Twin Peaks & the Return of the White Queen
(Twin Peaks, Miguel Serrano & the Hard Science of Orgasmic Energy
Part 2 of 3)
By Jack Heart & Orage
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Yule by Melie Melusine |
“Bell flight fourteen you now can land
Seen you on Aldebaran, safe on the green desert sand
It's so very lonely, you're two thousand light years from home
It's so very lonely, you're two thousand light years from home”
‘2000 Light Years from Home’ from The Rolling Stones 1967 album Their Satanic Majesties Request...
“Space may be the final frontier
But it's made in a Hollywood basement
Cobain can you hear the spheres [Britney Spears]
Singing songs off station to station
And Alderaan's [Aldebaran] not far away
It's Californication”
Californication from the Red Hot Chili Peppers 1999 album Californication...
In the early spring of 1945 much of the German high command vanished like a mirage before the advancing Allied troops, including in all likelihood Adolph Hitler. Some say they went to Aldebaran, a giant red star in the constellation of Taurus.
In the early spring of 1990, David Lynch introduced the world to Twin Peaks. About a quarter hour into the premier, a beat up Volkswagen pulls up to the Double-R Diner. Out of it and through the door of the diner rushes Heidi, a rotund and very plain looking waitress who speaks with a thick German accent but mostly just giggles when spoken to. Shelly, who has been waiting for Heidi to take over her shift, slyly remarks “what kept you Heidi, seconds on knockwurst this morning?” Heidi sheepishly retorts “I couldn’t get my car started.” Shelly shoots back “too busy jump-starting the old man huh?” Heidi just looks down and giggles. Bobby, Shelly’s boyfriend, interjects “I thought you Germans were always on time.” Heidi looks at him and giggles, which she continues to do as she walks off to put her coat away.40
We do not meet Heidi again till Lynch draws the curtain on Twin Peaks for the twentieth century with a closing act which will leave Special Agent Dale Cooper waiting in the Red Room for twenty-five years. Right before the scene goes to the Red Room, at the counter of the Double R are Bobby Briggs and Shelly who is once again waiting for Heidi to take over her shift. Heidi bursts through the door and Shelly slyly remarks “what kept you Heidi, seconds on knockwurst this morning?” Heidi sheepishly retorts “I couldn’t get my car started.”Shelly shoots back “too busy jump starting the old man…again [again is said in unison with Bobby]?” Heidi looks down and giggles. Bobby interjects “I thought you Germans were always on time.” Heidi just looks at him and giggles, which she continues to do as she walks off to put her coat away…41
In his six hundred and forty three page magnum opus; Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar, first published in Spanish in 1984 but not fully translated into English till 2014, Miguel Serrano writes “the motto on my coat-of-arms reads: “My honor is loyalty.”42 The motto of the SS is ‘Meine Ehre heißt Treue;’ my honor is loyalty.
What Serrano says in his book, born out one by one in the enigmatic facts exposed in our Black Sun Rising series which also began in 2014, has no doubt left the scions of empire existing in a waking nightmare. Germany won the war. Very early on the Stone from the crown of Lucifer had been “discovered in Montsegur, in the caves of Sabarth, where Otto Rahn had been the first to find it.”43 The Ahnenerbe “deciphered it; the science of Hyperborea has been reclaimed.”44
And with that science, the Germans have the capability to write this timeline anyway they please. They are no longer confined to it. The Allies would celebrate the illusion of their victory and “more than recoup their total war costs with the German plans for new inventions.” But “why didn’t the Nazis use them?”45 The entire war after Hess’s failure to bring the Golden Dawn and the Thule Society into an alliance to resettle their kingdom beyond the polar ice had been a farce. Hitler had fought the war in the East through his “doppelgänger.”46
World War II had never been “about jet planes, atomic bombs, death rays, V-1 and V-2 missiles, but about another much more effective weapon: a new spiritual science, of the disintegration and reintegration of matter, of levitation, anti-gravity, the vimanas, the dematerialization and materialization of the physical body, To make oneself invisible with the Tarnkappe of Siegfried. Of the disappearance in the Bunker, of the paradise in the "hollow earth," interior, at the bottom of the seas, beneath the ice sheets, up among the Antarctic oases and, from there, to the Morning Star. In a word, this was about the True Operation Barbarossa...”47
The sleeping Barbarossa must awaken as “the Gral King, Monarch-Warrior-Priest, in the Siege Perilous.” From “Seat number 13,” as the head of the “Round Table,” he will give “the order to begin the definitive attack against the extraterrestrial Demiurge, the Lord of Darkness, Jehovah with his galactic and planetary legions.”48
Adolph Hitler as the Ultimate Avatar had always known this. “Even before the failure of Hess' mission, Hitler had begun to prepare the True Operation Barbarossa, not the one in Russia, but that of his departure and future return. And the departure must be as it always was: in a Disk of Fire, in a Chariot of Fire, like Enoch, like Melchizedek, like Rama. The return shall be that of Kalki, on a White Horse named Vimana...”49
In the Christian version after Duke Widukind is finally defeated, over a decade later, he converts to Christianity and is given a White Horse. But in the Pagan version the White Horse is Sleipnir, the eight legged Steed of Odin, which he uses to ride into Hell. Some believe the Duke will be riding it when he returns to settle the score. Serrano says “And so it must be with death for those who have left time, who have done away with time. Or rather, who have escaped through the breach in all the Universes. And this can only be on the eight-legged Horse of Wotan...”50
The White Horse is still the Coat of Arms for two modern federal States of Germany: Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia. Double horse heads commonly appear on the peaks of German barns.
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The traditional double horse head of German barns |
At the beginning of Twin Peaks the Return, Special Agent Dale Cooper has waited twenty-five years in the Red Room. Saturn has reentered the House of Capricorn and now his time has come. “A gust of air blows the red drapes up revealing an endless black and white chevron floor stretching into darkness. Standing in the middle of the endless black and white wave pattern is a white horse, beyond it the black void. The wind dies down and the Red Room is calm again. The disembodied entity named MIKE reappears across from Cooper and asks “is it…Future…or… is it… past?”51
As Lynch begins building towards his climatic crescendo in Twin peaks the Return Sarah Palmer buys alcoholic beverages and cigarettes at the local grocery store. Sarah Palmer is synonymous to Erinys, the mother of Despoina in the ancient Arcadian mysteries which predate the Elysian mysteries where Erinys is Demeter and Despoina; Persephone. Erinys, as can be seen when Sarah Palmer later takes off her face to kill a man, can also be the plural Erinyes, known to the Greeks as the Furies; female chthonic deities of vengeance referred to as the infernal goddesses.
Caught in the Mandela Effect, Sarah Palmer suspiciously questions the cashier about the innocuous but unfamiliar display of beef jerky behind the counter. Sarah asks “were you here when they first came?” The cashier answers “yes, they brought it in a couple of weeks ago.” Sarah answers “your room seems different. And men are coming.” The girl at the counter stammers that she doesn’t know what Sarah means and Sarah raises her voice “I’m trying to tell you! Men are coming! That you have to watch out! Things can happen! Something happened to me. Hmmm. Something happened to me! I don’t feel well. I don’t feel well!” Sarah commands herself to get the car keys out and leave, arguing loudly with herself as she makes her way out of the store, leaving her items on the checkout counter.52
“Green grass and high tides forever
Castles of stone souls and glory
Lost faces say we adore you
As kings and queens bow and play for you”
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Miguel Serrano |
Following in his uncle’s footsteps the young Serrano, a promising writer himself, embraced Marxism and wrote articles for Communist publications. He attended the prestigious Internado Nacional Barros Arana in Chile from 1929 to 1934. No doubt like many drawn to Marx’s starkly humanist logic, Serrano quickly became disillusioned with his one size fits all politics. Egalitarianism is a pill no National Socialist can swallow. By 1939 Serrano publically affiliated himself with the Chilean “Nazi” Party; M.N.S. (Movimiento Nacional Socialista de Chile).
At twenty-one Serrano, established himself as the foremost writer in Chile when he published Anthology of the Realist Short Story in Chile. Over the furious objections of established writers Serrano set the rules for how short stories would be written for now on in Chile. Not only that, the anthology “included among them the stories of several of his young friends who were almost unknown at the time.”53 The anthology to this day is considered “to be among the greatest milestones in the national literature.”54
By the end of 1941, Serrano had embraced the teachings of an esoteric order that traced is origins back to Mount Kailash; the most sacred mountain in the Tibetan Himalayas. Also known as Mount Meru, the mountain is pivotal in the beliefs of four different religions of the Far East. In Bön, by far the oldest and the progenitor of all the rest, Mount Kailash is known as the ‘Nine-story Swastika Mountain.’ It is regarded as the world’s axis mundi or ‘Tagzig Olmo Lung Ring;’ a timeless realm beyond dualism where harmonious equilibrium is achieved.
In Adolph Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar Serrano admits he “arrived on the Antarctic ice, in search of the warm water oasis,”58 that marked the entrance to Neuschwabenland, but he is evasive about what he found. Instead he poses a coy question. “Have German submarines around the North Pole or the Greenland of John Dee found the exact point at which, as if by a black funnel, their ship has gone through, going in to connect with the Other Pole, going out to that paradisiacal earth and sea that, having once been here, no longer are?”59 Serrano muses “Ultimate Thule, Hyperborea, the other side of things, so easy and so difficult to reach. The inner earth, Another Earth, anti-earth, astral earth, reached as if by a "click," a bi-location, or tri-location in space.”60
He suggests cryptically “It is quite possible flying saucers with life-forms from other planets have already made contact with the people of 'New Swabia.' With their aid and assistance they may have already developed on our planet a completely different and very advanced science, in German bases of the Third Reich, with extensive cosmic implications. Seen from that angle, neither the United States of America, nor Soviet Russia are the foremost world powers, but Neuschwabenland in the Antarctic, with a vast technological superiority.”61
When the Dali Lama fled Tibet during its 1959 uprising against China, Miguel Serrano, Chiles Ambassador-designate to India by title from 1953 to 1962, was among the first westerners to receive him and the two would remain close lifelong friends. Serrano also maintained personal friendships with Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. When Gandhi was assassinated Serrano was afforded one of the most prominent positions at her funeral. He would later confide to close friends he had been her lover.
During the Eisenhower Administration, India’s representative to the UN Krishna Menon proposed to internationalize Antarctica. This would give all countries the right to ignore the established territorial boundaries of countries like Chile, Argentina and the United States and commence plundering the icy continents priceless mineral wealth and in the United States and the Soviet Union’s case turning it into a frozen weapons depot.
“Alerted to this dangerous situation, the Argentine Ambassador to India, Vicente Fatone, unsuccessfully sought a meeting with the authorities in New Delhi. Neither could the North American representative, John Sherman Cooper. Washington D.C. decided to send Ambassador Cabot Lodge as its extraordinary delegate to persuade India to withdraw the proposal. None of this worked.”62
Serrano, practically his estranged son in law, got a meeting with Prime Minister Nehru and explained his position on the matter. The great Indian statesman listened and nodded. He then got up and placed a red rose on the lapel of Serrano’s jacket, sealing the agreement. His next act was to order the proposal withdrawn. Menon would try to push it through again but Nehru was adamant and the proposal was withdrawn for good.
Meanwhile Eisenhower “extended an invitation to the 12 participating countries of the International Geophysical Year for a conference on the future of Antarctica. Hence, on December 1, 1959, the twelve participating countries signed the Antarctic Treaty, forcing them to submit the territory to peaceful purposes and preventing installations with military or armed characteristics...”63
After India, Serrano held various Chilean ambassadorial posts in Eastern Europe till 1970 when he was dismissed by Communist Salvador Allende, who would in turn die while being overthrown in a coup in 1973. During the doomed Allende’s short presidency, Serrano remained in exile in an apartment in Switzerland, previously the residence of one of his closest friends Herman Hesse, perhaps the most influential author of the twentieth century.
Serrano’s close personal friendship with Hesse and the Iconic CG Jung form the foundation of an intellectual Nexus that moved like an irresistible undertow through the seas of western consciousness in the latter half of the twentieth century. Serrano wrote a book about it titled C. G. Jung and Hermann Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships, first published in 1965.
Jung would write the forward, the only time he ever did that for anyone, for- Serrano’s book The Visits from the Queen of Sheba, first published in 1960. After initially reading the book, Jung remarked to Serrano “if you ever have the luck to meet this queen, do not make the mistake of marrying her. That Queen is for love, not for marriage...”64 Inexplicably Jung then added without explaining “only the poets will understand me...”65
In Adolph Hitler; the Ultimate Avatar Serrano speculates that perhaps Jung’s strange remark was prompted by actual visitations from the Goddess. “At the end of his days Professor Jung coined the term “psychoid” to refer to his Archetypes, wanting to highlight his profound concern for these apparitions, not human nor a mere product of the Unconscious, apparently. Where he showed this doubt most clearly was in the prologue to my book “The Visits of the Queen of Sheba.” He said “known archetypical figures are clearly discernible, but the least similar to the spontaneous products of the Unconscious with which I am familiar...”66
In the West, Serrano’s list of illustrious friends, all seemingly kept on speed dial, also included Rene Nelli, professor at the University of Toulouse and academia’s leading expert on the Cathars. Serrano made it his business to befriend Ezra Pound, America’s most influential poet and considered the greatest poet of his generation, till he had the audacity to side with Germany and Italy against the Anglo-American banking cartel and its trained Jewish ferrets. For that he would spend twelve years in a mental institution. He was finally freed only through the herculean efforts of Earnest Hemingway and the rest of the literary community...
After the war, Serrano kept company with Hitler’s fiercest and most capable surviving warriors. Among them Otto Skorzeny, who was nothing less than the real life James Bond and one of Hitler’s closest confidants, Hans-Ulrich Rudel, a human tank terminator and the most decorated German serviceman of World War II and Hanna Reitsch, the renowned and fearless female test pilot who is rumored to have personally flown Hitler to safety out of the besieged Berlin, all were among Serrano’s closest friends. All were openly unrepentant for their politics or their war activities and all were active in evacuating fellow National Socialists to South America. It is known that Rudel founded the ‘Kameradenwerk,’ a relief organization dedicated to just that purpose.
As if he were the High Priest of the SS, Serrano made the rounds to discuss post-war doctrine with its Hierophants; most notable among them Wilhelm Landig, Julius Evola and Herman Wirth. During the war they were all members of the inner sanctum of the SS and they all somehow now seemed immune to allied prosecution...
“Wilhelm Landig was an unrepentant member of the SS who wrote several books after the war that may or may not have been fiction. Landig, along with Rudolf J. Mund and Erich Halik, formed the nucleus of what came to be known as the Vienna Group, because their meetings were held in Landig’s Wieden studio in the center of Vienna. The message that they calculatingly delivered for those who had ears to hear was National Socialism had never been defeated. In fact, they had a secret flying saucer fleet right here on earth, and elements of National Socialism had fled to a planet orbiting Aldebaran.”67 Landig founded the group in 1950. It is still active today on the Internet under the name Causa Nostra or Our Cause in English.
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Julius Evola |
When the Great Depression struck down all hopes of prosperity for the human race under any of the current political systems the politics of the left and right were seemingly locked in a rhetorical deathmatch. Julius Evola was by far the smartest man in room. In 1928 Evola, a Sicilian Baron extraordinarily well versed in Buddhism and Occidental Occultism, published Pagan Imperialism, a scathing theological attack on Christianity, exhorting Italians and Germans to return to the old Pagan ways, their warrior traditions, the way it was before the pope’s disastrous defeat of the Hohenstaufen Dynasty seven hundred years ago that opened the thrones of Europe to the lowly merchant.
Evola was the original ‘Satanist,’ the bogeyman threatening to rudely interrupt Christianities ‘idyllic’ thousand year orgy of misery. The Vatican’s right-wing Catholic journal Revue Interlationale de Sociétés Secretètes published an article in April 1928 entitled “Un Sataniste Italien: Julius Evola.”68 When Mussolini wanted to bring the Vatican into line he threatened to unleash the rabidly anti-clerical styled fascism of Julius Evola...
After Evola published Revolt Against the Modern World in 1934, the European intelligentsia was completely mesmerized, men like Heinrich Himmler and Mircea Eliade became his apostles. In the book he marvels at the efficiency of the Russian Revolution and sees in it the marshalling of demonic forces symptomatic of having reached the terminal point in our current cycle; “The End of the Cycle” which is what he names chapter thirty-seven.
Evola writes that there are two truths in Communism and if you don’t understand this you will be deceived by it. “The first esoteric truth has a dogmatic and immutable character.”69 Then there is the second truth which is nothing more than a tactic, to be set aside or mitigated as soon as the objective of the first truth is achieved. “In the USSR, the abolition of private property and enterprise, which exists as a basic idea in the core doctrines of communism beyond various contingent accommodations, represents only an episode and a means to an end.”70
The liquidation of personal wealth, universal egalitarianism, is no more than populist rhetoric carefully calculated to appeal to the masses, as it works towards the implementation of the true objective, the first esoteric truth, the raison d'être. “Thus there is an important consequence that can be arrived at by following this path all the way to the end and that is the integration, or better, the disintegration of the single individual into the so called collective, which rules supreme.”71
What is really important to the Communist world “is the elimination in man of everything that has the value of an autonomous personality and of all that may represent an interest unrelated to the need of the collectivity. More specifically, the mechanization, disintellectualization, and rationalization of every activity, on every plane, are the means employed to this end...”72
After the war, the Italian government attempted to prosecute Evola as a Fascist. He assured the judge at his trial that he was not a Fascist but a ‘Superfascist.’ He was acquitted...
Academic science or Scientism, as Evola was calling it all the way back in 1934, has never been anything but a tool of politics. Nowhere is this more glaringly illustrated than in the case of Herman Wirth founder of the Ahnenerbe and perhaps the greatest cultural anthropologist to ever walk the earth. Because his findings concluded European culture is rooted in matriarchy rather than its current patriarchy suited neither the left nor the right, Wirth has been consensually written out of history. Even Serrano, while seemingly endorsing him with one hand, takes a shot at him with the other. “Professor Wirth was mistaken in his conclusions. He gave his enormous investigation and documentation the stamp of an aprioristic direction: the ideal matriarchy, first earthly paradise. The continent of the White Queen, Mo-Uru, Atlantis...”73
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Herman Wirth |
Contrary to Victorian ‘scholarship’ Wirth, a Dutchmen, started with the presupposition that the human race was in its final and most debased epoch, the Kali Yuga of the Vedas and the Iron Age of the Greeks. He saw the twentieth century and its accompanying urban sprawl that was pawning itself off as European civilization as a manifestation of the now terminal deterioration brought about by Christianity. To Wirth, Industrialization was naught but the doomed bouquet of a rootless western man.
Many, particularly in Northern Europe, shared his sentiments at the time. In 1920 Wirth, already a prodigious and respected scholar, organized the “Landsbond der Dietsche Trek-birds”74 the Dutch equivalent to the German Wandervögel; a back to Nature youth movement initiated in Germany at the turn of the twentieth century, more than a decade before the mechanized slaughter of WW I began.
After the war Wirth spent much of his spare time touring the Dutch countryside on his motorcycle examining and sketching the traditional decorative boards placed on the peaks of Friesian barns called üleboerd, or owl board in English. The significance of the üleboerd had long since been forgotten by the Dutch farmers who used them. At the end of 1922, “Wirth held a lecture for the Frisian Society about the üleboerd.”75
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Maybe he told them ‘the Owls are not what they seem...’
But immediately following that lecture the thirty-eight year old Wirth now a legend in his own time, no doubt to the abject horror of an Anglo-Saxon empire driven by “Anglo-Israelism,”76 resurrected the Oera Linda. He dubbed it ‘The Nordic Bible.’ The manuscript, written in Old Frisian, purports to chronicle the history of the human race, particularly the Frisians who according to the text founded Europe under a matriarchy constructed by Freya herself, after “the destruction of Atland [Atlantis], 2193 before Christ.”77
The Oera Linda first surfaced in the 1860s with the Dutch translation published in 1872. Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, the book by Ignatius Donnelly that kicked off the Atlantis craze, would not be published till ten years later. Jan Gerhardus Ottema, the Dutch Classicist and prominent member of the Frisian Society who published it, defends its authenticity in his lengthy introduction, a dazzling display of scholarly logic first read to the Frisian Society at the beginning of 1871 and never till this day adequately answered by the empires academic machine...
After citing verifications of the manuscripts text in the writings of Julius Caesar, Strabo and the chroniclers of Alexander the Great along with numerous historical, mythological and etymological idiosyncrasies that could not have been forged Dr. Ottema notes that in Greek mythology “the fair, blue-eyed Pallas, differing thus in type from the rest of the gods and goddesses, evidently belonged to Frya's people. The character for wisdom and the emblematical attributes, especially the owl, are the same for both...”78
Dr. Ottema, the quintessentially cautious scholar, ends his twenty-five page occidental epiphany by stating the by now all too obvious fact that nobody had the knowledge to forge the Oera Linda anyway. “And if any one could have done so, there would have been no more extensive vocabulary at his service than that which the East Frisian laws afford. Therefore, in the centuries lately elapsed, the preparation of this writing was quite impossible. Whoever doubts this let him begin by showing where, when, by whom, and with what object such a forgery could be committed, and let him show in modern times the fellow of this paper, this writing, and this language.”79
The academic gatekeepers of empire couldn’t even come close to meeting Dr. Ottema’s challenge but when he died in 1879 they took the opportunity to bury the Oera Linda with him. Herman Wirth came into the world six years later. He had been destined to dig it up; perhaps since the day he was born...
In his quest to find Man’s lost past Wirth took a holistic approach unlike the common academic who seems to think a combustion engine is best understood by an army of mechanics, each of them specializing in a different nut or bolt that comprises that engine. “Proceeding from the symbols and elements of Dutch antiquity, Wirth expanded the range of his ethnographic, cultural, symbolical searches first to all the Germanic lands, and then broader to Europe, Eurasia, and, finally, to the regions most distant from Europe itself: America, Oceania, Africa, and so on...” 80
Perhaps Wirth had read Nietzsche who warned those who would succeed him to “beware of the scholars. They hate you, for they are sterile. They have cold dried up eyes. Before them every bird flies un-plumed.” Wirth avoided the artificial straight lines of academia and like the naturally occurring vortex energy of Viktor Schauberger he “moved in a spiral, clarifying, correcting, extending, or re-considering all the information hitherto gathered by linguists, archaeologists, historians of religion and art, anthropologists, etc. His endeavor was one of incredible intensity.”81
In the end it still may pay big dividends for all of Mankind. As the formidable Russian intellectual Alexander Dugin, said to have the ear of Vladimir Putin himself, writes; Wirth in his voluminous writings left the human race a blueprint for the restoration of the “Great Tradition from the time of the Golden Age and the mysterious region of Hyperborea – the magical, Apollonian land lying in the Far North. Rene Guenon and Julius Evola spoke of the Primordial Tradition and the polar paradise, and their names are known to all Traditionalists. But very few know of Herman Wirth even though this tall, thin professor, modest and passionate like any genuine scholar, discovered the secret of secrets of this Primordial Tradition, reconstructed its language, revealed the secrets of the ancient runes, and deciphered the message of the Golden Age.
This may seem incredible, but it is a fact. Herman Wirth did no more and no less than recreate the “Sacred Proto-Language of Humanity”, Heilige Urschrift der Menschheit, the very name of one of his thick, astounding, fundamental books.”82
In 1928 Wirth published Der Aufgang der Menschheit or The Accession of Mankind wherein he synthesized the over quarter century of data he had gathered. Through legends, myths, customs, artifacts, plate tectonics and the roots of language Wirth traced the cultural archetype that is the foundation of Mans collective soul to the North Pole. “The basis of this culture, this Hyperborean cult, was not simply the Year, but the Year beheld in polar conditions in which a month lasts six months and six months a night. According to Herman Wirth, descriptions of the Polar Year lay at the heart of all sacred texts and cults, symbols, and signs from the cave paintings and first markings on mammoth bones to the most refined and sophisticated theological and mystical constructs.”83
There never were no hunter gatherers “poking each other with sticks as Darwinists, Marxists, and other profane thinkers assert.”84 Mans ancestors were “fully-fledged human beings with a refined, simple, yet ultimately spiritual worldview. They were the bearers of the Supreme Religion of Light, Purity, and the Spirit. They did not know of a detached Creator God acting on humanity and nature as if on something external. The whole world was permeated with divine energies, and people themselves were seen as children of the Sun, descendants of Gods, as angelic, supreme beings professing a particular world view, a God-worldview, or Gottesweltanschauung.”85
All that exists is an expression of one God. What is is an aggregate wherein the aspects of the sublime are manifested in every rock, every plant, every animal and every human by deed, word and thought. “God creates thinking”, Wirth quotes the famous phrase of an Icelandic runic song. Knowledge is Being, both coinciding and each having no right to eminency. Therefore, to understand and to create are one and the same.”86
In the manifesto of Wirth the essence of Human spirituality is one primal ritual that proceeds in a closed loop, an unbroken circle from the polar North. “The center of this circle is the winter solstice. The Great Yule is the main celebration of the Hyperborean Year. In it is the secret of the runes and the Primordial Tradition. In Hyperborea, Yule was celebrated on December 22nd. On December 22nd every year, the true New Year arrived, the moment of the birth of the runes, the moment of the Eternal Return, the second in which Hyperborea stood outside of time and space, pulled away from the cycles of the dark age, the confusion in the South, false theories, and miserable neglect of Supreme Magical Purity…Vara, Varahi, Ultima Thule…”87
In the Revelation of Herman Wirth “the runes were originally kept not by male priests, but priestesses. White Ladies. Weise Frau – Weisse Frau. The words “wisdom”, “woman,” and “white” are indeed closely related in many languages. Pallas is the Goddess of Wisdom, and the Sophia of the Gnostics is also an embodiment of knowledge and the feminine element in the Divine. The Russian word mudrost’ (wisdom) is similar to the German Made, Madchen or Maiden, Girl [perhaps not so coincidentally Mädchen Amick, one of the most stunning natural beauties I have ever seen, plays Shelly in Twin Peaks]. Hence the ancient cult of the vestal virgins, the keepers of the sacred fire in Rome. Here we should also include the practice of the female priesthood in the early Christian church, and the Old Believers’ theory of “salvation through one’s wife.” Following Bachofen, Herman Wirth claimed that the Primordial Tradition was none other than matriarchal. It was the realm of the White Lady, the Pure Virgin. The primordial Nordic Pantheon was headed by a Goddess – not female in our patriarchal understanding of a capricious, stupid, cruel, and demanding being – but as the special, Most Pure Creation, a kind of Androgyne standing beyond dualism, its spiritual intuition penetrating the essence of things. The Polar Paradise, the Aryan race, the Primordial Tradition, the domination of the White Lady, the guardians of the runic cults and priestess of the dolmens and menhirs – for Wirth these are synonyms.”88
Wirth’s insistence on this primal polar matriarchy was embraced by the best and the brightest of National Socialisms leading intellectual’s, men such as Heinrich Himmler, Wolfram Sievers and Richard Walther Darré but they ran him afoul of the plodding academics and their toilet paper PhD’s. In the end it would cost Wirth very much. In the 1920’s, when he began presenting and widely promoting his Aryan-feminist views, he found himself an implacable enemy in the face of an immigrant from Russia’s Baltic lands, a certain Alfred Rosenberg who, on the contrary, believed patriarchy to be an indigenous Aryan institution. Unlike Wirth, Rosenberg was a pedant, a mediocrity, and aggressive plagiarist. But it was not even about his ideas…Herman Wirth was the archetype of a passionate scholar, a visionary, and seer. Rosenberg was a pathetic doctrinaire who regurgitated undigested fragments of knowledge and pretentiously arranged these scraps in his rash and meaningless book The Myth of the Twentieth Century. Unfortunately, it was this Baltic official embroiled in ressentiment [a word for resentful and aggressive stupidity coined by Nietzsche] who happened to determine the cultural police of the National Socialists who won in 1933.”89
Wirth’s problems didn’t end with the war. He would be held and debriefed for two years by the allies after being captured by the US army in 1945. In 1969 what would have been Wirth’s magnum opus, a manuscript of over a thousand pages titled Palestinabuch and purporting to tell the real story of the Jewish people, was stolen from his home and lost to posterity. Someone wanted to be very certain no one would ever read that book but perhaps Miguel Serrano can shed some light on what was in Palestinabuch. In The Son of the Widower first published in 2003 and last year made available in paperback to the general public Serrano writes:
“After their "Renewed Alliance" with Jehovah, that tribe of slaves, the Jews, who arrive with the Aryans in their exodus from the Gobi, crossing India all the way to the Middle East, little by little begin altering everything, infiltrating, with direct help from their God-Demon, Jehovah. In India, the Beni-Israel Jews remain, discretely ("camouflaged"); in Greece, they settle down in Macedonia, in Monastir, up to these days. Among the black people of Africa they are the Falasha; amongst the Chinese and Japanese, the Tiao-Kiu-Kiaou; in America, the Aztecs, with their bloody sacrifices, ignoring Quetzalcoatl; among the Arabs, the Daggatum and Donmeh, as we have seen.
When does the Jew become a genetic robot, a clone, a golem of Jehovah? Beyond doubt, quite before this "Renewed Alliance", at the very moment of the appearance on man on Earth. The great risk taken by Jehovah, in order to succeed in this artificial, genetic "creation", is that he needs of a certain mix with the "animal-man". And it is precisely here where his experiment may fail - and sometimes it does -, due to the conflict, the internal struggle, between the "genetic machine" and its human portion, which, in the end, could even produce a catastrophic explosion that may destroy Jehovah himself. Moreover, there is the risk of rebellion breaking out in the Jewish world, of human versus robot, clone, golem. And this is known and felt by the great rabbis and by the very same Jehovah. Thus his increasingly urgent need to provoke a world conflict of immense proportion, one that distracts the Jewish mass from its own drama, and feeds Jehovah. At the same time they are destroying the bases of millenary beliefs by revealing their falseness, the rabbis today are creating the new Holocaust Religion, to maintain their inner cohesion and paralyse the goym.
Professor Hermann Wirth, founder of the Ahnenerbe - a superior institute for investigation of the SS -, knew all of this. He personally revealed it to me, during his final days, when he was writing his most important work on the history of the Jewish people, a manuscript that has been made disappear and which could now possibly be in the Vatican...”90
40 - Twin Peaks - The pilot episode. 16:00. Dir. David Lynch. By David Lynch and Mark Frost. Perf. Kyle MacLachlan, Michael Ontkean, Mädchen Amick, Dana Ashbrook, Richard Beymer, Lara Flynn Boyle, Sherilyn Fenn, Warren Frost, Peggy Lipton, James Marshall, Everett McGill, Jack Nance . American Broadcasting Company (ABC), April 8, 1990. Television.
41 - Twin Peaks, Season 2, Episode 22. 30:00. Dir. David Lynch. By Mark Frost, Harley Peyton, Robert Engels, and David Lynch. Perf. Heather Graham, Grace Zabriskie, Wendy Robie, Don Davis, Charlotte Stewart, Gary Hershberger, Mary Jo Deschanel , Catherine E. Coulson, James V. Scott, Dan O'Herlihy, Carel Struycken, Hank Worden, Michael J. Anderson, Frank Silva, Phoebe Augustine, Jan D'Arcy. American Broadcasting Company , June 10, 1991. Television.
42 - Serrano, Miguel. Adolph Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, page 18 .Hermitage Helm Corpus, 2014. Web.
43- Ibid, page 134.
44 – Ibid.
45 – Ibid.
46 – Ibid.
47 – Ibid, page 135.
48 - Adolph Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, page 484.
49 - Adolph Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, page 134.
50 – Ibid, page 242.
51 – Heart, Jack, and Orage. “Esoteric Evolution – a Primer for the New Gods II – a "Teapot" and the Toroidal Universe.” Veterans Today, 27 Nov. 2017,
52 - Lynch, David, and Mark Frost. Twin peaks, Season 3, episode 12 (10:00-11:00). Showtime Networks, July 30, 2017.
53 - Salazar, Criss and Franz Berg (Berg is the Translator; he is also the primary translator of Adolph Hitler the Ultimate Avatar). "MIGUEL SERRANO: THE LONG LIFE OF A LONG SAGA." OREGONCOUG'S BLOG. 14 Aug 2015. Web. 17 Jan 2018.
54 – Ibid.
55 – Ibid.
56 – Ibid.
57 – Ibid.
58 - Adolph Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, page 504.
59 – Ibid, page 499.
60 – Ibid.
61 - Ibid.
63 – Ibid.
64 - Adolph Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, page 413 -414.
65 – Ibid.
66– Ibid. pages – pages 415-416.
67 – Heart, Jack, and Orage. “The Black Madonna and the Swastika.” Veterans Today, 18 July 2014,
68 - Coogan. Dreamer of the Day: Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International. Autonomedia, 1999.
69 - Evola, Julius and Guido Stucco (translator). Revolt Against the Modern World, pages 346 & 347. Rochester, Vermont : Inner Traditions International , English Translation 1969 (Italian 1934). Web.
70 – Ibid.
71 – ibid.
72– Ibid.
73 - Adolph Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, page 296.
74 - Van Gilist, Aar. Herman Wirth (page 9). Netherlands: Aspekt, 2006. Web.
75 – Ibid, page 10.
76 - Heart, Jack, and Orage. “LUCIFER in the Temple of the Dog II.” Veterans Today, 16 July 2017,
77 - William R., Sandbach. "Introduction ." The Oera Linda Book. London: Trübner & Co., Ludgate Hill, 1876. page xvii. Web.
78 – Ibid, page xxi
79 – Ibid, page xxiii – xxiv.
80 - Dugin, Alexander and Jafe Arnold (translator). “Herman Wirth: Runes, Great Yule, and the Arctic Homeland.” The Fourth Political Theory, 13 Apr. 2017,
81 – Ibid.
82 – Ibid.
83 – Ibid.
84 – Ibid.
85 – Ibid.
86 – Ibid.
87 – Ibid.
88 - Ibid.
89 – Ibid.
90 –Serrano, Miguel and Roberto Jaras Lira (translator). "Esoteric Hitlerism ." The SON of the WIDOWER. third. Chile : Ediciones La Nueva Edad, 2003. 37-38. Web.
All images and sources used for educational or entertainment purpose in Fair Use. Jack Heart © 2018
ReplyDeleteA wonderful work of art!
So, will balance between male and female return? It is I believe an ancient faith tradition you are resurrecting as schlomo's world is so absolutely corrupt that it must be tore down and started over!
Who dreams other than me for a better world and why not? Schlomo's box seems complete as it appears Hitler and crew got "raptured" out of here with a time machine as in the end game who has control of the narrative?
Excellent work!
It is rather artistic isn't it Nine? You will notice that I myself said nothing; I let the world’s real power brokers do the talking, none of which would ever be caught dead bellowing into a microphone wearing a silly toupee.
DeleteFor me I prefer to quote an entirely different Austrian
"Adolf" is with f not ph.
ReplyDeleteIs that what you got out of it?...
DeleteI’m more comfortable with the ph, that’s the way I spell it, Serrano does spell it with an f though; Adolf Hitler, el último avatãra, far far more importantly is some people are translating it as Aldoph Hitler the Last Avatar, that’s not at all what Serrano said, in fact he believed just as Savitri Devi that Hitler would not be the one to give the Empire its last spelling lesson.
Serrano wrote a book about that too; titled MANU: 'For The Man To Come’ translated into English for the first time and released for the first time ever on 12-12-2012.
Translator's Foreword
We enter here into a great mystery of mysteries, on the threshold of eternity. Don Miguel Serrano was no ordinary man. A truly factual biography of him is never likely to be written, because the stakes for those who rule this world are simply too high. But let it be known that his mysterious Brahmanic Order was in the forefront and at the heart of the greatest developments of the latter half of the 20th Century. Literally millions fought and millions lived and died in the great struggles for which Miguel Serrano served as the gray eminence and directing hand from one end of our planet to the other. We can safely say that the over-all destinies of the previous two generations of humanity were very largely in his masterful hands, at least for those with some awareness of the role that has been played in those great struggles by the many secret services and special forces of which he was the true Grand Master.
We may say that for over a quarter century Miguel Serrano guided the fortunes of the so-called Cold War and, more than any other man then alive, determined the hidden forces that led to the inexorable decline and fall of the late Soviet Union. The growing contemporary isolation of the Zionist entity is also, in no small measure, his magnificent achievement. That these and numerous other great events are unlikely ever to be traced to Serrano is in fact the greatest tribute to his most singular ability. If the greatest triumph for the warrior is to win without his enemy so much as noticing who and what has led to their downfall, then the author of this Most Holy Book is in humble truth among the great warriors of Chile and of all time.
When we reflect that Miguel Serrano was the friend and chosen successor to the great SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Otto Skorzeny and that he received his personal command from He who was the only One greater still than Skorzeny himself, then we can begin to appreciate that we are here most literally in the presence of the Divine.
DeleteIn this rarest of books we may find the true, pure and fearless words and thoughts of Wotan. No one will read this book and emerge from it the man he was when he began the reading. Don Miguel spares none and, exactly like a God, like Wagner and Nietzsche, speaks to us on a level far above the quarrels and passions of mere sects and parties. Rather than debate whether Miguel Serrano were Pagan or Christian, we would be wise to understand that this book is a New Revelation that has destroyed such now meaningless distinctions. Henceforth we are all Pagans and none Pagans, all Christians and none Christians, because from this time, of the Black Sun of 2012, we are in truth henceforth and forever now Esoteric Hitlerists or we are nothing at all.
A Fifth Gospel now dawns over our White Race and this Sacred Book is that Holy Scripture. Here the Gods Return to speak to us, here the Christ Returns among us to tell us our past and our future.
Beware all ye who enter here, for the great words of power contained within shall haunt you forever.
In these pages the Lord commands His People.
Brother Francis, Franciscan Solitary in the Brahmanic Order of Kristos-Lucifer-Wotan.
Soli Deo Gloria.
Heil Hitler !
And by the way Adolph Hitlers real name was Alois Hiedler
ReplyDelete“...has no doubt left the scions of empire existing in a waking nightmare” You’re not kidding O and J. Yet I see that “...the Germans have the capability to write this timeline anyway they please.”
If I don’t live to witness their vindication at least I’ve got a front row seat to the heavy hitters. Thank you for the effort on this one.
Like I said Tara, and I did say that, the scions of Empire exist in a waking nightmare. What is here now was not here before. They know that and I know that. This is the Mandela Effect 2.0. You have lived long enough. Close your mind to their weak and growing weaker everyday distractions and look around you...
DeleteThese are selected excerpts from a memo, maybe best described as an interdimensional memo on the rules of engagement; the questions are in quotes, the answers parenthesis. It was written only a year and half ago; dated 10/14/2016.
“They use religion to foment the chaos and create divisiveness.”
(Again they use religion and order to create divisiveness, religions so dogmatic that they must destroy all that do not conform to their own tenets. The god of Abraham conducts the symphony and all that resists his overture must be destroyed. We must change the tune, the band and most of all the conductor.)
“They believe in Gods far older than the God of Abraham which was created from the stories stolen from the worshipers in Babylon.”
(They believe the truth which is why they so fear us, mankind believes a lie which is why he is not even an afterthought to them, there are so few left…but those that are we must teach them the truth and arm them with a weapon in which they may finally be able to defend themselves and one day take back what is theirs…)
“Human soul/spirit (observer) is not of the hologram. It is a non-waveform of unknown quality that knows no space and time.”
(It is not from this dimension but neither are they, nor are we. It is their food, we must poison it…)
“The construct creates space and time. The programming from various sources is in conflict one with the other. Many constructs can be created by producing minute differences in the interfering waves.”
(There is an obvious conflict or we would have just annihilated this place down to the last ember. The Clowns are a great idea, we need more, dancing dwarfs, hungry giants who eat human flesh, UFO’s and aliens, fish people and deer people, Poncho Villa and Joan of Arc, whatever you can think of, get creative, ruthless chaos, nothing stands and there are no rules, that is the way to victory here…)
“The physical bodies created by the hologram construct are built as sensors so that the physical can be experienced by the observer.”
(Exactly, pain and sorrow are their food, fear and loathing, all negative emotions, what Alec Newald calls loosh. That is what they feed on and this is a farm for it. I doubt these entity’s that set this up are even from this universe, which will put them at a disadvantage against us, use it against them. When the farmer does not understand his livestock he is in a lot of trouble…)
“Rules as understood by one group of avatars are not necessarily the rules understood by another. These rules may relate to the use of devices to change the hologram on the fly, overcome physical rules as set forth as the foundation of the holographic reality, produce unlimited power, overcome “gravity”, speed of light, etc.”
(I cannot emphasize enough that rules are the enemy’s best weapon here, be sure to break everyone you find, dancing dwarfs, Poncho Villa and Joan of Arc, Che Guevara marries Richard Nixon. Black Hole Sun, those are our rules, destroy everything you can but always with an eye toward minimizing collateral damage, if we create loosh we are doing them a favor, if we create chaos without loosh they will die…)
“Societies, morals, ethics, virtues, good and evil, are all responses that are constructed through the rules as set forth by those producing the hologram , the observers themselves individually and as groups.”
(Same answer as above…)
Look where we are now Tara, America has a Clown for a president.
“Send in the Clowns”
A word from our Sponsor: 1-900-9099-CRY
And that ladies and gentlemen is why it’s a good idea to read the comments if you don’t want to miss anything. Thanks Jack.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteMy Hitler pal is infected with that Evangelical virus and is having trouble shaking it as I told him Hitler was no evangelical Christian and so he says Hitler had the finest character and who do the Jews spend all of their time demonizing?
ReplyDeleteWell, my 100% pure German dad served in WW 2 and fought the Wehrmacht and greatly admired his enemy may I say he loved his enemy?
He said they were the finest enemy any could ever see!
Oh! And to Churchill and that awful Dresden bombing he hated him with a passion and never ever did trust a Russian....
And that's for Mr. Duff.....
however, whatever would I know....
If you read Serrano carefully, along with Dugins take on Wirth, they are not hostile to Christianity Nine, or Islam, or even Judaism, only the vile entities who have hijacked what is Sacred and wield it like an Ox Goad to savage the very Air in which we breed...
DeleteJung's quote that the "Queen is for love, not for marriage" has such sacred significance and one may find deeper interpretation of this in the writings of Hermann Hesse.
DeleteAnd thank you for introducing the writings of Herman Wirth. His words brought description to me for the invocation I did this past eve of the Winter Solstice and am amazed how it is still manifesting. No ritual involved. Pure spirit and will. It would not be manifesting so powerfully if that supreme divine energy did not agree.
Well wishes,
Time Angle...
DeleteMen are whores to....
who would of thought?
its called social security
the republicans want to cut it
that is the war they can not win
DeleteA nation can only be as rich as it is resourceful by what goods and services it may produce, and our treasury is both broken and broke with other countries holding the notes while we all have been exploited through graft, corruption and the theft of our treasury, so reform is inevitable.
What is key now is having a say in what direction reforms may take.
I do agree with you that all begins locally.
What notes time angel?
DeleteIt's a blip on a computer screen as Hitler fixed the economy for the working class first as they were National Socialists not communists!
We have been robbed blind by schlomo!
The worst of the worst are the evanschlmovelicals he he...
FEMA camp for them...
You can't go wrong with Herman Hesse TL, nor the Rock and Roll band who named themselves after his Magnum Opus Steppenwolf
"FEMA camp for them..." i hope you ain't saying that lightly Nine, one day we're gonna have to party to it...
Deleteindudablemente estamos en el kali jude
ReplyDeletewell we will just have to fight our way out then won't we Miguel?
DeleteHere's a cousin of Big Blinky the UFO, stretched out and relaxing over Lake Henshaw in the Southern California desert in 2009. If there there any problems, just keep clicking enlargement.
I like to mix refried beans, quacamole, and goat meat together and roll it up into a big fat burrito.
"Momma says never look into the eyes of the Sun." "But Momma, that's were the fun is!"
"Momma's gonna worry that I've been a bad bad boy, it's no use say'in sorry, it's something I enjoy!"
I love blinded by the light Stan, I love them so much why don’t you check out the images when you Google:
Delete"Momma says never look into the eyes of the Sun." "But Momma, that's were the fun is!”
"Blinded By The Light"
Blinded by the light
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night
Blinded by the light
Madman drummer bummers
Indians in the summer
With a teenage diplomat
In the dumps with the mumps
As the adolescent pumps
His way into his hat
With a boulder on my shoulder
Feeling kinda older
I tripped a merry-go-round
With this very unpleasing
Sneezing and wheezing
The calliope crashed to the ground
The calliope crashed to the ground
But she was blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce,
Another runner in the night.
Blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce,
Another runner in the night.
Blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce,
Another runner in the night.
Some silicone sister
With her manager mister
Told me I got what it takes
She said, I'll turn you on sonny to something strong
Play the song with the funky break
And go-kart Mozart
Was checking out the weather chart
To see if it was safe outside
And little Early Pearly
Came by in his curly-wurly
And asked me if I needed a ride
Asked me if I needed a ride
‘Cause she was blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce,
Another runner in the night.
Blinded by the light.
She got down but she never got tight
She's gonna make it to the night
She's gonna make it through the night
But mama, that's where the fun is
But mama, that's where the fun is
Mama always told me not to look into the eyes of the sun
But mama, that's where the fun is
Some brimstone baritone
Anticyclone rolling stone
Preacher from the east
Says, "Dethrone the dictaphone.
Hit it in its funny bone.
That's where they expect it least."
And some new mown chaperone
Was standing in the corner
Watching the young girls dance
And some fresh-sown moonstone
Was messing with his frozen zone
Reminding him of romance
The calliope crashed to the ground
But she was blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night.
Blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night.
(Madman drummers bummers and Indians in the summer with a teenage diplomat
In the dumps with the mumps as the adolescent pumps his way into his hat)
Blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night.
Blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night.
(With a boulder on my shoulder feelin' kinda older I tripped the merry-go-round
With this very unpleasing sneezing and wheezing the calliope crashed to the ground)
Blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night.
Blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night.
(And now Scott with a slingshot finally found a tender spot and throws his lover in the sand
And some bloodshot forget-me-not whispers daddy's within earshot save the buckshot turn up the band.)
Blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night.
Blinded by the light.
Revved up like a deuce
Another runner in the night.
(Some silicone sister with her manager mister told me I got what it takes
She said I'll turn you on sonny to something strong)
She got down but she never got tired,
She's gonna make it through the night.
I am still burned out from trying to post The 8th Poem, Keeper Of The Herd.
ReplyDeleteThe demented American evangelical's are schlomo's bitch I can sssure you!
Just ask one who is more important Israel or America as I know as most of my family are schlomo's bitches!!
I would put most of them in re-education camps,,,,,
we will
DeleteMy little fat Jack, the rat terrier, says Happy New Year of The Dog.
ReplyDeleteFrom the Dog that loves you more than you know, some art and crafts of the Occult Theater:
On google chrome this site will be translated to English. The explanation offered on why the Aldebaran Plejaren gave the Germans this technology is the same as what the human Plejaren woman Semjase, revealed to Billy Meier.
ReplyDeleteNotice the spinal column in the vertical axis on the Swastika, the housing of the transmission cord, receiving the electric impulse from the Spark that activates the human brain complex. The lines run out forming distinct stations of transmission of peripheral central somatic function and autonomic sympathetic and parasympathetic function, and so, enough already.
“With their aid and assistance they may have already developed on our planet a completely different and very advanced science, in German bases of the Third Reich, with extensive cosmic implications.” And “Some say they went to Aldebaran, a giant red star in the constellation of Taurus.” If they had the technology to do that and I believe they did then they are still “here.” The users of this technology can manifest it in our hologram and on our timelines. I saw a video of other worldly craft shutting down nuclear devices during testing and top officials coming forward with what they witnessed. I hope this comment isn’t too happy mealesque but I have a lot of questions and I get a lot of answers from these comment threads. My questions are what does it all mean and when are we going to be finished with this horrible Kali Yuga?
You know what Tara, let them Google “Momma says never look into the eyes of the Sun. But Momma, that's where the fun is!" Let them rock to the sounds of Puddles the clown, whom by the way has just weighed in on the toroidal universe, the donut obsession in Twin Peaks and the Wicked Wicked game She plays...
In fact let them rock to the tunes the Donald Trump Clown. Let them overrun Facebook with dissembling bots and Twin Peaks David Cassidy posters, let them freeze our hits and ghost post us, I really don’t care anymore about any of it, it’s their problem, not ours. I’ll be laying it out in black and white on Patreon, we’ll talk on there.
America’s got talent alright. It’s being revealed to those who are inquisitive through popular culture perhaps because the science and the Nordic tomes are too much for most people. Or maybe She’s attempting to reveal Herself. I mean that’s my impression/guess. I’m glad you’re still willing to sort it out and put it all together for us in the face of all the adversity. I’m looking forward to part 3.
Delete1914 article on the pineal gland creating super sized soliders:
The Phenomena of Jordan Peterson and Miguel Serrano and How Jack Heart and Orage Made it So!
ReplyDeleteI have been studying all things esoteric my entire life. Since I first picked up Bruce Lee’s The Tao Of Jeet Kune Do at age 8 and began the work of deciphering Taoism and Buddhism, I’ve had a voracious appetite for all things mystical and magical. This led me to the work of Jack Heart and Orage. From the first moment I read their work, I knew I was reading something that went far beyond the mere presenting of information. What I was reading was the disassembling of the threads of consensus reality, and the re-weaving of those threads into a tapestry of what our reality actually is. An apocalypse, a true unveiling of what was truly going on in our world. And the Apocalyptic writing of this Dynamic Duo seems to be having an effect on the very fabric of our reality and the many timelines it is composed of.
In my exhaustive research into the unknown, I had never come across the writings of Miguel Serrano. This esoteric master was a champion of the Archetype and the deep integration of the divided soul of Man. A friend of Carl Jung, he went far beyond where Jung feared to tread into the territory of what could be considered a Grand Alchemy. The reintegration of the Divine Feminine and Masculine principles that would lead to the advent of the True self; a Self that would ultimately have the power to deal the final fatal blow to the Demiurge and dismantle this false reality that we all are forced to live in.
The funny thing is, is that until I began reading Jack Heart and Orage, who speak very deeply on this subject, I had not even once come into contact with Serrano. Now I see his writings everywhere, and everywhere I turn, I see other authors quoting him.
The latest author to arise seemingly out of nowhere and to be thrust into the spotlight, is Professor Jordan Peterson, clinical psychologist and psychology professor at the University of Toronto. He has become a sensation due to his views which seem controversial on the surface, but when you really listen to him, aren’t so controversial at all. He is a very strong proponent of Jung and the resurrection of the Archetype and Myth. His “solutions” for the troubles facing humanity also rely heavily on the integration of the Self, and the transformation from within. His views strike me as very Serrano-esque, although I’m not sure if he would agree.
I have a very strange suspicion that the reason I’m seeing these authors in my reality field, is directly related to the “ripples” in the timeline being created by Jack Heart and Orage. In private communication, Orage keeps admonishing me to keep “making ripples.” I am trying my best to make this happen daily. If we could all take this advice to heart, and attempt to drop a pebble or two each day, maybe we could add to the work of these daring men and create a tsunami that can take down this nightmare of a reality in which we find ourselves. Maybe with a little effort, we can wipe the slate clean and begin the process of writing our own timeline. Start dreaming our Dream!
“From the first moment I read their work, I knew I was reading something that went far beyond the mere presenting of information.” That’s exactly how I felt and still feel. This latest Heart / Orage piece is challenging and fascinating. The doors of perception are open wide. I see Dr. Peterson favors the number 12 in his book. There’s that number 12 again. Where is Banger and his crew? I’m also exasperated by the meaningless material rut this false reality hologram is stuck in. I’ve been searching for answers for a long time myself. Meanwhile, Jack’s been laying it all out right here for years. I’m just glad I found him on VT. Once, I said Jack Heart should be on prime time TV but I see that Peterson didn’t fare well there. Regular TV is dead and being replaced by Netflix and YouTube (although I think the common appetite on YouTube tends to favor tabloid type videos over real information) StIl, MSM is dead in the water! I’ll look more into Peterson, Geoff, and I like you don’t believe in random coincidences.
ReplyDeleteTara, like I said on Facebook, I don't 100% agree with Peterson, but I believe he is coming from at least the same neighborhood. We need to start paying attention to the myths of the past and see what we can use as tools to start to turn the tides in our favor. We each need to take responsibility for the part we play in co-creating this reality. I feel it's time we recognize that we have that power and act on it. Maybe that's what all the commenters who are keeping silent are doing....working on themselves! Maybe:)
DeleteIt appears that Peterson may be bringing something valuable to the collective. I like number 11. If memory serves skater kids were mentioned here at one point. They are Red Hot Chili Peppers fans to my knowledge.
Yep.he mentions leaving the "skaters" alone as part of his 12 rules for life. As a life long skater I couldn't agree more! As far as the RHCPs go, their video for Dark Necessities says it all. A crew of female skaters. Riding the concrete "waves." I can't comment further on the connection cuz I'm an east coast skater. Maybe a West coast skater can jump in here anonymously and clear that up. Two great lines in that song are vastly important to our Serrano converstaion:
Delete"That's me looking for WE" and
"You and I both know, that everything must go away, what do you say?"
What do you say Jack?
I say without the Skaters there is no Serrano and maybe no White Wedding part 2 either. They’re the ones that first introduced him here. David Lynch forced him to the forefront so that should tell you just how powerful the Wave is that those Skaters are riding. If I am critical of the Girls that is in the interest of honesty but to me they are clearly are the good “guys” in all this, ain’t them jamming what we write and trying to spin it with PhD circus clowns. In Dogma, an insider dark comedy which is supposed to be a commentary on Catholicism, the Skaters are depicted as Demons and that crack-head of a homo Chris Rock, a guy who thinks annoying is a comedic technique, played Jesus. What does that say? The Wave Mothers or elder Djinn say I vouched for the Skaters, and I do...
DeleteIt’s amazing how all these pieces of the puzzle fit together and are layered like a Russian doll. Just a stream of consciousness here: The female skaters fit in with the white queen matriarchal model of which if I’m not mistaken Wirth was a proponent. In the video females are taking on attributes of warriors and getting banged up by the pavement for their trouble; the Dark Necessity of our current collective experience. For some reason it won’t let me copy a link to the official video. Hmmm...
DeleteThe value of the skater mindset is that one begins to look at the chaos and degradation of the environment as pure opportunity. As the edifice of the Empire begins to collapse around us, the reaction of the average mind is to recoil in horror. A skater sees every new surface created as a new wave to ride. Everything becomes flow, flow-state. I believe that's why the Skaters and the Wave-Maidens fight on the same side. It's really about moving creatively in whatever God awful situation one finds oneself in. How can you honestly express yourself in the moment? How can you Create? How do you ride the Waves of Reality itself? How do you 360 kick flip the wave function?:)
DeleteShould be after my next piece on Patreon everyone knows my mind...
Delete"Dark Necessities"
Coming on to the light of day
We got many moons that are deep at play
So I keep an eye on the shadow smile
To see what it has to say
You and I both know
Everything must go away
What do you say?
Spinning Knot that is on my heart
Is like a bit of light in a touch of dark
You got sneak attack from the zodiac
But I see your fire spark
Eat the breeze and go
Blow by blow and go away
What do you say?
You don't know my mind
You don't know my kind
Dark necessities are part of my design
And tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
Dark necessities are part of my design
Stumble down to the parking lot
You got no time for the afterthought
They're like ice cream for an astronaut
Well, that's me looking for we
Turn the corner and
Find the world at your command
Playing the hand
You don't know my mind
You don't know my kind
Dark necessities are part of my design
Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
Dark necessities are part of my design
Do you want this love of mine?
Darkness helps us all to shine
Do you want it? Do you want it now?
Do you want it all the time?
But darkness helps us all to shine
Do you want it? Do you want it now?
Pick you up like a paper back
With the track record of a maniac
So I move it in and we unpack
It's the same as yesterday
Any way we roll
Everything must go away
What do you say?
You don't know my mind
You don't know my kind
Dark necessities are part of my design
Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
Dark necessities are part of my design
"Sneak attack from the zodiac."
DeleteSaturn in Capricorn?
And "many moons that are deep at play."
They seem to be playing right into my bedroom as of late. But I'm starting to catch up with them. I'm starting to figure out this seidr thing. I asked Freya nicely and she laughed, but I appear to be rocking and rolling now. Pun intended.
To be fair, Chris Rock wasn´t Jesus in Dogma. He played Rufus, the 13. apostle ...
DeleteThat's right he did! But he was the voice of "reason," it's hard to remember, such a great actor and so many great rolls. I liked him best in New Jack City. He was a natural for his character and he died early...
DeleteBut again in Christian Mysticism Jesus is the thirteenth apostle, that’s why Serrano’s talking about the thirteenth seat on the Round Table. But I’m gonna give you that technicality it’s so much better than arguing over the spelling of an anglicized name...
DeleteBeing that I am the Spark that roared, I dwell in the Silence, in the eye of the Storm, overshadowed by Secret Identity.
The Test: Does witnessing the fabric of your consciousness scare the crap out of you? If not, just observe and say nothing until dawn. Or reject it, and have a complete psychotic break, and spend the rest of your life on thorazine. Though on large population scale, those are over because the meaning been lost and corrupted.
Well I just love the current discussion of reality of course reality is a conspiracy as I see things.
ReplyDeleteTook the family to the local evangelical mega church and boy was there a bunch of drama there as the number two pastor cheated on his wife with a very very attractive church girl and it appears he left the wife and kids for this woman and the dear church fired him from his hefty six figure job as pastor.
Course he woke up and choose a good woman and left the bullshit and of course he was demonized by the evangelibot lead pastor as they are all domestic enemy republicans and I despise them so...
I wish this dear evangelical pastor well and hope he escapes with the girl.
That is a huge ripple in the universe of things along with the death of Billy Graham and our dear "donald" seeing whores and fucking any thing that walks as not a word about that from our dear evangelical lead pastor he he....
And he turned the cheating on that dear wife into a sin fest to blame the rest of the congregation as sin could destroy you...
We are the enemy now in this fake reality and yet I see creation in action even in my own live as we create our own reality....
Just an opinion
That's the whole idea of the game Nine, get out of this universe with the girl, game over, Pastor #2 wins...
DeleteOf course dear Jack what of course is sin?
DeleteThat great evil that moves against us as our dear lead pastor declared that sin killed Jesus not the Romans or the Jews....
What is Sin but that great enemy....course what ever would I know....
you should watch our lead pastor preach...from ElmBrook Church where I met her...
Not your VT Gay Jew type of preacher or a clone of Billy Graham but the real deal IMO...
Jack I could actually ask you to visit this church...
only evangelical I could be he he...
much love of your work
PS got my credit card working once again and access to Patraon....
In Tengrism Sin is the earliest known name for the Moon, sorry nine but I wouldn’t be caught dead in a church, the sickly smell of fear and rot that permeates the air is enough to make me want to throw up, we won’t even talk about the effeminate Schlomo with Aryan features hanging there dead on his stick with that stupid look on his face. Yea eat his body and drink his blood, I’ll pass. And as for the Gay Jew as you call him, just like his female counterpart on VT Ann Denier, that guy belongs in a mental institution. I couldn’t help but notice his latest headline ‘Heresy is a sin worse than sodomy...” Need I say more? And if I should; it would be nice if John Allen were to restore the some half a million hits he wiped off our pieces on there when he updated the VT system a few months ago like he told me he would. I see other writers on there have had theirs restored.
DeleteAs the masses look for a revolution to supposedly free them from there dreadful rulers/elites only in the end to find nothing changes and the so called revolution is nothing more than a wash rinse repeat exercise. Lost in all this is the true individual and his individuality and to late the masses realise that there is no such thing thing as equality well maybe they will realise. Degree is everything how else could i see myself as an individual. This whole idea of individuality seems to me to be a anti-revolution. Not in the sense of the masses but in the sense of the revolution and i suspect that this then allows for the rise of the archetype of course i could be wrong.
ReplyDeletei wouldn't be waiting for any revolutions around here dazza, robots only revolt in Hollywood scripts, what you read from us is for your personnel rebellion, a rebellion against this demon god, fix yourself, there are others who have the necessary tools to fix the rest...
ReplyDeletePlay it one more time Player:
Always know " Stanley (tools) help you get it right."
Jack, where does the term 'Garmonbozia' come from? Do you know? It looks like it comes from Greek. I ask because there were Kabalistic terms in Silent Hill that also looked Greek and you know the K world so much better than I.
ReplyDeleteOrage, I saw a picture of a German city that has an enormous zeus-sitting-on-throne statue over looking it. Does this ring any bells with you? This isn't exactly on topic, but any comment is much appreciated. I've tried using goog/wikip to find this place, but as a german I suspect you might know this sort of thing. It was big enough to be seen anywhere in the city. Was this a memory or a mis remembery?
Garmonbozia – Gimel = 3, Resh = 200, Mem = 40, Nun = 50, Beth = 2, Zayin = 7, and Aleph = 1 Total = 303
DeleteBash – Beth = 2, Aleph = 1, Shin = 300 Total = 303
Bash - did evil, putrefaction
Excellent SM, truly excellent but as you can see here spelling is everything with Qabalah (spelling and discipline). Schlomo wants you to spell it wrong, as does AE Waite (a fucking windbag) and Macgregor Mather’s (a deist and in the vernacular of the internet a “Satanist...”). In fact as far as I know only Aleister Crowley and I want you to get it right.
Qabalah is spelled with a Q; Qoph, Beth, Lamed and Heh. According to the standard Ben-Yehuda’s pocket English-Hebrew Hebrew-English Dictionary QBLH means “receipt; receiving, reception [starting to get it yet?]; tradition; cabals, mysticism...”
The true sin of it all is Schlomo knew exactly what Lynch was saying in Twin Peaks the Return (why do you think there was no Golden Globe Awards for the best television in the history of television?). He went out of his slug like way to set a bunch of Facefuck sites up to dissemble the whole thing, I feel sorry for those who want to know that are stuck on those sites, among the frequent posters on them I don’t think there’s one 3 digit IQ among them. We will do what we can here, we are being jammed too, just about the only place I’m free to say exactly what I mean is on our Patreon site, where I just did with Lilith, the Cross & the Jack of Hearts...
DeleteYou know, I am so pleased to have made that mistack. Have a good one, Jack.
DeleteZeus? Not that I know of and Wotan-Odin got banned. Some merchants build a giant Bismark statue in Hamburg once, to placate the Iron Chanselor. Leipzig has an interesting one too, commemorating the fallen of the Völkerschlacht.
DeleteThank you for that. Germany is becoming a mystery in plain sight to me. I'm sure I saw this thing, I'm just not sure of the scale. It might not have been as large as I thought.
DeleteCopy & paste CN, from in your Face site
ReplyDeleteGerman to English
Darkness and obscurity.
When does the new time come, a time that frees itself from rudeness and violence, that is now prevalent everywhere and continues to spread? Where is the big turn for the better? Again and again, this question is asked. And there is no answer except the one we have often talked about:
The Word of the Lord in Mt. 24: Nobody knows! Why? Because only people can draw in themselves a new light through a new spirit! After that, the darkness seems to be safe. And anyone who thinks he should commit violence against violence has understood nothing, because every force only strengthens the vibration of darkness. One of the clues we have from the Christian point of view is, that the turning point can only come when people recognize in their vast majority, who and what the darkness is. But this will only happen, when this very darkness has subdued the whole earth. Only then people will understand, who and what dominates them - and only then, light is able to penetrate the hood of darkness over our world: Only if the a fine vibration of the majority of people is stronger than the darkness, only then. There is one more clue, a vague one, to be mentioned here. It comes from the cryptic verses No. VI of Leona, a member of the Vril ladies. This text has never been published. When Leona wrote him down, in 1942, this would have been considered a disintegration of military forces, because she prophesied the de facto defeat in the Second World War (the same would have been banned and punished in every warring country). In addition, Leona's representations are difficult. It is not clear, whether she speaks in symbolisms or means things as described. Today it is noteworthy in the text, that she foretells the first complete triumph of darkness, as it is now manifest, as it is now apparent, in a social time, which shows among other things, violence against women. The abysmal malice and darkness are already prevalent. We see it everywhere. So the way leads through dimness and darkness …
Eye of The Storm Foo Fighter.
That's great Stan. And more in keeping with the true essence of Vril as I understand it.
DeleteMy grandmother and uncle were both more of that true spirit than anyone I know of today, and perhaps a little of that trickled down to me as well. They were both gentle in nature.
Like me, my uncle (1932) had contact experiences, and he then designed what he called a "boat" with an engine that could go faster than the speed of light. He was rewarded for this experience by having his plans stolen, being threatened, beaten, even jailed at one point, ridiculed and tormented most of his life by men he referred to as "sick government types". This demented practice of taking what is good and then twisting it to suit one selfish, evil agenda or another must stop.
If your Uncle was in that large group of German scientists that are responsible for the U.S. secret space program, his creation would have been rewarded with very good compensation along with a secret identity, right?
DeleteWas your Uncle an electrical engineer? They find you and hook up by mental impulse. But these days I assume They are very preoccupied surveilling the usual suspects who are trying to provoke the next world war.
Sincerely 888.
Right! But he was not.
DeleteHe did have a good understanding of electronics and once told me the "boat" engine operated on different and more simplistic principles than our conventional methods. Perhaps triangular polarity as I presume is implemented in the design of those Foo Fighters? But that is merely a guess as I know very little about the technology.
And perhaps the maniacs provoking the war think of it as a mercy killing to preclude natural extinction events beyond their control. But that is stupid, faulty logic. There is a better way and more advanced beings can't seem to get it through the thick, greedy heads of the fearmongering war profiteers!
I used to have a Siemens 728 quadrupolar interferential current machine. The two electrode pads were tripolar, but the manual stated they would self create the fourth pole dynamically, to then having one horizontal and vertical crossover north and south poles. The little oscilloscope would show this pattern along with the electric field rotating back and fourth.
DeleteAmazing! I think you just simplified toroidal dynamics for me. Was that device for electrostimulation therapy?
The Seimens 728 Stereo Dynator was used for treating muscle spasm and pain, and was stated to promote tissue healing effects, depending on which push button pre-set hertz (hurts?) frequency was used. I don't think Seimens makes these physical therapy machines anymore, they are more into manufacturing 'big time' MRI machines for hospitals. Reading a slice of MRI image is definitely beyond my scope of reading an x-ray, sometimes.
DeleteAcross the seven steams of lustral light, that holds my vessel aloft....
No time for me, I'm Burn'in For You:
Just an opinion as I like to drink a beer or two....
ReplyDelete"Octopus's Garden"
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus's garden in the shade
He'd let us in, knows where we've been
In his octopus's garden in the shade
I'd ask my friends to come and see
An octopus's garden with me
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus's garden in the shade
We would be warm below the storm
In our little hideaway beneath the waves
Resting our head on the sea bed
In an octopus's garden near a cave
We would sing and dance around
Because we know we can't be found
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus's garden in the shade
We would shout and swim about
The coral that lies beneath the waves
(Lies beneath the ocean waves)
Oh what joy for every girl and boy
Knowing they're happy and they're safe
(Happy and they're safe)
We would be so happy you and me
No one there to tell us what to do
I'd like to be under the sea
In an octopus's garden with you
In an octopus's garden with you
In an octopus's garden with you
Love extraordinary...
‘I was 'baptized' in the summer of my twelfth birthday. All of our spare time was spent on the Great South Bay in boats in the summer and out on the ice in the winter. It was a week or so before July thirteenth, my birthday. We had made one of our numerous exploratory forays to the islands between Fire Island and the mainland. They were choked with six foot tall razor sharp marsh grass but the larger island had a football field sized circular clearing in the center. I was fascinated with herpetology at the time and in the clearing I found what I now know was an Indian Star Tortoise. The tortoise, which has spectacular yellow sunbursts covering its carapace, is native only to the semi arid grasslands of India. I didn’t know then what it was except that it was a tortoise and that it wasn’t a box turtle which I had been finding since I was five years old in Brooklyn. I was stunned to discover something like that on the salty marshlands of the bay where the only reptilian fauna were the Diamondback terrapins that were all over the place. Delighted with my find J and I raced back to the boat to bring it home for identification and observation in a terrarium.
DeleteThe boat was anchored about a hundred feet out on the flats which were about knee to waste deep depending on the tide. I started wading towards it, tortoise in hand, and I stepped in a hole or at least what I first thought was a hole. I didn’t panic. I didn't want to let go of the tortoise. I felt for the ledge but it was as if the bay had come inland to engulf me. I was suddenly in deep water, deep water all around me. I started inhaling seawater as I kept going under. My feet frantically sought the ledge I had dropped from. I knew those flats like the back of my hand from crabbing them and I knew there was no deepwater channel running through them. Even though I knew how to swim I panicked. J swam over and tried to help me, but I had lost it. I started trying to climb on top of him, flaying away at him. I remember him telling me he would swim for the boat which had by now somehow broken from its mooring and seemed to be skimming along the surface into the deep water of the far away State Channel. Every time I went down I would come back up fighting for my life. I remember the shimmering sun on the other side of the translucent surface. It seemed to be pulling me back up through depths that were impossible for the bay let alone the shallow flats between the islands. Each time I went under I would claw my way back through the unnaturally clear water to the life giving air. I went down over and over again and I knew I was going to die but I didn’t. My foot finally found the bottom where my head was above water and J got back with a life preserver. It seemed like I had gone down a hundred times and when he dragged me to the shore and pumped my chest I just kept vomiting an endless flood of red tinged water. I thought one of my lungs had exploded.
When we got back to my house my parents rushed me to the hospital where I checked out no worse for the wear and tear. The doctor couldn’t explain why the water I had vomited up at the islands was red and said it had to have been my imagination. Later I was getting the prescribed bed rest and J came to visit me. He brought me a tape and said "listen to this. The lead singer died today. You're really gonna like this." The album was The Doors; Soft Parade. When I started listening to the cassette I was immediately struck by the singers haunting deep baritone voice that seemed so familiar to me. We had been studying poetry in school and I had already read much of Walt Whitman, along with some of Longfellow, Emerson, and Sandberg. I was hardly impressed but when I listened to the words of Soft Parade I knew I was listening to genius of supernatural proportions. They say a picture paints a thousand words but the words of the singer Jim Morrison painted a thousand pictures. When I got to the song Wishful Sinful I was dumbfounded. He seemed to be describing what had just happened to me. He sung about seeing the sun shining deep beneath the water, about loving to hear the wind cry but being unable to escape the blue magical rising of the sea. He seemed to be singing to some other entity, an entity that was right back where he came from, an entity that he loved and longed to join by some mysterious rites of the water. Later I found out Morrison believed, or at least he said, he was possessed by the spirit of a Diné Shaman who was killed in a traffic accident he had witnessed when he was a young boy. The Diné speaking people in America’s Southwest believe a tortoise can be used to transport a soul.
DeleteI would also find out later that Morison was found dead in the bathtub of his hotel room in France supposedly of a heroin overdose but he did not take heroin. The bath was filled with strange reddish tinged water and nobody that knew him, outside of his girlfriend Pamela, saw the body to identify it. His manager went to Europe but never actually looked in the closed coffin to make sure Morrison was in it. Morrison had another song on another album; Waiting For The Sun. That song was titled Yes, The River Knows. In the song Morrison says he‘s going but he needs a little time before keeping his promise to drown himself in mystic heated wine. He talks about breathing under the water of a river that flows endlessly through time.’ – Excerpt from Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan
This in itself is also an excerpt lifted from Lilith, the Cross and the Jack of Hearts published on Patreon. It’s a five dollar cover charge to get on there and if your curiosity about the world your really living in extends beyond Schlomo’s talking points delivered on his “news” programs and the gibberish that the NSA has plastered all over the internet to obfuscate the few real facts that are on there, you have my word I will make it worth your while...
Exactly right. Jack Heart on Patreon along with the comment thread is worth the cover charge and more. It’s indicative of the insanity of this reality hologram that Those Who Would Arouse Leviathan remains unpublished. I don’t see how anyone could read these excerpts and not be intrigued enough to wish to read the rest which is accessible on Patreon. I wish I could get my hands around the throats of those who are responsible for keeping your book from being published. Everyone with any sense understands that the internet is infiltrated and controlled by the very people who are keeping this book from being published. I trudged through its sewers for years until I found Lucifer in the Temple of the Dog on VT which led me to this blog. Thank you for your continued efforts Jack.
DeleteA poem inspired by her...
ReplyDelete"A friend once said about him
Nothing but a dead Jew on a stick
She in her wisdom said
he's not on that stick
And he ain't dead
He rose again she always says
Life again born again
Poetry deniability "
Everything I have done for the last seven years has been inspired by her. To please her, if it would just make her happy; I would gladly march right into the gapping maw of Hell. In fact apparently I already have. But I have to tell you I think she is suffering from Stockholm syndrome or maybe worse...
DeleteMy mother, whom I take care of, is for all intents and purposes a vegetable or more accurately a bacterial entity. It’s funny since she is without any real brain, half of it was removed after two massive aneurisms and the rest they say is senile dementia. But you can watch her eat and demonstrate just what you were warned about in our Paint it Blue piece. A stick of butter on a piece of bread, yogurt, a couple of pounds of cheese (any kind will do) and cup after cup of half and half cut with a little coffee as she cheers the Turnip on while watching FOX “news” 24/7. If we didn’t make her eat other things milk products is all she would eat, craves them, fiends for them just like a junkie or a crack head fiends for a fix. One time I turned her chair over to clean it out and all these little black coffee grain like things spilled out onto the carpet from the folds of the chair. They weren’t moving but they looked like swarming ants. When I went to vacuum them up about an hour later they were gone...
Mother too now loves the faggot in the white dress. Tells me I’m going to Hell for the things I say about “him,” this from an avowed Ascensionist that once sat at the right hand of JJ Hurtak himself and always hated the Catholic Church. She thinks the pope is god on earth now, actually had tears running down her face when the piece of shit with eyes visited America to gawk at he and the Jesuits handiwork of turning it into a home for wayward Central American (catholic) idiots. You have to remember that Serratia marcescens first job, before it was radioactively juiced by Blome and put to the task by the Empire of turning people into biological robots for its New World Order, was to make Christian converts for the pope. That’s its first instinct, like a domestic dog or cat that still has to mark its territory with urine and feces.
DeleteNo one’s immune to Serratia marcescens, the King of all bacteria, either. When I was hospitalized with my second attack of “diverticulitis,” a bullshit label used by American pill pushers masquerading as doctors for over stimulated Mycoplasma in the gastrointestinal tract, the emergency room of the hospital was complete bedlam. People were rolling around on the floor from various localized attacks of acute pain, all symptomatic of Mycobacterium infection. Coincidentally we had just published part 2 of Paint it Blue. It was all fresh on my mind.
I was moved from a bed in a far corner of the deluge to right under the Nurses Station and into the bed I was in they put a strange looking old man who appeared to be comatose. Around this old man, they had come in with him, were four very dashing looking young men in thousand dollar suits, who seemed more attentive to who was approaching him than the actual old man. I seen them speaking to the head nurse who then came over and told the doctor in charge of the emergency room “he’s not human.” The men stayed there with the old man, who was only approached by the doctor and nurses, till I was given a room seventeen hours later. I timed it.
DeleteNow I’m not saying they can make a biological robot out of an “alien/god,” I was told by the Dine that the original DNA of the Sun People cannot be altered. But I am saying they can double one over in pain by adjusting frequencies to excite the bacteria in their bodies, maybe kill them too if they don’t follow a diet of no casein, no wheat or rye and no sugar. I follow that diet, given to me by some friends of VT, and have never had another attack of diverticulitis in spite of the fact that rice, which the pill pushers tell you not to eat, is practically the only starch I consume.
Now as far as that Cross, which mind you is the most powerful symbol in Black Magick, it is a variation of the Tau Cross or Ankh; hated by the initiates of Egypt because it was a symbol of their eternal bondage. The only depiction we have of Lilith from Mesopotamia shows her holding one in each hand symbolizing her own bondage to this Purgatorial place. I do not dream anymore for the most part and especially I do not have nightmares, not in 28 years. One night not too long ago I started to have one and I woke myself up, shocked and angry at succumbing to a weakness I had long ago left behind. I couldn’t understand it. Then I looked above the couch where I was sleeping at the shelf and low and behold; my mother or at least the bacterial creature that lives in what’s left of her body had placed a giant free standing Celtic Cross on that shelf. I of course removed it and never even came close since to having another nightmare, in spite of all my “powerful” enemies. I could just imagine sleeping every night with one right over my bed...
Let me tell you a little more about your precious cross which the Knights Templar would spit on and grind into the dirt in their initiation ceremonies, which the Gospel of Aradia begins by telling you to reject. The crossbar is the symbol of Stauros or the Line of Confusion which nothing in this world can ever cross; it’s in the unabridged version of Isaiah, which even names the Daughters of the Owl as one of the groups of Magi, along with god himself that cannot cross it. I wrote a poem about it myself, 28 years ago...
Delete‘Rabid wolves Shepard abandoned sheep
Lamentations of the Goddess disturb our sleep
In seven palaces we are permitted to dwell
Seven Palaces on a foundation we call hell
The saviors been commended to an unmarked grave
And the Whores still here she never was saved
As furious dogs bay through a moonless night
The whore becomes queen and takes her delight
They prostrate on the ground to the most ancient of deceptions
While the church propagates doctrines through immaculate conceptions
And the defiler of the tomb the robber of graves
Is challenged by a God who hid in a cave
There’s an obscure passage through the vault of time
But in a violent creation amid the swirling sublime
Precept upon precept and line upon line
Here a little, there a little conceals the divine
We are hurled through the stars
Only to plummet back to earth
Bound by a chain of flowers
To a circle of death and birth
And the precept upon precept
Is a delusion of the illusion
Not even the child of the void
Can cross the line of confusion’
My mother is ill as well. She suffers from IBS and fibromyalgia. She said when they were growing up they got penicillin shots every time they went to the doctor. I think they damaged her digestive system and I think that most of her ailments are related to food allergies. I wonder what effect all the antibiotics we consume are having on Serratia marcescens. They are going to kill us all. If the radiation doesn’t get us and the poison GMO soy and wheat fails then the doctors are there to finish us off.
DeleteTara you need to read Blood of Christ very carefully, I don't think you Understand how Serratia marcescens works, it is the King of all bacteria because it is actually through its advanced methods of Quorum Sensing able to hijack their biological functions and use them for its own purposes, its not necessary for it to be present in the afflicted organism, just its agent which can be any bacteria...
ReplyDeleteIn the American evangelical church there is no cross as the women run the place as the men are drunk, working or playing golf and Trump is doomed in the long run!
I am so so sorry about your mom ( Tarra to )
And know this as you are a good son and a fine man to take care of that dear gifted woman you shall have peace I believe in the end!
I have found peace and not perfection and believe am immune from our dear bug but what in the world would I know?
Hitler won the war, escaped with the girl in a time machine as who is crazzy now?
Tell that to your average brainwashed Fox News American he he .....
ReplyDeleteHe he
"Hitler won the war, escaped with the girl in a time machine as who is crazzy now?
ReplyDeleteTell that to your average brainwashed Fox News American he he"
We just did Nine, I don't think they heard us because of the crackpot Jesus freaks following me around like remora's follow a shark and trying to contain everything I say, its their fucking funeral...
How did you know I had Shake and Bake? My favorite way to prepare chicken...
If you look at the Seesaxons and where they went, traded, raided, settled, you'd find matching records in mainstream historical conventions. The tribe names asigned by outsiders like Tacitus, often grouping them at random. Smaller tribes also melted into bigger ones, in flux. Friesian, Saxon, Franks, German. As an example, Germany is called Allemagne in French, after the Allemannen, a smaller tribe residing around the Bodensee.
ReplyDeleteThe entire narrative is hostile toward Egypt, its people and its gods. The earliest possible date for the Orea Linda to have been forged is early 1860’s leaving the great Gaston Maspero, the discoverer of the Sea People a mysterious war like people from the West in constant amenity with Ramses III, as at best a teenager. Orage has been saying the Norse were the Sea People since day 1, here’s his proof. And let me tell you its enough to get a conviction in any court of law in the world and that’s without even using Dr. Ottema’s brilliant synopsis of the facts. This is why this post has been snubbed. They can’t argue this, any of it, and they know it. So now they will ignore it and hope it goes away...
DeleteGuess what assholes? Nothing we do goes away, it’s you who’s going away...
ReplyDeleteYou should be a talent agent he he...
Lynch found Watts the finest actress of our age as in Twin peaks in a matter of four minutes she destroyed reality...
I found talent for my former employer the oldest American institution and yes the Vatican is far older as who runs the show?
All the worlds a stage our dear Shakespeare once said my dear Gorge...
As to Watts talent she is, the only way to explain it, like how John Coltrain played the saxophone and the world changed.
Armstrong too
And Wynton too....
Watts entire body and entity is an instrument to communicate what she wants to say to the world.
Her vocals and voice and her femininity and her art as an actress all on display to communicate truth.
Lynch simply let her create in Twin peaks....
simple as that and a fine man he is...
I love your name of Jack Heart the best as you shall have a drink in your hand and a fine woman at your side as you deserve...
an opinion only as what the fuck do I know...
Naomi at her finest...
life is truly the shits if the local women are pissed off at you...
I was thinking more of Watt’s aggressive take charge nature and that lovely behind when she was making love to Cooper when he was still playing the Fool. In my book she really should have played Diane, not to say that Laura Dern did not do one hell of a job, she got the attitude perfect but for both her physical attributes and her aura I would have gave the nod to Watt’s. It must have been a hard decision for Mr. Lynch, they are both his girls (no worries about any trannies in that stable) but I think Dern is a little closer. I don’t believe for one second that Watt’s, Dern or Madeline Zima did not know exactly what was in that script and what the Return was really about. You think Zima was guessing when she said the Montauk Projects and the Philadelphia Experiment in her interview with Vulture? It was all right on here first (VT named part 3 or 2 the Philadelphia Experiment). But then I don’t have to tell you that. What a job Lynch did! I don’t really have to tell anyone who knows what they were looking at what the Return was about. Schlomo got it, no Golden Globe Awards for Lynch. He should have won all of them. I hope he wasn’t has dumb and naïve as me and expected to really reach the “unwashed masses,” with this stuff. Personally I now suspect the unwashed masses may be unwashed because, just like pigs, they like wallowing in their own feces.
DeleteJack, I respectfully and regretfully have to inform you that Laura Dern is most certainly a dude. One of the originals in modern cinema, at least. And recognised as such by many. The evidence is there: Serpentine neck, huge hands, and, of course, Apple of Adam right in the middle of its gullet. The strong male lower mandible is also growing through and out of the lower facial area as this was re-constructed decades ago in order to look more feminine, as it ages, the male jaw 'bones' on through and becomes more prominent as it does with most men.. Pretty gross.
DeleteThe FBI agent, Tammy? Is most certainly a neutered male/tranny also. And a good one at that. Very, very good, actually. But the skull size and brow ridge reveals it as male.
But all this in no way of course lessens the effect of Lynch's brilliant visual creation and especially of his portrayal of the kind of 'system' that is used to traverse dimensions. This ability we have to 'teleport' (? would that be the right word? it is unclear whether or not we pass through as like through a door, or we are de- and re-constructed on the 'other side',,,that shit is top secret, unfortunately) is common knowledge in the higher echelons of this reality, as you and most of your readers well know. And has been for some time. The regular, 3D world we all inhabit is a mere media construct,,,,nothing is reeeeaaaal, strawberry fields forEVAAAAAAHHHH
Just watched 'Bright'. A move that's been laughed at and mocked as ridiculous by the critics (ask yourselves: would Netlix REALLY have spent almost a hundred million dollars making a piece of shit fantasy movie that makes no sense from a rubes' perspective? No. Of course they wouldn't,,,it is a reveal, like Captain America, Winter Soldier is also a reveal) but is, of course, an accurate reveal of the war between cosmic forces being waged in this reality, on a need to know basis, as we speak,,,,right now,,,,look elsewhere folks, it's just random massive explosions in the 'burbs and 'earthquakes' and special force extractions in UPS vans in broad daylight....look away! they must be making a movie,,,,duuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh,,,sure Clyde, whatever you say,,,just get me another milkshake, baby,,,,
you don't need to know,'s just lightning.
I've seen shit, and I'm sure anyone else who goes driving at night has seen shit too. I'm compartmentalized in work (labs and biotech and all that shit---gear and apps maybe 40-50 years ahead of what's out there now?) While we are still allowed to go driving at night, that is. That'll be gone soon,,,mandatory geo-location via genetic markers (like the kind Frank Herbert talks about in Dune - yes, that advanced, 'chip' implants are ancient tech and red herrings, anyway) watch it happen. Electric cars soon---self driving cars in about a decade---severe driving restrictions/permits and autos only available for the very rich soon after that. Seen the price of a new Tesla?????
and I do hope everyone's watching 'Counterpart' very, very closely,,,and not just because J.K Simmons is such a good actor, know what I mean?
Aaaaaah, George. You're a wise man. What was that line from Bright?
DeleteIt's a magic wand
Say what???
A Magic Wand
A Magic Fucking Wand? R U 4 real?
It's a Magic Wand
For Real man?
Dude, that right there is a nuclear bomb that grants wishes. Don't fucking touch it!
(great movie!)
....what if those nasty krauts (sic) actually, nay hypothetically, somehow engineered that old bell into a kinda portable, hand-held device? And now use it, say, to traverse other dimensions? And grant wishes.....
At first, Ernetti mapped the route, say, told 'em where they could or couldn't go....and the Germans then blundered on through with that big ol' piece o' kit But then they got better. The Germans always got better at that tecchy stuff....
Sure the Big V and the 'Nazis' collaborated....just not like you've been told....
Hypothetically speaking.
As the Chinese say: May you live in interesting times.
They might even use a magic wand like that to demolish multi-million ton skyscrapers. In broad daylight, my friend. Right. Under. Everybody's. Noses.
Nah, maybe it really was just aeroplanes after all.
GGGGGG, George~
Delete'Demolished' into fine dust I believe, my good man.
'Dis-rupted'? 'Dis-entangled'? 'Dis-integrated'?
Fine. Dust.
....subsequently shipped off to China for disposal.
Right? (tee-hee!)
Errr, I mean:
Conspiracy Theorist!!!!
You all 'eard 'im!
The Duffster had a thing or two about that in the latest article As always, use discernment. And thanks, any time get an opportunity to belly laugh George II. I'll take it.
DeleteA Bomb or two surely would've demolished the buildings, Orage, Surely. But containing that blast within a relatively thin physical structure, regardless of a solid steel structural framework, invisible to all looking on 'cept for a few sharp puffs of air outta the sides as she collapsed? Maybe that bomb is another red herring, to keep focusing everybody's attention on the fact that whatever the backstory, the buildings collapsed. The buildings collapsed. the buildings were brought down in a conventional way using unconventional methods. Regardless,,,,the buildings collapsed,,,parrot that,,,,parrot that,,,,squaaaaawwkkkkkk!! keep looking here, everybody, squuaaaawwwwkkk,,,,
DeleteThat's what they have to have everyone believe. That's the mission,,,,
But perhaps they didn't 'collapse', or weren't even demolished as A has alluded to. Maybe they were disrupted,,,or 'disentangled' indeed,,,,annihilated in plain sight/broad daylight,,,now that right there is another matter entirely.
But as Nine says, what do I know.
Watts is on Netflix as I am watching her get groped by the giant monkey in King Kong course she is beautiful and did a bang up job with her role!
So George 2 everyones a tranny?
Hey "A"
ReplyDeleteSo the Germans have real tech and we have primitive iphones that mimic reality like a parrot....
Well look around you...
All I see is bunch of parrots....
Jack calls them pigs in a trough and all farm animals to boot....
ReplyDeletehere is how I understand life.
In this world we have to burn something to stay warm or consume another creature to live as in extracting the energy to stay alive at the price of death to the other.
What is schlomo's finest scam in these regards? Why splitting the atom of course and that hell fire that comes with it and why do they suppress free energy or zero point energy as the Germans discovered that and ran with it and who got the whole world to gang up on them for doing so?
Energy without consuming the other and so that is why shlomo hates the German people the most.
What in the fuck do I know....
Any 'Magic Wand' conceivable would have to access some sort of 'zero point' source, Nine. Die Glocke must certainly have done once 'warmed up',,,sure it would have required regular juice to get going. A Wand, however, rightly used, would give access to infinite amounts of energy without taking from or damaging anything else. Truth,,,,stranger,,,,fiction and all that.
Greetings George,
DeleteCould this be a way of accessing/ traversing omnipresent energy fields?
If so, I would like one of those wands, please, to go with my antenna.
Timeangel, many people can certainly access energy fields as it is, genuine palm-readers, healers, shamans, and many regular folks born with the gift, etc. It can also be trained into some people. 'Traversing' them isn't a term I'd use,,,traverse dimensions, yes, but a Wand would certainly be able to focus an energy field,,,,and manipulate it for sure; kinda like a judo or aikido master would focus your energy field back against you if you tried to take them down unknowingly. They don't use brute strength,,,they manipulate energy fields. A Wand would do this same thing,,,except scaled up to infinity—knock you down, or blast a hole through a mountain,,,or a building out of existence (haha),,,whatever the wizard wants to do with it. Nobody could just 'pick up' a Wand,,,it takes years and years of training. It would also do many other things by accessing the Zero Point,,,i.e. infinite energy of a type that is still unknown,,,,it would also be able to 'tweak' particles at vast distances,,,,subspace communication, if you like, to use a silly Star Trekism.
DeleteIn all instances, the Wand is a tool,,,,just like a rifle,,, it's the person who uses it/owns it that wields the true Power.
ReplyDeleteLynch is of course brilliant as the art shows the world what is really going on...
An atomic blast the exact opposite of zero point energy freely given to us by the creator.
What exactly does schlomo worship?
Who did 9/11?
ReplyDeleteput your thinking caps on ladies and gentleman...
Trans trany where's the tranny
ReplyDeleteEveryone a trany¶ms=EAMYATgBSAFYAmILdklTNzZVUlp3emdoAg%253D%253D&v=HBhytE5Ytc4&mode=NORMAL
Careful, Nine that guy is a Christian fundamentalist and probably not a good source. You need to know a bit about human physiology and anatomy to draw conclusions,,,in other words, it's hard work! I deal with much of it for a living, but youtube is rife with cointelpro guys,,,no surprise there,,,caveat emptor as they say.
Very good George, it’s a psy-op, 57 thousand hits in less than a year says everything that’s needed to say about it, outside of do not leave that “man” alone with your children. As he says five minutes in he gets off on the Blood of Christ...but your goat, your children, or his, will do. Bruce Willis, much as I dislike the Hollywood faggot myself, has every right and is in fact obligated by every manly virtue the human race has ever held dear, to challenge the sniveling little prick to a duel. What you really need to ask yourself is who makes this garbage and promotes it. I don’t, I already know, and I will tell you this much; somebody’s setting a whole lot of ignorant Americans up to die, horribly... and their rolling around the floors laughing about it. I tried to help, but their only gonna let me go so far. When they tell me these are animal men and robot slaves of the demiurge I am inclined to answer they are what you have made them but they won’t let me reach out to these wretches so what else can I do?...
ReplyDeleteChristian fundies are so much like amway sales folks...he he...
I would you rather comment upon Lynches work...
me thinks the subject better discused on Patron or what ever the fock you call it...
safer that way
Okay Nine I'll say something on Patreon but only to make you happy, there's nothing we can do about this as long as we are kept bottled up and great artists like David Lynch have to appear on a venue that also features Schlomatic propaganda shows like Homeland...
Delete'Schlomatic', that right there is a classic, Jack. You read it here first, folks. I'll be borrowing that one liberally.
DeleteBTW I have lost access to VT via Google and now have to enter through Tor. The irony hasn't gone un-noticed. Anybody else locked out of VT? Just getting an error message the past 24 hours.
according to that guy my dear trophy wife would be a tranny and she is 61 looks 35 and class act all the way...
ReplyDeleteActually I am her trophy as she is not in my custody but me in hers...
works better that way...
if you want peace that is how the world really works jack...
My ex is 50 and still the top stripper in the club she works at. Maybe if these guys did not instill frigidity, obesity and stupidity into their wives they wouldn’t have to fuck those foul looking tubs of lard euphemistically labeled as good Christian woman and they wouldn’t drive themselves drooling crazy thinking 24/7 about what sex would be like with a real woman...
ReplyDeleteLet me let you into a little secret as there are many beautiful women in the evangelical church just waiting to be rescued by guys like us.
Not only beautiful on the outside but the inside to and will make the most wonderful companions and the good ones always moderate their views Jack and I should know...
I have family and friends in the cult and so I must remember that many are totally brainwashed but many are not and with the right nudge out they will come....
Our local mega church puts on dances for singles and all the hot women go and you should see the guys as my daughter puts it stupid and ugly he he....I just laugh...
Well what would I know...
I’m still here Nine. Watch out. Those hot women at your church dances may not be women at all. Trannyhood seams to be an epidemic these days.