Modern science asserts that DNA is the essence of biological life. The spinning dance of the double helix is absolutely ubiquitous. Yet deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, is not native to this planet. We can look back into the dim recesses of history and observe when DNA arrived. It was the moment when the myriad life forms, we are taught to take for granted had their inception.
The planting of DNA upon the matrix of our planet began a process which is still ongoing, of a kaleidoscopic multitude of expressions, all related to and interacting with one another in both visible, and invisible ways. This remarkable interplay is not the result of some cosmic rolling of dice, or some horrible wrong turn at the intersection; DNA took root here, as a result of will and desire.
We see in
every living thing a natural will, and in every natural will an inherent
desire, and we are reminded that the Goddess of Wisdom fell from her place
because of both. If we allow our awareness to expand to a wider sphere, we can
know that the fall is there to call our attention to the river of
manifestation, that flow we refer to as Emanation.
Modern narratives suggest that at some point in the distant past, “the basic building blocks of life” began their work. This miraculous event has no genuine explanation. It is suggested that this development is somehow evolutionary, as organic chemistry is layered upon inorganic chemistry, and bridged together in numerous ways. Yet the inorganic kingdom has been posited as its own form of life, uniquely capable of extreme gigantism-huge inorganic structures held together by their own geometric expression, extremely stable, that naturally form the firmament for DNA to flourish. Here, it should be pointed out that once again we find the complementary pair, which is fundamental to existence in the visible cosmos.
The science
of emanation is an old one, spanning back to before the emergence of the
written word. Megaliths spread across Europe follow the unfolding of light and
sound and time. This competency is echoed with the rock art found within and
around such structures. Unfortunately, much of this knowledge has been lost to
modern man, and as we shall discover, this is hardly by mistake. Modern man,
led by a global trend towards the rejection of everything human, is actually
arrogant in his lack of any useful theory of creation.
inability of science to accurately address the conditions of life and manifestation,
together with its own retreat from the public sphere, has left modern man to
grapple with the unhappy predictions of Mikhail Bakunin. Mr. Bakunin wrote that
a society, in this case our own, is doomed to be diminished and stifled by the
application of science it can neither use nor understand. Such a state condemns
mankind to a death spiral into “the lowest orders of idiocy”. No less a figure
than science’s favorite TV prophet, Carl Sagan, restated Mr. Bakunin’s
prediction for-you guessed it-the TV audience by agreeing with the prediction
of a descent into stupidity and doom.
One might
ask, with the end of science and reason, and their capacity to address
fundamental issues, as delineated in our previous piece-Reality Shift-where do
we go from here? After all, the exposing of the manifest of science as
something beyond inadequate leaves quite a void. The next natural candidate
still left standing in the implosion that once was a society is, of course,
Religion, as
in established and well attended examples, is overwhelmingly abrahamic. The
halls of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and holding up the rear, Scientism,
account for most active worshippers today. Whilst Judaism remains relatively
minor in sheer numbers, its influence is undoubtedly global. Christianity
counts its flock in the billions, and Islam, intent on proving that the best
way to temporal dominance is via the gun, ranks #1 today as the fastest growing
religion in the world.
religions are characterized by the seemingly popular idea that the world-indeed
the entire universe-was created by a psycho killer on permanent vacation. At
its heart, this entire narrative derives from a fundamental misunderstanding of
the science of emanation. From Judaism on, the creation narrative is a cosmic
organizing, a separation and delineation of essential states. This is not
creation, but a defining and orchestrating, and this is the work of the
Demiurge, NOT a creator god.
Perhaps in a
future piece I will explain how the Demiurge, a necessary feature of any
cosmology, cannot possibly be the source, the fullness, which the abrahamics
claim is their absolute god. However, for now it is enough to grasp that the
abrahamic claim to source is a confusion of higher and lower energies, thus
their notion of creation is lost in error.
science, as previously stated, was practiced throughout prehistoric Europe. It
is at the heart of the Sybil’s prophecy to Odin. It is alluded to in the song
of Amergrin. Emanation was essential in theurgy, the ancient rites of the
Egyptian priesthood, and foundational in Chaldea, and expounded upon by all the
great philosophers of old. Emanation is at the very heart of Master Dionysus’
Mystical Theology, which was canon for centuries until Thomas Aquinas replaced it
with the universal theory of utmost simplicity, also known as pure faith.
Emanation is
a science, because it is a model by which repeatable and immeasurable
phenomenon are made known.
We can
perhaps best understand emanation as a flow from source, THE flow from source.
The flow always carries with it the desire to return, and it is this desire
that forms the foundation of all true mysticism, from this time to all time.
Metaphorically, emanation is a series of immense waterfalls, each one after the
other, carrying the flow away from source, the steps, further and farther into
the depths of darkest matter.
Thus, there
is nothing in this sphere of manifestation that is truly cut off, abandoned in
some inescapable nightmare to exist purely by itself, without cause or
correspondence to a greater reality. There is no equilibrium, there is no
closed circuit, and there is no life devoid of the divine imperative. Source
is, in effect, an unknowable flow, which contains all possibility, all
potential for manifestation.
manifestation is directly centered on the most independent life form in the
pool of DNA, mankind. First, let’s clear something up right now. The abrahamic
model of the soul has no real application, no matter how popular it might be, even
though it might appear on the surface to have some correspondence. Emanation
science directs that the human form is composite, a laminate, a nexus of vibrant
forces, not a simplistic duopoly of body and soul, and certainly not
scientism’s assertion of body and mind.
maintenance of the steps of emanation spans both intelligence and space. Thus,
they define time as an expression of life; dynamic, adaptive, and directive.
Perhaps the best thing to come out of relativity is the notion that everything
in the cosmos is an interrelated expression that responds as if it is alive,
because of course, it is. Similarly, mankind is thusly defined, a living
expression of the emanated cosmos, a microcosm of those living forces.
Therefore, the damage currently being inflicted upon mankind is not some simple
state of soul loss, but something far more sinister.
Above, so below
below, so above
-The Emerald Tablet
We find in
the instruction of Hermes Thrice Great a reveal of a basic fact of emanation science;
unity and totality are an inherent expression of existence. Thus, a fully
functioning mankind maintains a connexion to that flow which by its very
nature, transcends his existence. This is what we can call spirit, and it is
central to the wholeness of being.
Over the
centuries, the largest and best organized resistance to ancient emanation
science was the upstart field of mathematics. Mathematicians grew bold in their
arrogant claims of being the sole interpreters of time and events. This mental
affliction haunts them to this day, where their reduction of reality to an
ostensibly numerical correspondent cannot be questioned due to its rampant esotericism.
Currently, such variance exists in defiance of what has already been proved,
irrefutably, by Kurt Gödel. Those of us who listen to the servants of the
psychopathy might think that Mr. Gödel is best known for the introduction of
the uncertainty principle, which paved the way for the quantum. This in itself
would be great, but what we really have is a logical, irrefutable proof of the
reality of emanation.
had long ago decided that there were no sets besides those they described.
Descartes, driven mad by his inability to decode ancient mathematics, concluded
simply that the ancestors had a different math from that in use during the
enlightenment. He subsequently went back to dissecting live dogs. It wasn’t
until Kurt Gödel proved the existence of the absolute set, that their phantasie
was exposed for the murderous insanity it truly is. Dear reader, the absolute
set proves that emanation is not only extant, but it is the order of the day.
The absolute
set that contains all potential, all possible expression is the Ginnunnagap. It is the Pleroma. It is as close as the mind
can get to the definition of God. Danke Herr Gödel, your genius, for all the
pain, loss, and disaster it brought you, has in its center the liberation of
Now we will
return to the question of mankind, the current state of endless terror, and the
apparent soullessness of his existence.
A full
recapitulation of the journey into meat for the market would require an entire
volume, not the kind of spurious transgression found in Bertram Russell’s theft
of Newton’s great work, but an actual exploration, such as the Mabinogian, or
in the complete songs of Taliesin. We don’t have the setting for this
currently, so we will choose our highlights to illustrate the entrapment, from
the greater story.
The fourth
century brought on a great terror, which filled the hearts of the Caesars.
Their mighty legions were vanishing into the misty forests of Britannia. Fierce warriors from Asia struck against
their flanks in the Levant. Dacia had returned to barbarian control. Gold and
grain no longer flowed uphill to Rome. A new and fatal numbness had spread
throughout the empire, a quaking recognition that the glories of the past were
gone, never to be matched again, and comparatively, the years ahead were few.
Rome needed a radically new direction to hold together.
The answer
came after an intense period of demand and rebuttal. The formula was to be a
new religion focused on divine punishment, and spiritual reward for endless
toil. A widespread theft of land, and reduction of free citizens to landless
peasants, was the hallmark of the new political face of the empire; also known
as feudalism. The cult of the emperor was to be absorbed into the new religion.
The emperor, now head of both church and state, wielded absolute power within
its borders. From this cooking vat emerged a dark age that lasted over 1,000
This matrix
of absolute power featured a multi-pronged attack upon the European people. One
that continues in slightly altered form, to this day.
Basilicas stand to this day upon the sacred sites of the ancients. They are
lavishly decorated with the narratives of the theft of the Sun and the Moon.
Ancient time was forcibly replaced by the Christian calendar, featuring months
named after long dead Roman emperors. The attack was first and foremost to
focus upon the removal of the person from their cosmos, their time, and their
relationship with these forces. This was an aggressive venture to remove the
person from their spiritual hearth, and it was extremely successful.
The recital
of Christian genocides, and their implementation, could easily fill
encyclopedias, so varied and so long term were they waged. Christians today are
largely, willingly ignorant of the endless pogroms launched in the name of
their error code god. Let us amend the record that the triumph of Christianity
was in fact due to campaigns of mass murder, forced incarceration,
falsification of public documents, and mob violence at its worst. Just review
the case of Hypatia of Alexandria, whose only crime was to speak truth to power.
This modus operandi revealed a deeply political religion, largely devoid of
spiritual value, exactly what one would expect from the Caesars. That said, it
is an interesting and somewhat bizarre fact that the only organized refutation
of the insane Covid narrative comes today from the Catholic Church. It also
bears mentioning that in this, they are right. One should view this as an indication of
something remarkable; yet let us return to our point.
The removal
of the person from their native cosmos, together with the attack on the
spiritual expression of that person, was a sophisticated and brutal method to
build and maintain compliance with the feudal system. The new religion
functioned as apologist for the rise of a permanent entrenched aristocracy, and
together they ensured the rise of the current globalist cabal. This duopoly
provided the emergent globalist ascendency with means and motive to launch
systemic genocides upon the people, of which the current Covid terror is only
the latest.
The rise of
globalism went largely unnoticed during the colonial period, but with the
arrival of the industrial revolution, globalism revealed itself as the steering
feature of society. Globalism, for all its media borne excuses, has never
relented in its all-out war against humanity. The goals of modern globalism
closely parallel the purposes of Christianity and feudalism at their inception.
If we wish to understand these goals, we need only examine the time-tested
methods of globalists, and their effects.
Armed with
such, we discover that the current goal to massively reduce the human
population to a smaller, easily controlled slave race is merely a stubborn
adherence to original purpose, rather than any novel approach. The marriage of
transhumanism and globalism was arranged from the start, as Teilhard de Chardin,
one of the first to make a case for transhumanism, found more of a home amongst
globalists than he ever did in the halls of the church. Genetic engineering,
discussed at some length in our previous piece, A Perfection of Error, is a
natural for this agenda, as it attacks both the genius of DNA, and the sanctity
of its expression.
globalism has enjoyed direct and powerful spiritual assistance for its rise to
prominence is without doubt. This phenomenon is hard to understand in standard parlance;
because something within us cannot grasp that disorder and destruction are as
much an essential expression of existence as are light and joy. Yet as the
alchemists used to say, putrefaction is the step on the path to higher states.
The mistake is to associate this spiritual assistance with the globalists
themselves, rather than observing the larger role they play. All effective
magic uses the forces available first, rather than depleting one’s own vital
Yes, this
does indeed mean that the larger forces at work provided the means and
opportunity for the worst, or one of the worst elements of mankind, to achieve
an ascendency whereby the destructive forces they unleash are completely one
sided, and without balance. The result has been predictable, to say the least.
It must be understood that the human dimension is such that responsibility for
error is humanity’s own. Thus, that element of mankind that has chosen to become
those negative forces is fully culpable for their choice.
achieves its supremacy through a stifling axiomatic reductionism. This is true
no matter what field of study one wishes to examine. They perceive themselves
as masters of a dead, closed-circuit universe, where the cosmos itself is at
best indifferent, and mundanely, insanely hostile. Thus, the Covid narrative
has endless traction cloaked within invisible terror, as it arises from these
depths of error, control, and fear. This is the derivation of the goal to reduce
life to the scope of dead biological machinery, where any adulteration, any
abuse, is permitted simply because it can be done.
Into this
dystopia is thrust modern man, literally standing in front of a tidal wave of
devastating proportion.
as a permanent human condition doesn’t truly exist. However, the exaltation of
the shallow self, that which develops with the body as an adjunct to it, can be
magnified to a point where it can hear only itself. Some of the most effective,
time-tested methods of encouraging this phenomenon include the liberal use of
sheer fear, and at least since the 1960s, copious amounts of pharmaceuticals.
With over half of the US population now on some daily dose of petroleum-based
drugs, methods of clouding genuine deep emotion, reflective awareness, and
unpleasant mental states, especially sorrow and loss related, have become
standard operating procedure, even before the rolling out of the vaccines that
It certainly
is true that soul loss, as a phenomenon, exists. Yet the current cognitive
bombardment isn’t truly capable of inducing this severe condition, certainly
not on a mass scale. What we are observing is a twofold phenomenon, a pharma-based attack on cognition, which is the stuff that Rudolf Steiner warned us
about, drugs that obfuscate the individual connexion to one’s own higher
functioning, and thus the divine. The second, mass effect, is harder to define,
since it has to do with species wide delusion.
History is
replete with examples of widespread delusion and psychosis. These times are
characterized by tyrannical and largely destructive groupthink patterns. In
historic cases, there is the outsized presence of some deep, negative complex
that is beyond examination. Practically speaking, these periods are refusals to
wrestle with essential issues. The Witch Trials, for example, were launched at
a time where the externalization of dysfunctional inner states could have been
transcended with effective use of myth. This would have required the
development of a certain level of mastery and would have been extremely
challenging. Instead, it was much simpler to murder tens of thousands,
primarily defenseless women, and thus to take the coward’s path.
Our current
groupthink delusion is very clear, as weak-minded power centric individuals
eagerly vie with one another to create even more dysfunctional conditions, and
thus deepen the misery. The masses breathlessly await the next round of shots,
the next lockdowns, the next reveal of camps and punishments. Vaxxed crusaders
predict the impending doom of their hated rivals, the unvaxxed. Definitions of
what a vaccine is, and what the vaccinated status should look like, are changed
and changed again as globalists, whose one bottom line is a pathological hatred
of their fellow man, coolly direct the manslaughter from behind drawn curtains.
Everywhere one looks, the patent absurdity of this condition becomes more
apparent, yet behind the smirks of politicians and billionaires promising the
next round of pain, there is no will, no desire, nor even the slightest hope
that the insanity will subside. This is what humanity looks like when it fails.
what we have here is a giant case of playing ostrich. Mankind is passing
through a massive reality shift, and rather than meet the challenge with the
development of spiritual muscle required to navigate these new waters, mankind
allows the nincompoops and cowards to experiment on them as they jam their
heads into holes in the ground. The absolute, terrified refusal to meet the
demon of Covid, and expose it to the light, is causing a regression in human
consciousness of tsunami like proportions. As with the Witch Trials, the
externalization of inner crises creates the false scenario that it can be dealt
with through the extermination of the other. This epic spiritual cowardice
arrives at the very moment where humanity must make some very essential leaps
if it is going to survive.
The method
to overcome this invasive attack is to rekindle, in oneself, the correct
operation of the human being. There are many methods, many approaches, but the
universal experience always involves the appreciation of the sacred, and an
entering into the silence. It involves bravely facing the existential terror and examining it with full attention and awareness. There are two basic
approaches to this activity; one is to observe very carefully all the layers
and connexions of the terror, and the other is to become the terror so
completely that oneness with it is reached.
Mankind has
allowed this boogeyman to become the totality of his aversion and reluctance to
advance into the challenges of the new reality, and now he is going to have to
discover some real mettle within himself in order to avoid yet another mindless
slaughter, and yet another march following exactly the wrong people into
exactly the wrong place. Mankind hangs
in the balance.
Beyond the grasp of the merchants of malice, a mathematician and philosopher proved the absolute set is real, and thus that emanation science exists, the immortal array is as genuine as it is invisible. In one fell swoop the human mind is open again to great spiritual beings, Gods and Aeons, and the waterfalls of light. Our destiny returns, our purpose and our strength, if we have the courage to take it up.
“But here steps in Satan, the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds. He makes man ashamed of his bestial ignorance and obedience; he emancipates him, stamps upon his brow the seal of liberty and humanity, in urging him to disobey and eat of the fruit of knowledge.”
ReplyDelete― Mikhail Bakunin
Thank you Jack, for publishing this piece.
DeleteYes, Mr. B. continues to be prescient, even today.
Personally, I view the mass of mankind's herding up to obvious nincompoops as a kind of fatal rejection of the responsibility to be human. There are those who have described it as squandered opportunity. The herd would probably have earned Mr. B.'s contempt.
One of the ten to twenty great Russian writers, that baring Nitzsche and Berkeley, have no rivals in the West...
ReplyDeleteBrilliant Gnosis & Exquisite Writing! Thank you Mike Kay & Jack Heart! BRAVO!
ReplyDeleteLet them eat woke. Make me wear a mask or get an injection!
ReplyDeleteThat's where many here are at.
Great work Mike!
Some have described the events I touch on in this piece as a war against DNA. Yet DNA is the result of the processes of manifestation, not an origin unto itself. DNA continues to be essential to the journey of forms here, in this world, yet it's off world origin is hauntingly in tune with emanation science.
ReplyDeleteThus, yes, DNA plays a central role in this current drama, yet I find it unnecessarily limiting to describe our current dilemma as a war against DNA.
In truth, humanity is at its greatest crossroads, perhaps ever. If the psychopathy succeeds at their game, they will find themselves literally, achieving nothing.
I am heartened by the massive protests just the other day in France and the UK, not because they are protests, but because they speak with the essential qualities of being human.
You're in VT again too Mike, couple of comments there
DeleteComments by that vaxxed up zombie Odel? I bet he wears a mask whilst typing his myriad comments upon that fucking rag VT.
DeleteVT? When the dumb asses over at FBI actually figure out that our dear vaxx was the ultimate criminal hoax I hope they come after the VT editors.
DeleteI fully expect to ruffle more than a few feathers with this piece, although I didn't set out with that purpose in mind. It definitely flies directly in the face of conventional thinking.
DeleteI doubt I even have an account on VT any more, so if anyone from there wishes to say something and have a chance of me answering, they are going to have to do so here.
Mike, they only allow comments they like as they delete all others.however, they read here so I got to insult them and hey VT get a real job.
DeleteWell, posting my pieces on Vax-erens Today was Jacks idea. Apparently he finds it funny to read their incoherent howling.
Well Mike, science says that long term mask wearing lowers cognitive levels as does the spike protein in our dear vaxx as of course they rant how can they not? I believe that universe has given us separation and soon war as I no longer associate with vaxxed zombies. For Ed vaxx? Bring the war.
DeleteUS Military enforced vaccines in America? New York State of course as they will line up willingly. Other areas? The health department officials will have their houses burned down as I guarantee a gurilla war for you.
DeleteOf greater interest to me, is why an ostensible military-centric publication is obsessed with the politicization of an obviously contrived health narrative.
DeleteWhy have they joined the scream fest to force mRNA coctails upon mankind?
Well, for one thing, they must agree with the actual objectives behind the circus act, which implies they know more than they are letting on...or they are just buffoons.
As we have seen in the comments below, they don't much like anyone shedding light on anything that crowds their narrative. Makes them a little touchy.
I will leave it to others to make up their minds, but for myself, this whole thing reeks of wannabe-ism.
So, Mike do the VT editors plan to come to flyover country to force the vaxx? I did logistics for America's oldest agency and America is a big place and a very large per engagement of the population is hostile. Soon military service to this government will be viewed as dishonorable as go ahead and kick the unjabbed out of the military. That will be the new revolutionary, fuck off.
DeleteSo, the men at the checkpoint in dumbfuck Tennessee just got ambushed and all were killed. So sad however,this is your future dear military if you do to America like you did to Iraq. Your service? Fuck your service!!
DeleteWell Mike, perhaps they take their marching orders from the insects that run Antarctica?
DeleteJack has published plenty on that subject since why did every world leader go there? Look at the royals swearing an oath on their sacred stone to a sea monster every year. They look human but can't be!
KMB, I don't write to defeat the time, I write to return genuine agency to those who thirst for it.
DeleteThe Ioten have made it clear that our Stalingrad is already set, arranged, and done. As I have previously showed in my pieces, events occur first in the realms of higher manifestation. It is only for us to choose how to live through them.
Thank you, Mike that is exactly, what I have been telling nine for the last two years...
DeleteWell, every major city will force vaccines and best to move out and prepare for war as the vaxxers will never give up until forced to do so.
DeleteI used to enjoy articles of this type, but now find them tedious to read. A finely written article doesn't necessarily bestow metaphysical authority upon the author. To be sure, this article and the others by MK, are magical thinking and therefore lack real-life power and actual authority. You are presenting a cosmology/cosmogony. There are thousands of these that have been around since nearly the beginning of this present cycle. They are an intellectual grasping in the dark that desire affirmations from other disoriented souls. Reject it all and admit you know absolutely nothing. That is always the first step.
ReplyDeleteTo the few who are properly oriented metaphysically, this type of teaching has no actual value beyond something people can exchange and discuss in the hopes it may eventually orient one toward truth. However, with the heavy mental and spiritual baggage of people in our present era, that is unlikely to happen. Many people are going to perish in their disorientation including those that fall for these types of cosmologies. Cosmologies sound impressive though don't they? They have this odd ring of truth to them people say. Then people move on to other things.
MK, I think your error is the same as those you term the "abrahamics". You teach that physical existence at some point in eternity time suddenly was created or came into existence by divine accident or direct will. You apply 1+1=2 to hidden realities that aren't logical to begin with. Ultimately you are in the same family as the j00s who through complex wordplay and the use of clever differentiation (deception) have manufactured a synthetic world of which we all partake to some extent. If you knew the raw, abyssal freedom that IS the ultimate reality, and how absolutely terrifying that is to the human ego, you WOULD write things of this nature.
If you take your teachings to their logical conclusion, you will see that you are bringing nothing new to the table, just the same old ideas that couldn't help anyone in bygone ages. Little do people see just how deep the cabalist-talmudic priests have infected the mind, and how long they have been at it. The west was already deeply compromised by the time of Plato. It wasn't just the "abrahamics" that were chipping away at reality, rta, order, or dharma, though they are foremost in our present times
DeleteWithin this latest piece is enough information, that if you wish to examine such, and continue your own research, illustrates that the premise is based soundly upon logic and proofs. The work of Kurt Godel, and its inescapable conclusions, for instance, is not a perspective, or a dalliance, it leads to actual conclusions.
I have explained that emanation is a science used for quite some time by humanity. I see no need to reinvent any such endeavor, instead, merely to place the activity of ephemeral matter into the context in which it belongs.
Your statement of an awful freedom is more indicative of current mass psychological memes, sans any logical reasoning, than any type of meaningful conclusion. You cannot prove that any thought, any action is free, similarly, you cannot prove it isn't-welcome to the uncertainty principle, where for certain things to be true, they must also be false. I mention this in the text.
In short, if you don't find anything of value in my writing, then you are free to have such an opinion, but you are not free to accuse me of logical inconsistency where none exists, and then offer your own illogic as a rebuttal, which is absurd.
****tightens up his clip-on tie***** Well, Sir, that was a mouthful. When you cross the threshold of death and see all the little doggies laughing at you while eating away what you call "Mike Kay", just remember how logical it all was. Lol....***sinister laughter!!!!!***
DeleteAnd you remember, as you trot around pretending to be knowledgeable, that the limits to logic and understanding are the key to higher perceptions-if you are clean enough to see and hear as they appear upon the cloth of consciousness.
You guys make me laugh, you say this has been done before and I agree it has but not anywhere near this well, which is why its published here specifically to entertain knowledgeable readers such as yourself. No one expects you to agree with Mike, least of all me, but let's at least acknowledge a literary masterpiece when we see one. Or are you too insecure with yourself to do so? As far as I know the Hellhounds are waiting for all of you. Down Fido down, is all I got to say about that but if you want to discuss nuts and bolts you are welcome anytime you're ready on Patreon, it's all there in The Truth About Jack Heart, say when and I'll write a third installment any time you're ready...
DeleteRelax, MK. I am not pretending to be knowledgeable. I am just saying you aren't as knowledgeable as you pretend to be. You are scanning these comments as they come in like a mother bear protecting her cubs. I am simply saying your ego is excessive and your constant presence on this blog immediately ready to respond and react to what people might say is telling. No worries though. I was that way once, too. You can proclaim to have all this wisdom and knowledge. I'm just saying that nothing you are saying is novel. You can come at me with all the logic and bs you claim to possess. In the end all I'm saying is that you will stand corrected. Your showmanship at wisdom here does not impress a former bullah1tter like me.
And thank you, Jack. I love what you do here.
No D, I'm not wrong, not at all. I titled this piece the malice merchants and here you are, right on time.
DeleteYour personal obsession with novelty is quite timely, isn't it? I mean your beloved and ostensibly novel pandemic, and of course all those novel injections that send you into great leaps of logic that aren't.
Well, it certainly looks like I hit a nerve here, since you took time off from your buisy schedule just to personally raz me.
Your time is a greased wheel, you should use it well.
For others who might read these comments, I would simply add that the icons of this society are now reduced to incoherent ramblings, just like the president they claim they elected. There is something going on in there, but don't expect it to be rational.
Following the dictates of those, like D, who support the Jim Jones agenda, never will unite you with the mother ship.
This is about psychic damage control and prevention from all the redundant damage that contaminates your ultimate potential as an evolving Spirit Being, as a walking, talking, thinking, Self Responsible Human.
ReplyDelete1) You should not trust the impulses of your untrained material consciousness, because your consciousness is still untrained and inadequate (deficient) in any respect. Search continuously for the logic in every thought process, and apply this logic when you have found it.
2) You should not let yourself be disturbed or distracted by the unreal impulses of your consciousness. They occur automatically, often come from the subconscious, and you should not try to control them immediately. You can however quickly (in a flash) detect them through your concentrated neutral positive thinking and feelings, to recognize (understand) the insignificant importance of them.
3) You should never allow anxiety, fear and insecurity in any respect to rise in you, nor allow it to prevail in the slightest way. You should never in any way (respect) have the slightest distrust in yourself, as well as in your personality, nor in any way have the tiniest little doubt with regard to your success. All thought “sprouts” and negative-generated (ausgearteten) feelings to this effect must be recognized immediately and banned without compromise.
4) You must lay decisive strength, self-confidence, assertiveness (self-assurance) and triumphalism in the construction and in the realization of your ideas, and construct all of it in a concentrative, clear and powerful manner, let it prevail and bring it all to blossom.
5) You must handle (control) your experiences and events in the material sphere of life – caused by your own thoughts and feelings as well as the influences of vibrations of your fellow human being – and without exception, directly and automatically neutralize them by steering (directing) them into the paths (channels, tracks) of neutral positive thinking and feeling, without in the slightest way being bound by any vibrations and intentions of the other (human being) and make these illogically your own.
6) You must absolutely maintain very strong focus on essential values like love, peace, knowledge, wisdom, freedom, balance, neutrality, harmony, truth and reality, develop them consciously with confidence and motivation, and under all circumstances be aware of them.
7) The bigger the problems and difficulties are that are exposed to, the greater and more powerful you will be able to grow, because you are forced to elaborate (work out) all the solutions and the right and logical way of thinking, through the development of your own rising consciousness, and allow these solutions to dominantly prevail, powerfully and with determination.
Well Stan, it is about honing the inner nature.
DeleteThe strange thing about those lower order entities is the ability they have to mimic and mock the Immortal Array, yet actions always speak louder than words.
Are there any sources that describe Kurt Gödel's Absolute Set in layman's terms? I see a few decent descriptions of his incompleteness Theory on line but I don't think that's the same thing.
DeleteYes there are, however only in part. One really has to do an inordinate amount of research. Most sources don't understand the absolute set, and I dare say that essentially no sources understand what this set means.
I wish I could point you to one simple source, but I never found one!
A key to comprehension involves Plato, because Plato laid out that there was a template for this existence, an order and a logic that determines manifestation here.
KG was well aware of what his proof meant, and it gave him great pleasure.
What is the Kurt Godel absolute set?
ReplyDeleteEssentially, the Absolute set is the set that holds all potential and possible components for all other sets. It is an absolute set, because while holding all potential, there is no set that contains it. Not everyone refers to this as the absolute set, some like Prof. Farrel prefer to refer to it as the empty set. I don't want to put words into his mouth, but I believe he uses that term because his empty set is one of potential, and thus is not fully manifest.
KG discovered that no matter what type of set he reviewed, there was always the absolute set beyond it, and it always held greater potential than those sets that are realized.
What this is, directly and with no fantasy involved, is emanation.
Emanation is the Absolute set, as the Pleroma, or to Plotinus, the One, and just as the absolute set envelops all possibility of manifest sets, so the One, the Pleroma, holds all possibility for incarnation and manifestation.
KG thus explains that everything that is, thus must derive from that potential, as it is greater than and encompasses all things in all extant sets.
So this "absolute set" does seem related to the incompletetness theory (in my head at least). This is based on my quick read of this article:
ReplyDeleteThank you both for the comments.
DeleteYes, KG's absolute set is directly related to incompleteness theory, but only in the structure. Perry Marshall offers a cogent explanation, but he stops exactly where he needs to go further, and this is the problem with the research, because almost no one is willing to take the plunge.
The absolute set goes beyond the assertion that any set is unable to explain itself without greater outside information. It actually contains all possible expression and manifestation.
No one wants to go there because it would redeem the ancient Gnostic sages who were murdered in the death camps of Scythiopolis for the crime of explaining the cosmos in terms of emanation.
We can't have that, now can we?
ReplyDeleteSince the question of free will was raised, it seems appropriate to investigate such. FW, free will, as a concept largely arose due to the rejection of the animate cosmos. What is rarely, if ever discussed, is how FW relates to belief of evading responsibility for one's actions, and escaping any form of moral structure.
FW is a favourite position of atheism, which itself is a hysterical reaction to the condition of being subject to higher authority. FW itself begets a condition of arrogance and boredom, where the torpor is only temporarily lifted by an addiction to surface novelty.
That FW is now de rigeur in modern "thought" explains quite a bit about the current condition of the world. There is no doubt that the current worldwide narrative has nothing to do with any kind of dangerous viral explosion on the verge of destroying humanity. The purpose of the charade is simply, to inject as many with a transhuman genetic modification as possible, Such an agenda, deeply deceptive and destructive is not possible for anyone who holds to any kind of moral behavior. Enter FW to make it possible.
FW is the unavoidable result of Bertram Russell's erroneous vision of an axiomatic closed system. In a small, dead world, doing whatever penetrates the layers of malaise, like the modern circus, has no repercussions, even if it means destroying one's own species-or attempting to do so.
Contrast this with the vision rekindled, of the Immortal Array.
In an animate, open cosmos, the person exhibits a free will according to their adherence to higher power. In other words, what we call FW today is directly attributable to the degree of passions, lusts, and unconscious drives one indulges in. FW as such, is largely an unfortunate illusion by those who just haven't learned yet.
The Immortal Array delivers a cosmos of synchronicity, of deep meaning, and deep connexion. It exists on levels that language, especially today's language, can barely describe.
The Immortal Array assures you that your actions and your thoughts are intrinsically important, and that the deeper you go, the more you discover. Thus, there comes a forth at times an almost childlike wonder at existence, a sort of remarkable exploration where the mundane is indeed the spiritual.
In closing, I would point out that the previous system is coming to a very abrupt and tragic end. To those of the FW camp, its just another boring and meaningless dance, a distraction from self absorption, but to the one who is at the center of a living cosmos, it is an opportunity for even greater appreciation of the mystery of existence.
Spirit is the creator as its that force that eminates the universe and like the Gnostics of old many evangelicals believe that Spirit leads the heart. That's why the popes reigned terror on the Cathars as it was not forbidden to be Catholic by them and hence that fact being a threat to their power as they created the inquisition to interrogate the hearts of their bitter rivals but they failed as Spirit always creates a way forward as only an observation of the universe around me. As inside so is outside same as above so below.
ReplyDeleteThe visible universe is revealed through duality, it's always a comparison against, or with itself. There is no manifestation without a rational, logical basis, and there is no basis that achieves permanent equilibrium.
DeleteNo matter how severe the plunge into the irrational, the illogical, it will always be temporary as long as there is a firmament.
The weaponization of life that we must navigate today has many antecedents, including the ones you write about, KMB. Yet the liberation that can be achieved is that direct apprehension of higher states. We are the consciousness that is capable of this access, if we heed the call.
Delete"The visible universe is revealed through duality, it's always a comparison against, or with itself."
It is always there..... duality is one of the tools to experience it and are the senses to perceive it. Reality- though not completely perceived (or understood) IS always there.
Right Jack?
I really wouldn't know I deal in chaos and vengeance; this is Mikes thread. For now, on any straight answers from me will come on Patreon.
I suspect the issue with my writing, especially with this piece, is the experiential basis to my presentation.
ReplyDeleteIn any experiential piece, the author is going to struggle with language, especially today. Why? Because modern language is primarily focused upon
identification of absolutes, ultimates, and certainties. This language does not effectively describe the spiritual.
This is exactly the situation in regards to the Gnostic corpus written in Coptic.
So, far, I've dealt with several comments that do not exhibit an understanding of what I'm writing. For this, I take responsibility, as it obviously is beyond my command of the language to fully convey an expression that derives, not from movies, poetry, or fiction, but from actual face to face encounter.
First, we have D, who is apparently convinced I am an ignorant egomaniac. He claims to know nothing, which derives from a Socratic method of exploration, yet he also derides my explanation, and then proceeds to describe everything as illogical. I obviously failed in my attempt to explain that within us, within our own conscious being, is the mystery of ordering of our perceptions and awareness, and this order making ability is beyond our incarnated mind. This is our direct experience of rationality, of logic.
However, I do understand that notions of chaos, illogic, and their second cousins, horror, ambiguity, and meaninglessness are the predominate forms of philosophy behind all the things we see deployed today. From my own experience, these forms predominate because the previous cycle has ended, and the rites, assumptions, and ideas that supported this previous cycle must give way.
KMB is apparently desiring of a comprehensive explanation of how anything I write fits into the universe of Jack Heart. He has, in the past gotten quite mad at me, to the point of wanting to punch my lights out because to him I was being intentionally obtuse.
Nope, I have always been trying to use the sledgehammer that is modern English to perform a task that requires a jewelers' punch.
Add to this, various anonymous comments that seem to describe a sense of confusion, much of which has to do with perception, and the collecting point of that perception.
To such, I can only point out that all perception and awareness is an extension of consciousness, but not the totality of that consciousness. My personal experience has revealed myriad points where one can collect oneself to create a vantage point. Each one of these points has its own valid logic and perspective, with the experience of additional vantage points, arrived at through the exploration of the cosmos through oneself, the greater depths to the cosmic mystery we are all experiencing.
That is, the more experience one gains via exploration, the deeper one's appreciation of the Mystery of it all. This doesn't mean you know nothing, it means that what you know applies primarily to a set of vantage points.
In essence then, the Gnostic Corpus, as a record of experiential explorations, reveals certain truths about the cosmos and the human. We know they are truths, and not some attempt to sound smart, because we can directly observe their application in our own personal lives.
DeleteThis is the basis to the development of morality, the essential experience of living within a meaningful cosmos.
That the cosmos is alive, that She is conscious of you, is when experienced directly, irrefutable.
This piece carries with it liberation from the tired nihilistic narrative of those who want you for their experiments.
I’m not sure its your words. We all have to use words appropriate to the subject matter after all and you have very well indeed. And you always risk banging into ‘ineffable’ portions of the topic which means by the virtue of its nature it’s not always optimally describable by any verbiage immediately available because of its nature: origin sourced. Or it's a simple case of scattering pearls which happened to end up in the lap of the few profane.
DeleteReally I haven’t seen anyone attack your premise or word use; they seem to be attacking the messenger. And some members of this audience may not be ready for where you took them. They seem a little, you know…tense. But that’s no reason not to go there.
We have a situation in America of mass stupidity anyway . I know that, you know that, we all know that. I mean stupid as to describe a trance, non-awakened state; a stupor limiting one’s ability to comprehend; not a criticism of one’s intelligence potential.
Even the stupid hate those in more of a stupor than themselves. We all agree we find mass stupidity intolerable these days because there’s just so much of it. But lots of people have a hard time accepting intelligence also. I should say these same people seem to take issue with intelligently expressed subject matter for no reason I can easily discern. And that’s a very very bad place for all of us at this point in time. To hate stupidity and intelligence in equal measure. How do people shift from that sort of mental landscape?
Indeed, we have moved into a consciousness whereby the pollution we are forced to live in has a sedative effect for those given over to it, and an intolerable oppression for those who are not so captured. Additionally, the blaming of the other, has, as you keenly observe, become a platform for self exaltation. Needless to say, no society lasts for long under these types of severe conditions.
DeleteNormally I would find it at least strange that the cognitive function of mankind is completely suspended in a fiction of its own making, but the arrogance and insanity surrounding this state are so deeply divorced from everything that makes mankind human, that this is a prelude to the next phase of dissolution.
Already, the followers of the agenda are speaking their own simple language, unavailable to any outside stimuli. As they recede further into denial and wishful thinking, they will eventually loose the ability to communicate at all.
The key here isn't security. It isn't optimism. It isn't lessons from history. It is bravely facing this condition with awareness and extreme honesty.
Emotion is so very powerful, as the faculties to balance emotion become less and less functional. Hate, rage, blame, all become more intense. We must learn to let these emotions wash over us without becoming them, without indulging them or cultivating them.
DeleteThis requires observation and awareness.
It isn't that one doesn't experience the emotion, because it is very real, and is recognized for what it is. Nor does one suppress or force down the experience. The hurricane arrives, and is allowed to arrive, in all its natural fury, whereupon it is directly and intimately watched, and with practice, understood.
This observation will, over time, lessen the control the emotion has over the self. It won't happen all at once. It is a gradual process through which emotion becomes the rich flavour of life, rather than the cruel master.
Observe the hate, the rage, the rejection of the despised without comment or judgement. Get to know it. Welcome it. You will learn much of how it works, and it's methods. At some point you then discover that you are not ridden so hard by these tendencies.
From here other challenges will arise, but that is a different story.
If mankind followed this awareness method, or something similar, they would discover an enrichment of life, rather than the terror of being a victim of it.
Mike, I am in agreement with what you have written here. We live in an absolutely crazy world and I believe even survival will be an accomplishment as time passes. My personal experience is that Spirit guides as Universe provides as I have survived this long somehow or other as its all a wonder to me sometimes. So I will live the best I can until I die.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the nature of the internet is that many of my comments are deleted or the user is put into an echo chamber. Or the machine edits as you type.
ReplyDeleteSo, what you say is lost in the blip of a second as other than face to face the internet is useless. Just an observation.