clinic...
In a preview of things to come while on the expedition Piot and his colleagues would wrongly name their ‘virus’ after the Ebola River sixty miles away and nowhere near the epicenter of the outbreak. Piot claims they did not want to stigmatize Yambuku but taking the theatrical value into consideration Ebola is to Yambuku what Bob Dylan is to Robert Zimmerman. In his recollections Piot muses about the theatrically fortuitous deliberate mistake: “But Ebola is a nice name, isn’t it?” 263
Later it was realized that the initial outbreak had been in Nzara, South Sudan a couple of months earlier where it had killed 151 of 284 infected. The myth of the dreaded ‘Ebola virus’ was born and would henceforth dominate mainstream medicine going on to a long career in Hollywood and sprawled across the headlines of fear mongering tabloids.
But the far more awful truth is between February and October of 2014, during the latest “epidemic,” Ebola killed over four thousand people in Africa. During that same time period Malaria killed three hundred thousand and Mycobacterium tuberculosis killed over six hundred thousand... 264
Incomprehensibly, M tuberculosis never seems to have been considered by the Institute of Tropical Medicines lead doctor Stefaan Pattyn. He never took “the time to use special stains and cultures to detect its viral-like cell-wall-deficient forms.”265
The ‘oversight’ is made even more inexplicable by the fact that Pattyn found the telltale microscopic legions of Miliary tuberculosis on an autopsied nun’s liver.266
Hemorrhaging of internal organs and bleeding out through the eyes, ears and bowels are a few of the many ways blood-born tuberculosis kills, sometimes in hours. Its symptoms and its mortality rates are virtually identical to Ebola. In fact according to the New England Journal of Medicine in the current Ebola outbreak “less than half” of the people infected were having visible hemorrhaging. 267
Pattyn was supposed to be an expert in bacteriology. Piot remembers him as having “worked in Zaire for six or seven years” with his specialty being “mycobacteria—tuberculosis and leprosy.” Piot also recollects him as “a bit of a bully” and ruminates “I recall him telling us that this had to be that strange and lethal phenomenon: a hemorrhagic fever.”268
Piot was a virologist by training. He was also young but it strains the credulity that Pattyn did not know M tuberculosis “becomes filamentous once inside a macrophage.” Macrophages are large specialized white blood cells that usually engulf and destroy potential pathogens that invade the body. In the case of M tuberculosis after engulfing it the macrophage is unable to bring its chemical weapons to bear on the specially adapted bacteria.
The mycobacterium then multiplies unchecked encased within the macrophage and producing highly infectious “Cell-Wall-Deficient Forms” and “Worm-like lethal tubercular cords.” Under an electron microscope they are slightly larger but otherwise indistinguishable from the Ebola virus, the Marburg virus or any of the other filamentous infectious ‘viral particles’ from which the Filoviruses take their name. 269
Cell wall-deficient bacteria are called L-form bacteria. As the name implies they have no cell wall. They are commonly generated in laboratories from many bacterial species such as B subtilis or E coli. They were first isolated in 1935 by Emmy Klieneberger-Nobel a Jewish-German microbiologist who fled Germany right about the same time as Theodore von Kármán. Emmy got her fellowship in 1934 from the American Association of University Women (AAUW) after being dismissed from her position in Germany…
When Lassa fever, the hemorrhagic virus that would have accounted for the microscopic lesions on the dead nun’s liver, was ruled out “Dr. Pattyn steered the research toward identifying a new one.”270
Finally WHO would intervene, instructing “the Belgians to immediately send the samples in tightly sealed containers to Porton Down”271 In turn Porton Down would send the samples to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta “because it was the world’s reference laboratory for hemorrhagic viruses.”272
Predictably the CDC would confirm the disease as a hemorrhagic virus. Till this very day the CDC warns health care workers attempting to diagnose early symptoms of a hemorrhagic fever that the symptoms are “nonspecific to Ebola infection and often are seen in patients with more common diseases, such as malaria and typhoid fever.” 273
Absurd is not nearly a strong enough word that the CDC doesn’t mention M tuberculosis a disease with identical symptoms and acknowledged by practically every competent medical professional in the world as being endemic in Africa and by far its number one killer.
The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) makes the same omission. In the “2.0 version” of their instruction booklet on testing for Ebola Zaire, “manufactured” for them by the Naval Medical Research Center, Mycobacterium are conspicuously absent from the entire conversation. The booklet marked in red as “For Use Under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) Only,” contains a three page list labeled Table 51. All of the bacterial pathogens listed in Table 51 were tested to assure they weren’t cross reacting and giving false positive readings in the Ebola tests being recommended. The DoD haughtily assures its savants: “No cross-reactivity was observed with any of the bacteria tested.” 274
Mycobacterium are not on the DoD’s list in spite of the facts given here and the additional caveat that Mycobacterium are known to cross react and give false positive readings in tests for the HIV virus “in almost 70% of cases.”275
Mycoplasma pneumoniae does show up on Table 51. M pneumoniae is the bacterial pathogen that causes walking pneumonia. Mycoplasma has been linked to Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), as a cofactor to AIDS pathogenesis and sundry unexplained and complex illnesses such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Crohn’s disease, and various arthritic conditions. 276
Prolonged infection with Mycoplasma causes chromosomal abnormalities in cells; including chromosomal translocation, loss of entire chromosomes, partial loss of chromosomes and additional chromosomes. 277 Chromosomal translocation is a mutation caused by the rearrangement of parts between completely different or ‘nonhomologous’ chromosomes. Gene fusion resulting in a hybrid gene can occur when translocation joins two nonhomologous genes.
Additional chromosomes and chromosomal translocation foster abnormally high activity in certain proto-oncogenes. The HRAS gene, crucial in regulating cell division, is involved along with the very same c–Myc gene that seems to catalyze the transformation of B-DNA to Z-DNA. The c-Myc gene also plays a role in cell division; as well as apoptosis and transformation. The increased genetic expressions and mutations risk creating oncogenes which are genes that have the potential to produce cancer.278
Mycoplasmas “represent the smallest self-replicating life forms.”279 Viruses replicate only inside the living cells of other organisms. Virions, the name given to viruses that exist in the form of independent particles, are unable to reproduce without their host and are not considered a life form. Plasmids, free floating pieces of DNA which can move between cells and self-replicate, are also not considered a life form. They are not to be confused Transposons or Jumping Genes which are not a life form either but a DNA sequence that can move from one location to another on a chromosome.
The Greek prefix myco simply means fungus. Mycobacteria are so named because they have been observed to grow in a mold-like fashion. They are gram positive and their cell wall is thicker than most other bacterium, water repellant and waxy because it is rich in mycolic acids. It is the cell wall of Mycobacterium, specially adapted to infect its host, which makes Mycobacteria so resistant to antibacterial treatment, which for the most part are reliant on attacking bacteria through the cell wall.
Mycolic acids are so named because of their filamentous appearance under high magnification…
Oddly enough Mycobacteria and Bacillus both share Pseudomonas appetite for crude oil and toxic waste. All of them can be found thriving in the soils around the dilapidated factories that mutilate the third world’s ecology.280
Although analysis of the genomes indicates Mycoplasma developed from Gram-positive bacteria it is gram negative and in fact has no cell wall at all. As a result it is practically impervious to antibacterial treatment. Because of its tiny size it is a notorious contaminant of cultures in research laboratories around the world.
Mycoplasma, particularly Mycoplasma fermentans, is routinely found in the blood of Gulf War veterans suffering from GWS and there is strong medical evidence to indicate some of the multiple vaccines they received before deployment, particularly the ‘anthrax’ vaccine, was infected with it. 281
There is a senate study showing that GWS “has spread to family members, and it is likely that it has also spread in the workplace.”282 That is an indication that it is being spread by a microorganism.
There is evidence of “systemic mycoplasmal infections in the blood of Gulf War veterans and civilians with ALS [Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis /Lou Gehrig’s Disease].”283
The Veteran Administration’s own studies show “there is an increased risk of ALS in Gulf War veterans.”284 Yet knowing all this, over a decade after the Gulf War, the DoD and the Department of Veterans Affairs was still actively promoting the medically untenable theory that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder was a major factor in GWS.285
During the nineties, in response to assertions from the medical community that bacterial infection may be the cause of GWS, “the DoD stated in letters to various members of Congress and to the press that M. fermentans infections are commonly found, not dangerous and not even a human pathogen.”286 Mystifying statements to say the least in light of a patent the army was holding at the time for “Mycoplasma Fermentans Incognitus.”287
The “incognitus strain” is described in the patent application as a “novel pathogenic mycoplasma isolated from patients with Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).”288 The intention of patenting it was to use it in “detecting antibodies in sera of patients with AIDS”289 with an eye towards creating a vaccine to “be used to protect animals, including humans, against infection by M. fermentans incognitus or other mycoplasmas.”290
The army was all too aware of the bacteria’s deadly pathogenic capabilities. In their experiments its “introduction” into “nude mice” and “immunocompetent mice” produced “symptoms such as B-cell tumor, spindle cell tumor or immunodeficiency.”291
The patent states that the new pet’s discovery was “made in the course of work under a grant or award from the United States Department of the Army.”292 The date for its application is given as June 6, 1991. It was issued September 7, 1993. It is the continuation a patent filed Nov. 2, 1988 and “abandoned” which in turn is a “continuation-in-part” of a patent filed Jun. 18, 1986 and abandoned… 293
Mycoplasma was a name given to certain filamentous microorganisms that were thought back in 1929 to have both cellular and acellular stages in their lifecycles. This would account for how they could be seen with a microscope but were able to pass through filters that were impermeable to bacteria.
Serratia, Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Mycobacterium are bacteria; they can be cultured in a lab or occur on their own in nature. They can be observed under a microscope and filtered out of a solution. The ability to pass through the bacteria filters of legendary microbiologist Louis Pasteur’s generation is the common denominator for viruses and mycoplasma.
Things were cultured back then, but nobody really knew what they were culturing until Ernst Ruska got his electron microscope up and running in the early thirties. The first images of viruses and the isolation of L-form bacteria would immediately follow…
The virus is the most abundant biological entity on earth. A teaspoon of seawater contains about one million of them, mostly bacteriophages. Their destruction of water born bacteria is the driving mechanism behind the recycling of carbon in marine environments.
Microorganisms themselves constitute about 90% of the oceans biomass. It’s estimated that viruses kill approximately 20% of this biomass each day and that there are 15 times more viruses in the oceans as there are both bacteria and archaea combined. It is bacteriophages which normally hold in check the Harmful Algal Blooms that are ravaging waterways all over the world.
There is no Tree of Life in biology. There is a Web of Life. Everything is interconnected.
Each facet of life is woven together with the other facets in a tapestry that is strong enough to sustain itself. As Timothy Leary should have noted and Santana did “Everybody’s Everything.”
Nowhere is this better demonstrated than in the case of microscopic animals called Water Bears or Tardigrades. 17.5% of their genes come from completely different organisms and taxonomic kingdoms. In order to better cope with environmental stress, through horizontal gene transfer, they have incorporated the DNA of “1,300 bacterial species, 40 archaea, 91 species of fungus, 45 plant species and six viruses.”
Horizontal gene transfer is the transference of genes between organisms by means other than asexual and sexual reproduction. Asexual and sexual reproduction is called vertical gene transference. Both are instruments in the orchestra that plays the symphony of life. Ironic that Adolph Hitler seems to have been the only one recently in power that understood the consequences of fiddling around with the tuning.
The means by which dragon soldiers wage war is not new. It was not new even seventy or a hundred years ago. Dragon soldiers take their name from the green dragon of alchemy. The methods used to produce cellular transformation and transduction to mutate and hybridize bacteria in today’s modern laboratories could just as easily have been employed by fourteenth century alchemists to do the same thing...
Yersinia pestis could not have moved as quickly and efficiently as it did during outbreaks of the plague unless it had a far better vector than the fleas from rats that are proposed by main stream science. The image of death as a hooded black figure wielding a scythe is taken directly from sightings of these mysterious figures in the fields before outbreaks of the black plague. A German account says “they cut at the oats, so that the swish could be heard at a great distance, but the oats remained standing.”295
William Bramley in his landmark book The Gods of Eden speculates that the ““scythes” may have been long instruments designed to spray poison or germ-laden gas.”296 He notes that a strange noxious mist seemed to precede the plague wherever it appeared. 297 Bramley goes on to say how Germans were told by authorities to place “newly baked bread” on the end of a pole overnight. If in the morning it was “found to be mildewed and internally grown green, yellow and uneatable, and when thrown to fowls and dogs causes them to die from eating it,” they would know “the plague poison is near at hand.”298 Yesinia pestis does not spoil bread but it would if it was being carried in the endospores of Bacillus subtilis; a notorious contaminate of grain products and the cause of a condition known to bakers as ropey bread…
It was 1319 in Bavaria that the Jews were first accused of poisoning wells with Leprosy, a product of Mycobacterium leprae. 299 This was around the same time the Zohar and the Sepher Yetsirah began to circulate throughout northern Europe’s Jewish communities.
These mystic texts purport to reveal the secrets of IHVH (Jehovah), the dark and angry god of the Old Testament. These secrets are unlocked through application of Temurah, Notarikon and Gematria to the text itself and certain passages in the Torah. According Jewish lore knowledge of these permutations and codes enabled the Maharal of Prague to use the Sepher Yetsirah or book of formation to breathe life into a magical creature that can be fashioned from a special type of red clay.
The plague is “god’s” weapon of choice throughout the Old Testament and Torah. When plague broke out in Europe in 1348, the Jews were blamed for poisoning wells throughout northern Europe. On Aug. 22, 1349, rather than be baptized, no less than six thousand Jews were burned alive in Mayence. This went on to a lesser extent in almost every town in Germany because when offered the option of baptism to being slow roasted most Jews “preferred to offer themselves up as a holocaust.”300
Although there were many confessions by Jews, the “confessions” were uniformly elicited by torture and made under great duress. Real evidence is nebulous that Jewish Qabalists were waging medieval bacteriological warfare but it’s damming that Christian shaman were. In fact it is celebrated on the walls of the Vatican by the great artist Raphael in his awe-inspiring masterpiece, the Mass of Bolsena.” In 1264 it was commemorated by pope Urban as the Feast of Corpus Christi.301
It’s now known that the transubstantiation of the host before the astonished minions at Bolsena in 1263, the “miracle” on which the Catholic Church bases the homicidally insane Pope Innocent the III’s cannibalistic doctrine of transubstantiation, a doctrine rejected for the prior fifty years, was due to the communion bread being contaminated by Serratia marcescens. The blood of Christ that dripped upon the robe of the doubting priest during the Mass of Bolsena was in reality prodigiosin being secreted by the microscopic master of the universe. 302
Bolsena wasn’t S marcescens first day on the job as god either. Blood trickling from their bread had rallied the army of Alexander the Great to sack Tyre in 332 B.C.E. Its said the “blood” was taken by the Macedonian seers as an omen that portended victory. Scholars have unearthed no less than thirty-five historical accounts of blood flowing from bread during the Christian celebration of the Eucharist, the first in 1169 in Denmark. In 541 of the Common Era blood trickling from broken bread at Tours in France was said to foretell the defeat of the Lombard’s and the death of Emperor Tiberius.303
Most telling of all when it comes to whom or what really orchestrates the pathological insanity attendant to the Abrahamic religions, the tendency to pillage, plunder and murder in the name of their god, to “offer themselves up as a holocaust” rather than mutter some mumbo jumbo and take a bath, to lash out with unimaginable savagery at anyone or anything that would dare question them, is the etymology of S marcescens name.
The first mention of the microscopic master of the universe and king of all bacteria was made in 1818 by Vincenzo Sette, an Italian physician no doubt acquainted with some of the Vatican’s secrets. According to the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia he “gave it the strange name of Zaogalactina imetropha (from ζάω = “I live”; γαλαχτινή = “gelatin”; ημαι = “I am placed upon”; τροΦή = “food”).”
The most commonly used sacred name of IHVH in both Judaism and Christianity is I Am That I Am or in Hebrew ehyeh ašer ehyeh (אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה), usually just shortened to ehyeh or I Am. Ehyeh asher ehyeh literally translates as I Will Be What I Will Be; perhaps a blood red gelatinous mass when placed upon the communion host…
In 1848 Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg the great German naturalist and pioneering microbiologist changed little Ehyeh’s name to Monas prodigiosa because he believed it to be an Infusoria. 305 That’s a collective term used for the unicellular algae and small invertebrates that exist in freshwater ponds and the still water that gets trapped in the clay around riverbanks…
They say there’s a crater named after Jack Parsons on the dark side of the moon. Some say Parsons was the man Wernher von Braun would in private call the real father of America’s space program. Journalist Michael Hoffman II has said that Parsons was trying to conjure a homunculus when the lab explosion that allegedly ended his life in 1952 took place.
It’s reputed that Parsons body was burned beyond recognition. A few hours later Parsons beloved mother would commit suicide. They were both buried in closed coffins but many believe there were no body’s in those coffins and Parsons, along with his mother, would go on to take his rightful place at the helm of NASA as Hiram Abiff “The Widow’s Son”306 in Freemasonry.
NASA in Hebrew would be spelled
Nun, Shin, Aleph or NSA. This is a word commonly used to indicate a deal of
some sort either good or bad. It can even be used as a word for marriage but it
can also mean to be exalted, to be lifted up above others or as is typical with
many of the most important scriptural words in Hebrew it can mean the exact
opposite; to lead or be led astray.307
is the Qabalists most important tool in unlocking the codes that are embedded
in scripture. Every Hebrew word has a numerical value and if another word has
the same numerical value the words are interchangeable. The Value of NSA is 351
the same value as the letters in the name “Hiram Abif, a cunning artificer at
the Temple of Solomon; the hero of a famous allegory prophetical of Frater
Perdurabo.” 308
The bold
print is Aleister Crowley's. He wrote that in the Sepher Sephiroth an
indispensable table of Geomantic correspondences he compiled for fellow
Qabalistic travelers. Frater Perdurabo is Crowley's name amongst those who
worship him. It means I will endure to the end.
A homunculus is a supernatural being that the master alchemist grows in a jar. He does not create but rather grows it like a seed or a germ being cultured in a lab. Just like the golem the homunculus bestows great power on its creator and knows many of the universe’s secrets.
Aside from being Theodore von Kármán’s partner in the founding of JPL and by proximate NASA, Parsons was both Aleister Crowley’s protégé and proxy in America. Parsons in letters to Crowley addressed him as the “Most Beloved Father” and would recite, along with all his employees, Crowley’s Hymn to Pan before each of JPL’s test launches. Crowley needed a proxy in America because he had been under house arrest in England at least since 1933, when in celebration of Imbolc, he had come right out in the Sunday papers before the horrified scions of empire and told them he was the true face of National Socialism, their looming Nemesis…
“At birth I had three of the distinguishing marks of a Buddha. I was tongue-tied, I had a characteristic membrane which necessitated an operation, and over the centre of my heart I had four hairs curling from left to right in the exact form of a Swastika.
Before Hitler was, I am.”309
Parsons had grown his homunculus on instruction from Crowley who had already grown one, which he called Lam, in preparation to perform the Amalantrah working. Before his death in 1947 Crowley had warned Parsons about trying to complete the Amalantrah working by performing the Babylon working…
In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation. – Prince Phillip, the Queen´s consort (1988)
Sage of Quay Interview
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297 – Ibid. page 186.
298– Ibid. page 189.
299 – Gottheil, Richard, and Joseph Jacobs. “BLACK DEATH: Myth of Well-Poisoning.” The Unedited Full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia., 1906. Web. 18 Jan. 2016.
300 – Ibid.
301 – Gillen, Dr. Alan, and Rebekah Gibbs. “Serratia Marcescens: The Miracle Bacillus.” Answers in Genesis, 20 July 2011. Web. 19 Jan. 2016.
302 – Yu, M.D., Victor L. “Serratia Marcescens: Masquerader of Blood.” Reprinted from Web. 19 Jan. 2016.
303 – Ibid.
304 – Jacobs, Joseph, and L. Errera. “MICROCOCCUS PRODIGIOSUS (“the Microbe of Miracles”; Known Also as the Microbe of Bleeding Hosts):.” The Unedited Full-text of the 1906 Jewish Encyclopedia., 1906. Web. 20 Jan. 2016.
305 – Ibid.
306 – Johnson 32°, Brother Robert H. “The Widow’s Son.” The Midnight Freemasons. The Working Tools Magazine, 2014. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.
307- Ben-Yehuda, Ehud, and David Weinstein. Ben-Yuhuda's Pocket English-Hebrew Hebrew-English Dictionery. Pocket Books.1964 ed. Vol. Hebrew-English, Page 213. Print.
308 – Crowley, Aleister. 777 And Other Qabalistc Writings of Aleister Crowley. Page 38 Sepher Sephiroth. Boston, MA: Red Wheel/Weiser, 1973. Print. First Published as The Qabalah of Aleister Crowley.
309 – Crowley, Aleister. “The “Worst Man in the World” Tells the Astounding Story of His Life.” The London Sunday Dispatch, 18 June 1933. Web. 11 Mar. 2016.
There are other kinds of Poisons too -
ReplyDeleteHeroin Dealer in-Chief!
[NOTE: I just posted the following comment on VT (as TorturedSoulster), but it was a bit confusing and also restrictive to post there -- character limits, moderation, odd formatting, etc. -- so I am not sure if the second half was even posted (I had to edit the entire message way, way down and then cut it in-two in order to even post at all. Ugh, the age of Twitter and succinctness do not work well with neurodegenerative brain illness(es), alas). My apologies in advance for the repetition of posting it here and there (if it shows up there). After my third listen to your latest Sage of Quay interview, I just had to say something to you (and I never, ever comment on the 'net any longer, and cannot even force myself to go onto my own FB account these days, so this is saying something. TY again, truly. This article needs to be plastered all over the Lyme community, btw. Food for thought! :)]
You're onto it in a BIG way, even if this was not your main intention w/this one, Jack. TYVM for writing this. Bravo! I found this article via Sage of Quay on YT -- I am a fan of Michael's show (and VT).
borrelia Burgdorferi (bB), Erich Traub, Plum Island, Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), Steere, IDSA, the now late Willy Burdorfer, vector-borne govt research, insects and arachnids being used as germ warfare, WWII (Manchuria comes to mind), along with mycoplasmas in various forms and also Morgellon's (may as well throw in chemtrails/geoengineering here, too) . . . these and more become a part of one's lexicon once finally and officially infected/diagnosed with late-stage Lyme disease, as I have been.
Well, at least they are if you refuse to drink the med/govt Kool-Aid and instead try to figure out what the hell is going on. This disease(s) is nothing short of horrendous, and that's putting it mildly, and it was done intentionally, though most are afraid to say it. First they give you this extremely debilitating, life-ruining disease and then they DENY that it even exists. And they have made damn well sure that most in the US medical community are clueless about it at best, and at worst they are told (and believe) that it is rare and mild.
For more on this topic:
Tim Grey: Under the Eightball lyme documentary -- excellent and swift history of bioweapons is included
Jerry Leonard, PhD: Lyme Disease and Biowarfare (entire website)
Elena Cook's work
I so hope that you explore this one further. It turns out that little old bacteria/infectious agents are at the basis of a whole lot of "no good." Would love to discuss further. I have much more to say but rarely ever post anywhere any longer, and it looks like there is a max. character limit on here. Oh well . . . c'est la vie . . Thanks again!
Thank you, TorturedSoulster, for your heartfelt comment. We look at the origin of Lyme disease, Plum Island and the Erich Traub file in ref. 173 Please feel free to comment further in detail, and help spread the awareness by linking it in relevant places. The issue had many names and iterations, transHumanism, the New Man, controlling Useless Eaters (how I dislike that expression!) Malthusian and many more. The more eyeballs to further investigation, the better. Keep going, TorturedSoulster, even as the body decays, spirit and soul stay strong. Jack may comment further when he returns.
ReplyDeleteLyme disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, AIDS, Autism, Asthma, Cerebral palsy, Fibromyalgia, the cancer epidemic, I can go on and on TorturedSoulster and those are just the side effects, all because some cowards don’t have the balls to meet their enemy head on in the field of battle. Some of those cowards would even dare call themselves Dragon soldiers? For them death and eternal damnation is just to good. May the curse of the King and Queen of Dragons be upon their heads and everything they ever loved and held dear for all of eternity, for they have already aroused Leviathan and I hope we have made that clear with the publication of these last 2 essays. I want them to see what's coming, to feel the searing breath of the Dragons judgments in each and every hour they have left…
ReplyDeleteYou have to Understand what they have done here, you have to read between the lines. The bacteria is basically the fingers of god from which he molded this hellish creation in the first place. By playing with it and that is exactly what they were doing playing with it they have forced the hand of god and Yahweh was never a very stable entity to begin with. He never wanted man to have free will. He only wanted man to worship him but he was unable to animate him without adding the same soul spark of the Goddess that animated himself. Consequently man, just like the Goddess herself, has always been smarter than him and ends up seeing right through him. That is why he has destroyed his own creation over and over again. Now with the assistance of the cowardly “Dragon Soldiers” and some extremely mad German scientists he has managed release a contaminant that steals the human soul and replaces it with an artificial life spark. Yahweh has created a New Man, the exact opposite of the one envisioned by Nietzsche, the one that would no longer need him. This new man will worship him unquestioningly and blindly follow the orders of his vile agents. What we have here is an artificial intelligence that can commandeer biological organisms and incorporate them into itself, a single swarming mimic of a biological entity with billions of pieces and multiplying, directly fused to its own machines, Artificial Intelligence, AI if you will…
While I was in Florida I read a couple of books. One being the Trance Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien, a book I never bothered reading because I was married to a 2.0 model for close to 10 years, the other being Client from the Future by R. J. Sbordone since I was staying with Sbordone’s closest friend. The man died for writing that book as have now 5 of my closest friends for my own little literary foray. Both books I read deal with the Zombification of the human race, turning men into machines, the wet dream of every crackpot servant of empire from Thomas Hobbs to moms old boyfriend J J Hurtak. My book, as of yet unpublished but never the less quickly accruing its own body count, gives the solution which no doubt amounts to nothing less than a direct napalm strike on our own position, but hey as they said in Vietnam “the gooks are through the wire…”
ReplyDeleteWhen Gordon Duff first broached the subject of the “Black Goo” a few years ago I laughed at him and I never laugh at Mr. Duff. There is nothing funny about Gordon Duff except his jokes and laughter was not appropriate then either. I’ve done the research now and it is all just as real as a borderline retard being the front runner for the presidency closely trailed by psychotic female serial killer…
Perhaps no one knows more about this subject than Duncan Roads and his point man over at Nexus Alec Newald. Alec is to give an address in Australia on the state of our war for the collective soul of man in the middle of June but unfortunately the enemy's within have thus far blocked his exit from New Zealand. It would be a shame if that address will have to be via Skype and subject to sabotage by the very entity we must thwart. Its long past time for those who can to step up and stop letting me do all their talking…
Of course I have always been far better at fighting than talking anyway and there just may be other ways besides that napalm strike. Some in military intell feel we can kill it with monatomic gold which binds to it automatically and can then be heated up with microwave bombardment cooking it. I'll be looking into it along with the best people the intell services still have left, many as you can well see by just turning on the television have been co-opted by the entity. Worshipping the god of Abraham leaves you wide open to it because as I have already told you here and in the first 2 parts of Paint it Blue it is the god of Abraham…
As Alec has recently told me “It's very simply darkness verses light, the old battle, AI is the dark way forward, monatomic gold and the opening of pure conscious capacity to reach into the nether-world of the god-head, unlimited knowledge, long life, and total understanding of the cosmic reality with no shadows or blocks like we have now.” Start familiarizing yourself with monatomic gold or we can just do this my way. I’m sure there will be at least a couple of you left…
In looking at the viruses and virus like entities that cause disease in our world there seems to be a common thread. One is that they do not appear to be natural phenomena.
ReplyDeleteMaking the assumption that they are not natural, as noted by all the references from Jack Heart, then it follows that they are not of our world or our timeline they have to have been introduced or made to be introduced through some means from outside our reality.
Knowing what we know, that current science has proven and measured, distance and time doesn’t mean anything in the quantum or non-physical world. We can postulate how the introduction of an alien intelligence can be done.
Separate an electron from another and make one resonate or spin in a certain way and the separated one does the same. Therefore the introduction of something here that is way beyond our current technology must have been introduced from a time other than the now or from another universe/dimension, reconstructed, and switched on.
Consider that all matter is made up of quantum/subatomic elements that know no space or time. Subatomic particles are used to produce an organism/mechanism somewhere else, separated from the main organism/machine then transferred to our local space/time. The resulting organism will draw all the constituent parts together to animate the organism once again. This could be immediately or upon a stimulation of the original organism.
Depending on sophistication of the programming (DNA) it can have some level of intelligence, purpose and means to communicate. If the job of the organism is to kill it will become a deadly mycoplasma or virus thus causing disease.
If the job of the organism (AI) is to produce creatures susceptible to external programming they will invade the spark of humanity, the soul, whatever you wish to call it. Once they invade, cell by cell, the power of independent thought of the huge symbiotic colony know as a human will be suppressed to the point where the entire reality is seen through the filtering of the AI.
Ugh, I can see it now. All the parts have to be detected and a means of counter developed.
Not natural. Right, that is the question, where does these 110 strains (and counting) Borreliose come from? From ticks, they say. Fine, then where did the ticks get Borreliose from? Then you have biofilm, with does not grow and therefor doesn´t show in normal lab tests.
DeleteThe Knights Templar And The Pharaohs!
...worth reading.
Biofilm. sounds like the microbe-community is an entity. I feel like hearing the description of an ultimate weapon
ReplyDeleteQuote: "Lyme presents itself in symptoms often misdiagnosed as Crohn’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ALS, MS, Alzheimer’s, Colitis, Encephalitis, Fibromyalgia, Fifth’s Disease, Arthritis, Cystitis, IBS, Lupus, Prostatitis, Psychiatric Disorders (bipolar, depression), Sjogren’s Syndrome, sleep disorders, thyroid disease, and more."
Orage, I watched the Lyme video linked from Sage of Quay yesterday. I thought significantly about it with my thoughts above in mind. Last evening spent quite a lot of time listening to audio from the site. I will catch these this weekend. Playing catch up behind millennia of these things infesting this system. I think one of the ways to slow down the infestation is to find and block the signals that are turning them on. Thanks for the links
ReplyDeleteJack-Orage:Namaste.Concerning ORMUS/mono-atomic gold here are some relevant links.Be careful!Paste an copy to your browser.( projectavalon. net/forum4/showthread.php?90638-Monotomic-gold)+(projectavalon. net/forum4/search.php?searchid=13479381)Would recommend this instead.Cost less + works.(projectavalon. net/forum4/showthread.php?90576-Sun-Yoga)+ (projectavalon. net/forum4/showthread.php?90686-Using-SUNLIGHT-as-healing-and-food-source)Speaking of that infamous,genocidal god,take a look at this Syrian web site.It starts in Sumer an it was called civilization;-).(http://ssnps. com/)** Las Vegas
ReplyDeleteMy name is Henry,i am from Liberia I am here to give my testimony about a doctor who cured me from Marburg virus.i went to many hospitals, churches for cure but there was no solution to my problem, so I was thinking how can I get a solution so that i will not loose my life,i was having this dangerous disease for the past three months and i did not want to die young.both my friends and my family run away for me,because they did not want to be affected with the disease,because it is very faithful day i went to online to look for a good herbalist that can help me out of this problem;but i did not see.i still keep on searching for a good one,until i get to know a man called Dr Uzai, which i read his past testimony on how he help so many people with different i contact him and tell him my problem,and i also ask him to tell me the true if he can be able to cure my Marburg disease for me,he said yes;but i did not believe him,but i just give him a try.and he told me what to do and i do it. he told me that I should be at rest assured that everything will be fine, he prepared his herbal medicine and sent it to me trough UPS Service and he told me to took the medicine for one week and 4 day and i did so, he told me to go to hospital, when it was two week,i want to the hospital with fear;when i get there,the doctor test me and said to me congratulation,i was so surprise and i jump up and say thanks be to Dr Uzai. every body in the hospital was happy with me.the people in the hospital ask me how did i get the cure,i told then that it is Dr Uzai that use is herbal medicine to heal me from Marburg disease;now i am free.thanks you Dr Uzai god bless you and your family.if any one is facing this kind of problem or any kinds of disease:you can also contact him true is email address: once again thanks doctor am very great full.