Star Light by Mike Kay


Very few today spend any real time with the stars, and the night sky. It is becoming increasingly common for mankind to never see the stars. What might be taken for a tragedy is hardly noticed. Few really care that the breadth of the cosmos, and the limits to their perception, are found in the night sky.

For the few who have not forgotten, completely, the dwelling place of the Light, there is the modern astronomical explanation for the stars, just mundane and unimaginative enough to squeeze all of the magic and mystery out of the hearts that once leapt at the night sky.

Despite this lifeless point of view, it is a fact that the ancestors spent much of their time under the stars. Even to a novice sky watcher, the stars reveal themselves as order arising from apparent chaos. The stars never fail, and they display a teaching of true motion to all who care to be instructed.

Therefore, today the stars provide us with another paradigm, a metaphor describing the break in understanding that afflicts modern mankind, the schism between the reality of the ancients, and the phantasie of modernity. Modern man is severed from the stars, and thus is severed from source of origin, Modern man does not know the relationship in the stars, nor can he sense the interplay between heaven and earth. Such sensibility only exists sparingly, nor is it common knowledge. Such is the gift of Abraham.

Abraham is of course, the mythical ancestor to the Jews, and by association, to all three of the great religions in the abrahamic corpus. According to his own story, he lead his people into turning their backs upon the movements of heaven and earth, rejecting the very relationships that gave their lives meaning, for the artificial liberation of the idea of God.

This idea of God has all the characteristics of a distillation of extant teachings, without any of the understanding of the ancient theology of the divine. Perhaps the greatest reason for the antipathy of the abrahamics towards the practitioners of the ancient mystical tradition was that the abrahamics always sought certainty in the world of things, and stubbornly refused to accept any other explanation besides that which supported their primitive idea of one creation, and one definition of that creation. We continue to observe this process in action today, with the tyranny of the right answer in abrahamic math, the concept of the correct solution to any dilemma, the perspective that all things are exactly as the senses perceive them.

Anyone who searches the pages of antiquity will soon realize that this is a new world view, one not shared in any endeavor other than its own. It certainly was not a Gnostic point of view. Jean Gebser, in his study of consciousness, illustrated that consciousness over time moved to differentiation. In the abrahamic schism away from relationship and connection, differentiation became the ruling condition of all of the big three religions, and it remains so today.

This differentiation magnifies characteristics and appearances into primary definitions of reality. We see this most strongly in the speech and thought of today’s’ world, which is by any measure an abrahamic one. Such a world view focuses on differences and uniqueness, creating an active disassociation between whatever is perceived, and the environment from which it arises.

Thus, the idea of God popularized by Abraham creates an artificial divide between God and the universe, God and man. It becomes an absurdity to see in mankind any possibility to know the divine. This artificial divide has driven deep into the psyche of mankind, spawning an entire theology of alienation, abandonment, and materialism.

The genius of Abe was to promise emancipation from the unstoppable motion of the cosmos. The philosophy of Abe freezes all of existence into a permanent, unchanging stasis, where what is defined is all there is, all there ever can be. Thus, whatever appears has total ascendancy over the underlying flow. The progeny of ol’ Abe are just as they seek to be, like children blowing bubbles in the park. They delight in the effect of glycerin and breath, watching the fruit of their efforts float upon the breeze. They know nothing of the process that makes the phenomenon possible, nor do they care. For the children, success or failure is utterly determined by the result. No other measure is available, or even possible.

Abe brought forth a consciousness that praised surfaces alone. His dream was that truth was in the object, not the cause, and that the object was eternal. This was a reversal of ancient mystical thought. It denies the silence of the Gnostic, the ether of the Philosopher, the ascent of the Theurgist. In a bout of almost unimaginable ignorance, Abe took the wisdom of the ages, and turned it into nonsense.

Word spread quickly concerning the abrahamic schism, and the insanity it was bringing forth. Some chose the path of secrecy. They spoke not concerning what they knew. Such were the affairs of the mysteries. Others attempted to teach, and these were the great philosophers, mostly shunned today. Still others attempted to show the truth, only to have their legacy looted and their ancestry reviled. These last were the Gnostics, and from the fires of book burnings, and the death camps of Scythiopolis, and the buried remnant of ancient speech, their voices are still heard.

Some modern intellectuals claim that this journey into a differentiated consciousness was one mankind needed to take. In this claim, however, is no explanation for such a point of view. This then leads merely into excuses for the continuing damage done by the big three in this world. It is a dismissal of the fall into illness, a cheap justification for an endless array of dehumanizing, brutal, and senseless events.

The allure of the idea of God lies in the apparent freedom it brings. God, as an externalized concept requires no elucidation, no explanation. One is confronted with a simple on/off switch. On, the idea of God as something greater than everything, He simply is. Off, the idea still channels thought, organizes concepts, and leaves one in the world of things to navigate. Again, this is a debased concept from the native mystical tradition that was old before the idea of God ever took form.

God according to the idea made all of creation, with its own laws, and as such his laws compel obedience. Suddenly, Abe provides for us the justification for the religious war, which the abrahamics invented. The Witch trials, the deception and annihilation of the Templars, the extermination of the Cathars, all are historic gems brought to the world by the so-called light of the idea of God.

The freedom from having to understand ones relationship to a teeming cosmos on the move quickly transforms into a prison for the soul. God as the idea, separate and distinct from creation becomes the single most oppressive force in his universe. The schism of ol’ Abe allows for no healing through rediscovery of creation. The schism only allows for an ever deeper immersion into the concept, and especially the emotion that surrounds and upholds the idea of God.

The upstart abrahamics now seek to usurp the authority and truth of the ancient ways, by claiming that they were first. Yet their most well constructed efforts are mere debasements of beautiful truths that existed long before they ever pounded the Ankh into the cross. Their mangling of the ancient ways to fit into their perverse ideal, sacrifices the comprehension brought through the focus, discipline, and purification of that tradition, all for a dime store novel level of ignorance that now proclaims itself as the first and only.

So it is that the abrahamics and their dissociative idea of God solidified their rip-off of eternal truths welded into something they call Christian. Lacking understanding on any but the most puerile levels, the truths they stole became calcified irrational beliefs. Thus their idea of God cannot be good, for he created evil. So it is then that we come to the truth, that the theft of Jesus was never orchestrated to redeem mankind. Jesus was appropriated to salvage and redeem the idea of God itself.

The true Jesus arrives via a heavenly descent, to teach and to show those who would know the divine. His tradition, of bringing balance to the world, is far older than the figure himself, as we see for example in Osiris. However, the abrahamic Jesus, while deriving from this tradition as yet another distillation, another errant abrahamic appropriation functions not in the world of things, but in the direct mental imaging of this idea of God.

Jesus personalizes and softens the psychopathic actions of the abrahamic god. Jesus restores a place for mankind in a world doomed by the creation of evil, and through his very existence affirms that the idea of God can still have some good in it. The question of evil has dogged the abrahamics from the first day they split from the river of wisdom, to take their own faltering path in the world of things.

It is thoroughly abrahamic, that the redeemer of an externalized idea of God must himself be external, separate. In truth, this heals and redeems nothing, simply affirming a world view dominated by concepts, while achieving no return to the state it broke off from.

The idea of God arose from a fundamental reduction of an extant, expansive cosmos, to one which was designed for the small mind. Thus the Abrahamic schism did have its antecedents, yet it stands alone as a movement of consciousness toward an ever calcified object oriented world view. Augustine quipped that the religion he was shaping was superior to the ancient ways because it featured a man, and all men could identify with that. What he was claiming was that differentiation would be increasingly more popular than connexion, and in this, unfortunately, he was correct.

Today, this process of differentiation has become increasingly dysfunctional. The mania to create ever more categories, explained by nonsense, permanently removes mankind from reality, and becomes ultimately self destructive. This stands in polar opposition to the goals of Gnosticism, and the ancient mystical tradition which it participates with. The essence of the abrahamic is a sorrow, a forced abnegation of that very self it upbraids. The success of Abe is the degree to which one can follow those ostensibly divine commandments. As such, this represents the real fall of mankind.

The essence of Gnosticism is far different. Mary Magdalene instructs the apostles to find their master in the Silence. She shows that awareness of the vast reaches of consciousness is where the ultimate has always dwelled. The healing is with the melting of all the distinctions, fears, and lies that cloud the psyche. Her words, even in fragments, show the way to knowledge, in the arms of the starry night.


  1. This is great, Mike, it resonates at very deep levels. Even as a young whelp I rebelled at the notion of a god that is separate, distinct, and apart from myself. If God is not within us, He is nowhere at all. Of course I speak of the unknowable one, above and beyond the pantheon of our gods and goddesses.

    1. HD,
      Thanks for reading. This piece arose from a series of events and dreams. Most emphatically, one must understand that the reality of today is inextricably bound to world view, and the current world view is abrahamic.

  2. Most definitely, Mike. When you piece the veil, watch your back in the Archontic controlled astral planes nearest earth in vibration and frequency. Until you transcend that band, old Abraham will be gunning for you as you've "dissed" him and his mind control/mind fuck "religions" too articulately.

    1. I still recall something said in a classroom when I was very young. It's the only thing I remember from the entire experience; that there are two types of creative people, the autobiographical, and the documentational. My tendency is towards the latter. The key to either branch is authenticity. I write from the depths of authenticity.
      In terms of the demon of the outer dark, and all his gibbering acolytes, they have been gunning for me for me since I first laughed at the straitjacket they shook before me with the words "put it on". I've had my entire life destroyed more times than I can count. I've been cast out into the cold, and whatever the sons and daughters of Abraham could take from me, they took.
      I tell you this in all sincerity, HD, when they leave you battered and you taste your own blood in your mouth, when it's too much to even pick yourself up again and you see the bars of the black iron prison before your hazy vision, ringing yourself in, from somewhere within comes irrepressible laughter, and the words from a Laurie Anderson song..."you already paid for this".

    2. Mike, I think one day in the future you owe us the autobiographical within you.

    3. Autobiographical artist.

  3. I‘m not sure if today‘s languages existed first or were born out of that perception of the separate, which they represent by excellence. The wholeness is indescribable by them, only poetry occasionally is capable of breaking that chain of perceived surface and causality, the most known expression being the japanese koan. Silence is the only way to connect to wholeness, the fishermen and shepherds under the starry sky being the most privilleged since man can remenber, while noise, fear, greed and distraction, those apocalyptic horsemen, their hooves shattering the world, ride towards the cliff of redemption.

    1. We are narrative creatures, Joe. In order to make sense of anything, we have to put it into a narrative that follows a progression. We could debate whether or not this reflects a deeper condition. My perspective agrees fundamentally with the proposition of Jean Gebser, and other mystics, that consciousness develops. I find quite a bit of evidence for this point of view. Gebser takes it even farther, identifying underlying conditions of consciousness. In following his work, I personally made the connexion between the differentiation of the abrahamics, and the development of consciousness. The correspondence is deep and significant.
      Whenever we ask the question "what is there?" We have to be aware that existence of conditions, and their availability can mean the same thing.

    2. „„Whenever we ask the question "what is there?" We have to be aware that existence of conditions, and their availability can mean the same thing.““
      Could be the very definition of subjectivity.

    3. Mike, this wrote a lady who does horoscopes after reading your piece:

      Everything has its time and this is written in the stars. as so beautifully written in the last lines. A wonderful and with the present time quality agreeing statement. Man recognize yourself. Be yourself and say to yourself: I am who I am. Jesus exemplified it. All the things that I do, you do also. Pluto lived in full transformation. The Father and I are one. I serve the higher. Thank you and many love greetings 😇

    4. Joe, the abrahamics have attacked the ancient path consistently with the subjective/objective argument. The abrahamics claim to have the corner on objectivity, yet is this true?
      Abrahamic objectivity is rooted in differentiation. It asserts that the world of things is absolute. Yet as this piece proposes, there can be no ultimate truth in differentiation.
      I do not accept the argument that there is a subject/object dichotomy on higher levels. All that is, is a symphony, not a collection of objects, therefore the question is not according to subject/object, it is rather according to perception and awareness.

    5. And to the lady who makes horoscopes, I reply, thanks for reading. Perhaps in the future I will write something about Jesus, how the healer is an archetype, and a figure, as Joseph Campbell instructed us, directly related to an agrarian spirituality.

    6. Fully agree with you on that, Mike. I didn‘t use subjecivity as part of a dichitomy. Symphony might be a better term though.

    7. I have no doubt that that lady, who’s a friend of mine, sees Jesus as the archetype you mentioned.

  4. Well said, Mike, and I salute your courage along with your perspicacity. The best way to deal with these scumfucks, human and otherwise, (aside from killing them if you can), is ridicule and laughter. It drives them into paroxysms of insane rage.

    1. I have found laughter invaluable in many walks of life.

  5. The best American Evangelical thinkers always start with who is Jesus?
    To them Jesus is internal by Spirit as that Spirit moves to the external through action of the individual therfore we see Jesus and his love demonstrated.
    There are Nine principles of Spirit, love , joy and peace being the most famous.
    Great work MK!


    1. Thanks for reading, nine.
      What you are explaining here, is essentially agreeing that the savior functions as the redeemer of the idea of God. I've noticed this curious state for a while now, throughout many different forms of Christianity.
      Such was never a Gnostic point of view.

  6. Paul, the great promoter of Jesus, though Heineken sa

    1. I remember enjoying Heineken dark, in the smoky brown bottle.

  7. Drat the machine! LOL
    Paul never physically met Jesus as the Bible teaches, yet teaching of Spirit for Christians is all through his writings.
    Further, Paul's writings are about how to have a Church of Christ followers whom are led by Spirit.
    This is at the heart of American Evangelicalism. However, I am no theologian.

    1. Christianity has taught that the bible is literal history, yet after generations of attempting to prove this, what has been proven is the opposite.

    2. Perhaps so as bible is history of the Spirit

      When she walks into the place

      Miles with me on a cycle

      The place lights up

      The dead rise

      Heaven rises when she walks in

      Like a Native Spirit

      OK riding the wave with the AI

      AI is

    3. The best bar run by our dearest Jack

      Emphasis security

      Now I write copy

      Thanks Jack

      OK genius copy me

      Of course they honor you

  8. The most important concept my Metaphysical Grandma (Christian Science) imbued in me was that the divine, das Göttliche, is within me.

    1. The truth is, as always, is beautiful.

  9. Mike is not only available on VT and the Human, but he is also available here

    1. Thanx Jack. Much appreciated, on many levels.

    2. No way to post anything over there at VT. Not even with the VPN switched on. Did someone block the comment section? Did TA turn anybody off?

    3. Looks like they just took you out on twatter Jack.

    4. Yep Greg, no explanation at all. I was fraternizing with our Russian brothers and sisters, I guess that's all the reason they need...

    5. And Mike and all the rest of you that link is from John's bag of tricks, it can be shared on social media

    6. And anon as soon as you see that TA piece of shit with eyes you the Mossads in play, looks like they lost their intellectual duel with Mike so why not jam the comment section, probably the hit counter too, standard operating procedure for those demons in Tel aviv, hopefully Iran will be taking care of that soon enough...

  10. Another superb piece Mike. My understanding of Gnosticism comes from a variety of different sources, including your writings, of course. I would like to gain a better understanding and the best way I know of is to read the original sources (or as close as possible). May I trouble you to provide me with your list of recommendations? I assume the Nag Hammadi library would be included, but are there other resources you would prioritize? Thanks!


    1. Thanks for reading Mark.
      There are a few sources, however it is rare for the editor to understand the content, and thus it becomes a matter of sifting through the text for the gems.
      My absolute first recommendation is the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. This remarkable document only exists in fragments from two different sources, yet it's power is amazing.
      My second recommendation is the Hymn of the Pearl. This is found in many different forms. Read them all.
      Third is the Chaldean Oracles. The Oracles are difficult, but despite this they are an honest depiction of the ascent, through a contrasting image of descent.
      These sources never loose their significance.

  11. Hi Jack; I did not receive your usual email announcing Mike's latest masterpiece. I found it by doing a random check on your site. Has anyone else contacted you about this? Could those fine folks at the NSA be blocking your send-outs?

    1. No and you should have, let me know if it happens again Heretic. The gremlins are hard at work, the bathhouse must be closed for renovations. They threw me off Twitter yesterday, no explanation at all. I guess I was making too many Russian friends on there...

  12. I must be missing the God gene. I enjoy your writings. Finding a trusted source for information is a challenge the government certainly isn’t the arbiter of truth, and neither is religion, specifically their Abrahamic fraud religions where only one has come out on top with all the money and power they claim they don’t possess. They all pay tribute at the wall but I will say I’ve never seen a picture of Catholic demon Joe Biden at the wall, he would probably be humping it. They can take my freedom but they can’t take my sense of humor. I will laugh at them before they kill me.

    1. We are all forced into a view that we chose these hideous distortions of mankind as our representatives, our deciders. Such a view is a blatant lie.
      They have made a fatal error in selling lies as truth, for they're now in so deep, they refuse to pay the price to get out from under the electricity
      debt they wrongly believe they own. There was something Tesla never told them, perhaps because even he didn't know, and we will see this perfect throughout this fall.
      What we all watch on TV is a sock puppet show. It shows us very little, of much of anything worthwhile. It's interesting from the point of view of observing the entrainment operating, but in terms of content, your time is better spent elsewhere.

  13. A number of people are beginning to believe that the struggle for cosmic identity is going to end with a transhumanist victory. If people throw in the towel now, this may well be the case. There is no sugar to sprinkle on the events in this world. They are brutal, often ugly, and almost always unbalanced. However, it is extremely important to understand that how one evaluates life, how one measures their experience, how one makes sense of the world is itself an organizing aspect of consciousness. As such, this is no passive factor, as gravity is claimed to be.
    This feature is in and of itself a subtle energy, a luminescence that shines throughout your entire lives. Allying oneself with it is one of the central pillars of this rite of passage for humanity. The beliefs of the Abrahamic world distract from this feature of consciousness, mislead and redirect into a world where the effects are touted as having greater power than the cause. Such an upside down premise prevents one from becoming aware of their organizing luminescence.
    Even Tesla didn't know that this energy exists, yet it does, and through this fall the intolerable is driving you mercilessly to become aware of it.

    1. Knowing about that energy would be more in the area of Dr. Wilhelm Reich's research. One of the many reasons he was murdered.

    2. The world's largest producer of Orgone is a major supporter of the Jack Heart team...

  14. I’ve commented here a couple times. I do appreciate the search for the truth because our current reality isn’t the truth the results are real. I don’t believe we as individuals should abandon our search but I do believe time is the one resource we no longer have, we should focus our time and effort on exposing the problem so people will hopefully wake up to the problem. I despise professed Nazis as much as I despise any professed Zionist. Hitler is the most useful and effective historical villain in history, there isn’t anyone in our lifetime comes close.

    I am compelled to provide my thoughts because we don’t have time. We’re in grave danger. I don’t believe we will make it to 2030 at the pace it’s degrading as as culture and society a population of brainwashed Zio-Zombies on both sides the right wing supporting and worshiping the people responsible for everything the claim to oppose. The left wing doesn’t care, the woke gay transgender lunatics have no idea they’re the result of their Talmudic agenda, they’re being used, exploited, and sacrificed too.

    Donald Trump delivered for Israel and the Military Industrial Complex, he supports the Patriot Act and the behemoth police state they built after the planned preventable attack on 9/11/2001 the truth they’re all covering up because 9/11 was an inside job.

    Project for the New American Century the Biden administration the Trump administration was the Bush administration the Trump Whitehouse the Netanyahu/Kushner/Chabad Whitehouse.

    Donald Trump isn’t a practicing Christian, you’d have to be an idiot a brainwashed fucking moron to believe Donald Trump is sincere when he hugs that fake and gay American flag or when he holds the bible up as a prop.

    Zionist puppet Joe Biden is going to bury America the final nail in America’s coffin was pounded on 9/11/2001, Israel and traitors in government responsible, their Saudi allies provided cover, brainwashed Saudi Islamic extremists like brainwashed Trump supporters lured to the capital serving the same people and purpose, it’s Israel’s police state they built after 9/11, it’s their NKVD/Stasi.

    1/6/2021 is their justification for their phony war on domestic terrorists same as 9/11/2001 was their justification for their phony war on terror. Same perpetrators responsible for 9/11/2001 were responsible for COVID, vaccines, and 1/6/2021.

    Expect two things have probably been planned years in advance same as everything else they do, they play a long game, decades, even centuries. Given Zionist Puppet in Chief Joe Biden’s comments a setup, expect another Oklahoma City will be blamed on a Trump supporter or antisemite, they will be White, and they will be a patsy even if they were involved.

    They weren’t successful creating greater Israel after 9/11, greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates. The resistance was and is strong, they’re the good guys. Expect another 9/11, this time it will be blamed on Iran. They haven’t abandoned their greater Israel plan, they’re losing that makes them desperate and dangerous.

  15. Here is your laugh of the day, Jack, from Wik-Jew-Pedia. - "Orgone is a pseudoscientific concept variously described as an esoteric energy or hypothetical universal life force." Sure Jew, just like you say acupuncture is pseudoscience and quackery. What the fuck would we do without you to inform us on these important issues?

    1. That pseudoscientific stuff can be measured with infrared. I've seen the pictures. The Giza pyramid is an orgone generator if you would like to experiment. Put it under your chair. Want more? Build the box. Three fold basic or ramp it up, 6-9 fold.

    2. I still believe that Reich was a man of innocence and vision, even after the same evil that writes Wikipedia posts, jailed and murdered him, destroying and stealing his work.
      When the creeping evil slams the door that hard, understand it's because it doesn't want you to know, doesn't want to see anyone else pick up that work.
      Years ago, Kate Bush wrote an awesome song dedicated to him...

    3. Tesla and Reich have a common ground. Their works are a gold mine waiting to be mined. Reich was taken out with poison while imprisoned. Said it was his heart. The story about Jack, Nichols, and the orgone cannon was a hoot. Still laughing.

  16. In the late 90s, I read an article published by the ADL on the global rise of popularity in Paganism and how that threatened Judaism and "anti-semitic." The twenty-something me thought that was insane, but the forty-something me now sees it plain as day: they believe they can overthrow nature as the controlling force of the universe to "bring peace" to it. That is the ultimate goal of the zionists. The effect of the inbreeding is so prominent that they believe they can deny the very force which keeps them alive and stay that way.

    1. Robert,
      It has always been this way, since their Asura proclaimed himself the ultimate God. They label the ancient ways in various disparaging terms, and pretend that it is they who define the world.
      There was, before the official history erased them, Archontic, who worked to understand the ways of the great demon of Ol Abe. This is where the Gnostic contribution to resolving psychic attack largely derives from.
      Never forget who attacked Jung, calling him the worst of names, "a Gnostic".
      Today, the Abrahamic oppression is as stifling as it is self indulgent, convinced of its place in the world, won through usurpation, genocide, and evil.
      Don't believe them.

  17. A read of the Talmud Jmmanuel will bring clarity and focus.

    Especially ch.15 p.250 explanation after v.30:

    Reference is made here to a purely physical lineage and the not ‘traceable family tree’ relates to the fact that the original Hobranos people – that is the Haibru people – consisted of human beings cobbled together from different countries and was not a real people. Very few people in this society had a real family tree to exhibit, since there was an uncontrolled mixing among the Hobranos.

    An actual typical Hobranoic people – that is a typical Habranoic clan – has never existed. The original primal ancestors of the god-believers first formed a loose community about 12,000 years ago, which was called ‘Hobranos’. It was not around 4500 B Jmmanuel (B.C.) that a more firm community originated from this, from which the so-called Hebrew people eventually arose. According to the Plajaren information, the early forefathers around 12,000 years ago (the Hobranos) were regarded as ‘outcasts’ because they as fallible descendants of the makers of the new human species , did not hold to the given laws. Firstly, the Hobranos were fallible ones brought together from many different countries, who also formed themselves into a community, and it was not until thousands of years later, under the rule of Egyptian Pharaoh at the time, that they grouped themselves into a peoples-community, which was then called ‘the Hebrews’, which was then led out of Egypt around 3,350 years ago under Mose (Moses). Mose stood in contact with an extraterrestrial and preached monotheism to the Hebrew community, which he taught by order of the Jschwisch at that time, Jehovah. Somehow, in the course of the first time, the Hebrew community enlarged the Jehovah monotheism – that is Mose monothesim – with the Sun God monotheism cult created by Akhenaten, or Amenhotep IV, to which many of the Hebrew community adhered themselves, but this then fundamentally changed through the strict monotheism of Mose, for they joined themselves to this since he paid strict attention to the fact that only his teachings were of correctness in a belief-based manner and were to be followed. It is still to be said that the family tree-line of Jmmanuel is not a Jewish one, but one that leads back to the extraterrestrial Semjasa, whose teaching was that of the truth, of the spirit, and of the life, and not that of a god.

    Unfortunately, the Jewish chronicle corresponds to a tremendous falsification (as is also given in the Pentateuch), for it in truth concerns a falsified chronicle, which in Christian form is also called ‘The Bible‘. It is so tremendously enormous and falsified that hardly anything true is to be found in it. Everything is bent into shape on a supposed national chronicle and has no great value – that is, no chronistic and no historical value whatsoever.

  18. Mike; I highly recommend the research work of Englishman Mark Devlin on Kate Bush and her occult background and connections. That is, if you are not already aware of him. Mark is one of the premier researchers extant on the shady and often dark origins of so many big time luminaries in the world of entertainment, particularly music. It is astonishing how many of them come from families with direct ties to military and civilian Intelligence agencies. Further, I watched a transvestigation video on Kate Bush and while I'm not quite 100% convinced "she" is a male to female transsexual, many of the photos were very damning. Especially some of the childhood ones where "she" looks very much like a boy and there are questionable adult ones as well wherein her body exhibits very male-like physical traits. (male shoulder to hip ratio, male size hands and feet, male arm length, male skull size, jaw line and neck, etc.) I wouldn't venture to guess the percentage, but an extraordinarily high number of famous celebrities, high level politicians, and people at the apex of the pyramid of power in general are androgyne trannys, both female to male and male to female. It is diabolically amazing what the Cryptocracy can do with puberty blockers, artificial hormones, other drugs, surgeries, body suits, latex masks, and make-up. They just love putting these freaks above the masses as objects of adoration and worship and giving them the cosmetic trappings of power.

    1. HE,
      There is a facet, a feature let us call it, that the lever pullers don't get, in real humans. Thus, they try to evoke it so that they can study, and even identify it.
      Believe me, the lever jockeys are well aware of Reich. No one gets the treatment he got if they fuck around with pseudoscience. Quite the opposite, actually.
      Cloudbursting is all about a crippling lack of understanding of the fundamental nature of existence, and it explains directly why the lever pullers took him out.
      It's an awesome song because of the depths of sheer honesty in it. There is so much more that should be said, but it will have to wait for another day.

    2. Apologies, HD, my effing spellchecker again. I typed in HD, not HE.

  19. You know what they’re learning at Oxford? Anal sex. Same thing at Ivy League institutions of lower learning, it’s not Skull and Bones, it’s Skull and Boners.

  20. I hear you, Mike, and I agree with you about that song. It is awesome, regardless of what Kate Bush is or is not.

    1. A perfect illustration of what I'm referring to: some years ago it was confirmed that cellular level light is a reality. Furthermore, it was theorized that light was a means of communication. In a true twisted phenomenon, it was claimed that cells emitted nova like bursts of light at death. One can see how this would excite the vampires.
      Recently it came out that the best transhumanist scientists are working on a helmet that overrides the wearers brain-using light. Of course the reporters who write on these topics always gush about the claimed immense medical benefits of such research, all the while willfully ignoring the true direction of this work.
      There is absolutely nothing worthwhile coming out of science. It is all about turning people into controllable zombies. When this blows up in their faces, and they are hunted down like rabid dogs, they can try to explain themselves as they are hauled up by the neck to dangle from high places.
      Latest news is the "clots" that are killing everyone aren't. What a surprise.
      We definitely are living in extraordinary times. Sort of makes the Matrix look like a juvenile work of fiction.

    2. LOL, Mike for anyone paying attention the Matrix, plagiarized from the Montauk Projects in the same way that intellectual void Scholmo plagiarized Stranger Things from me, is a fucking children's fairy tale compared to America 2022...

  21. I think what bothers me most about our present paradigm is the shift from personal art, skill and agency to the surrender of such which has been enabled by the usury of the earth and its peoples. There is an app or machine to replace the skills we used to cultivate throughout life. Enough energy around that we can all become fat. Folks with worthless currency that we could use for their labour. As long as the usury system was set up to satisfy the lowest aspects of human nature for a few cattle it was bound to prosper.
    Seems to me those who have felt the purpose of life was to gain dominion over nature feel they have amassed enough knowledge from human progress that they are now willing to perform a harvest to cut off whatever they deem weeds and fat.
    Dominion over the Earth and its beasts is seen to be accomplished and now they just have to cash in their chips, sit back and reap the rewards.
    I wonder how this parasitic narrative would appear to a lifespan of thousands of years of age. No doubt the Vatican and other sources can claim to have that perspective but these old geezers we have in control, so bent on their own immortality are willing to drop their chips on the table now.
    Something tells me they are in a rush, and with all this perceived power "came" a little too soon. I have nightmares of whats to come, but never lose sight of that silver lining. The return of personal agency. What makes life worth living and what makes humans us, part of the cosmos, and not just junk DNA.

    1. J.O.,
      What if I told you there is no junk DNA?
      What if I said that the world we all think is solid and so real is a construct, and the game has been to keep you unaware of it?
      What if it was true that those who work so hard to steal and devour agency are deathly afraid of you becoming aware of how magnificent your potential truly is?
      The abrahamics have been beating their message of hopelessness and passivity into everyone for thousands of years. It's always the same with them, the next disaster, the next horror, brought to you by those who posture and preach for you to obey. I've got to hand it to them, for a group of demon worshippers lacking any imagination they sure have risen to the top of the pond. But guess what, their time is over. They are having their Jim Jones moment, and not one of them has a clue to any of it. It's actually pretty funny, if you can look away from the Gore.
      I'll finish this with a little tidbit, our own liberation lies within us.

  22. I've been out of body without need of stimulants before MK. It's been a long time since but it has always given me the impression that the answers were inside waiting to be found by the silence.

    1. There is a very odd condition to the deep truth. In order to make ourselves available for the greater awareness, which happens beyond words, we must use quite a few words. An explanation for this lies in the very nature of our own living being; those who traverse such paths find it imperative to bring this realization to their everyday lives, and language, words, is indispensable for this action.
      Yet it is in the space beyond any-thing, where all words fail, that magic occurs.


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