The following is a secondary report detailing new findings and associations following a cursory investigation into a geographic point of interest (Latitude / Longitude) first identified by
Harmonic World Grid pioneer Bruce Leonard Cathie. Bruce (1930 –
2013, Flight Captain in the New Zealand Airways) left clues in the epilogue of his last published book 'The Harmonic Conquest of
Space' which indicated a particular line of latitude which had key ties to a unified field equation set which, by Bruce's own account, was verified as correct from various scientific sources connected with the Government of the time (off the record).
As with the previous report, the reader is expected to have a reasonable degree of familiarity with the many years of dedicated work and research published by Bruce Cathie. Much of the commentary stated within this paper will not be clear unless there is a basic knowledge of Cathie's Grid mathematics.
Harmonic 41188837 relates to Latitude 41.188837 deg (South and
North). Within a unified equation set (Cathie) this figure represents 'bridging point' - a matter plus antimatter earth field harmonic which is intimately tied to the earth’s magnetic field, gravity acceleration and the speed of light at that point. This a sensitive area where a very specific harmonic resonance is set up. The relationships are demonstrated in 'The Harmonic Conquest of Space' Pub 1998.
Bruce's eloquent and precise interpretation of the universe, entails the precipitation of matter from pure light in accordance with precise mathematical progressions set amongst the relative motions of the universe, and its associated forces, around us. The material realm as we know it is woven into being as we spiral our way into into existence – guided by the external, suns, planets and radiating galactic resonances.
For a small clue as to how this can be interpreted the reader is encouraged to look at the motions of the planet Venus in relation to our own. Its Orbits around Earth over time seem stamped into our physical reality when one sees the unfolding of a physical flower in this realm. Like the age-old adage; As above so below
These concepts were clearly understood, documented and encoded in sacred works and scientifically applied - by the ancients. Modern science has deliberately obscured some fundamental facts that are now beginning to emerge again, the light of truth and clear perception emerging once more. The planets of our solar system, and the universe at large, far from being distant and detached are now beginning to be again described in purely energetic terms. With the recent unfolding of the Electric universe models a more evolved, delicate, beautiful and powerful cosmos appears to surround us.
If you take each of the Platonic Solids and encase each perfectly within a sphere, and then nest them all inside of each other, they produce six layers that correspond to the relative planetary orbits of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Here are drawings representing the path of planets coupled together over several year periods, illustrating their geometric dance relationship in patterns that look very similar to those made in Cymatics.
What sparked Bruce’s subsequent discovery, investigation and pursuit into understanding this Grid was the witnessing, as a professional pilot, of several Unidentified objects. As a trained observer and concerned professional, Bruce sought to understand and make sense of the phenomenon he was witnessing. I'm sure he never would have even begun to fathom how far this research would lead him. As fate would have it, the rest of us were blessed with the ability to learn and study from Bruce's pioneering work and spirit.
As a rational and intelligent man, with engineering leanings,
Bruce did the the only thing he could to rationalise what he was seeing. He tracked them. Taking precise measurements between their sightings garnered by reports gathered across the country. He began seeing a pattern form and compared his findings with those of other researches (Aime Michel, one French researcher of note). He then set about finding mathematical connections between and within the appearance and travel routes the craft took.
I had the good fortune to meet with Bruce on several occasions, at that time well into his seventies, and found him to be one of the most Lucid and clear individuals I had ever met. I was struck by his graciousness, candour and warm demeanour.
In a typically cryptic fashion he indicated there was something significant to be revealed on or around Latitude 41.188837 degrees. Although by far the majority of his later research deals with harmonic connections on global scale, this conclusion to his writings could be interpreted as a new beginning. There was only thing left to do – go and take a look.
During my investigations and after studying his books for some time I felt that there was clandestine work underway, and had been ongoing for some time, at this line of latitude. What Bruce alluded to in his epilogue (shown in the 2007 report) may show a connection to an artificial Ley Grid being constructed. The word displaced always bothered me - and likening the construction of this 'artificial' grid to the introduction of the Gregorian Calendar may be in order. Disconnecting us from our natural rhythms and cycles - but the purpose of this displaced energy Grid may be going way further - to alter time / space and reality as we know it, and to support the introduction of an artificial 5 sense reality imposed over our native one, beginning with atmospheric modification as the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
One of BC's major discoveries is that to achieve detonation of atomic weapons certain harmonic resonances have to be set up, which includes the positions of relative bodies such as the sun itself, to create a gravitational effect that would cause the atom to fly apart – releasing vast amounts of energy in the process. It seems that there are many combinations and permutations able to be accessed and set up to cause this to happen and his initial observations, including accurately predicting French atomic test detonations during the 80's all served to back up his findings.
Numerical measurement systems (degrees, minutes of arc) were also not deemed to 'arbitrary' or plucked from nowhere, but rather the associations between numbers and the world we see around us is closely related. Very closely. Units of measurement and our core mathematical functions such as Pi, The Golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence all beautifully describe the formation of our physical universe around us.
Bruce's primary discoveries pointed to a 'steady state' theory of the universe, where (which many scientists adhere to) matter is continuously being created and destroyed, maintaining a constant supply of material in the physical universe. Bruce discovered matter is manifested or precipitated into being via resonant harmonic interactions from several light (electromagnetic included) fields. Recent discoveries isolating so called
'antimatter' (matter from another universe so to speak) point to this as carrying validity. As light waves streamed from a source they were slowed down and rotated by magnetic lines of force and from this energy released and matter precipitated creating our 'density'.
Recent mainstream scientific discoveries appear to support his initial theories:
Any artificial or technological interference of this at a nano or even quantum scale may be construed as an attempt to 'hijack' our base reality, with the possibility of entraining malevolent forces to guide the direction of this.
Bruce Cathie could be considered one of the modern founding
‘fathers’ of the earth’s natural grid or ley energy system. Modern in the sense that he began a re-discovery of an ancient and enduring science, one which stretches back into antiquity and was practised back in the times of the great temple architects – those that worked with the energies and structures which make up complexes such as Stonehenge, the great pyramids, Angkor Wat and other such monuments scattered around the globe.
Bruce's research took him right to the core of the structure of matter and the physical universe. Layers of resonating and interlocked frequencies, bound together by magnetic lines of force, 'captured' pure photonic light and caused it to release energy which was bound by the minute spiralling magnetic energies.
From this state, the matter we see was precipitated and amalgamated into the elements, which coalesced into matter. The continuation of this process animated life.
A modern conclusion which has been reached about these sites is that far from just being places of worship and veneration or burial chambers etc – was that they served a definite TECHNICAL purpose, much like the components on a computer circuit board - employing principles of physics which certainly can be considered non Newtonian and Einsteinian, and linking us to the greater cosmos. This is today being clearly discovered today by academics and researches such as Michael Tellinger and many others.
It is crucial to note that further discoveries Cathie made about this grid bought him to suggest that a second artificial grid, similar to the earth’s own ‘natural’ electromagnetic grid but displaced from our own, was being constructed by an unknown faction, possibly not working in the best interests of humanity or our Mother earth.
As digital technology sweeps the planet, moving away from the system which ourselves and the natural world is based on – An Analogue, Organic firmament - they way we see and interact with our natural world appears to be under threat.
Various researches are of the opinion that digital waveforms and their associated information and broadcast systems may be a direct threat to our sense based world, one one that some researches consider to be a 'trojan horse' technology. One which leaves our realm open to intrusion from a foreign energetic conciousness.
Civilisations of the past have mysteriously vanished. Very recently, Angkor Wat, an ancient city located in Cambodia was found to be part of a massive ancient civilisation whose cities extended far from the centre. The notion that an invasion of
Thailand, which prompted the evacuation of these high centres of ancient knowledge has now all but been discounted. Like the Toltec and Mayan empires, the builders of these monuments have just deserted these locations or simply vanished.
Perhaps this ‘artificial’ grid was being constructed and tuned, like a radio set would be, to achieve certain resonances which would directly influence the way we interface with our reality and ‘natural’ world.
This artificial Grid would be displaced from the earth’s natural,
Analogue grid, and look to control and interface with consensus reality as we understand it – influencing time and eventually invading our senses to perpetrate a takeover of our conciousness, via physical 'misrepresentation' of the 'formerly' natural world.
Understanding that recently very significant and exponential scientific advances have been made in the world of both Genetics and Quantum/ AI computing – our own technology might be overtaking us to the point of no return.
What I am attempting to demonstrate here are the findings from direct field investigation and observation over extended periods of time in specific locations of incidents, similar research and corroborative evidence that such a secondary ‘grid’ may be under construction. One which is slightly displaced from our 'native' one – that of the planet earth’s – our home.
As the information age drives forth and the internet connects humanity at a never before seen level of intimacy, sharing and caring makes even more sense. As perception is everything, I have also attempted to draw parallels with the findings of other researches globally.
Continuing from the previous work titled ‘Investigation into harmonic 41188837’ much more has come to light since the initial findings back in 2007. This paper will explore the following topics:
– The history and examination of technical installations and locations with a possible 'dual purpose' – that is primarily an overt orthodox and legitimate purpose which covers a secondary, more esoteric application of the site.
– A continuation of the accumulation of direct evidence of anomalous activity in these areas,including, unidentified flying object sightings, time and space dilation and localised,unknown, frequency emissions.
– The curious and unsettling observation of Constant and persistent aircraft trail activity in very specific and localised areas.
– The application of advanced digital transmission practices combined with active nano technology to transform the planet to the point where consensus reality may be assimilated.
– Observed wide scale experimentation with advanced technology.
– Dimensional interlacing from a parallel realm? Prater Intelligences interfacing with our reality.
– The Dual purpose of wind generation farms.
– The construction of computers in the Sky and the digitisation of the weather.
– Quantum and planetary communication modes
The significance of Latitude 42 degrees
Sunlight refracts off a water-drop at 42 deg to produce the visible colour spectrum. A water drop generally is spherical in shape. The light entering at this specific angle is 'transduced' or its energetic state is changed and a 'rainbow' is produced.
Many of you are probably familiar with the picture on the cover of
Pink Floyds ' Dark side of the Moon ' which depicts the classic Light / Prism (Pyramid – meaning'fire in the middle') / Rainbow association.
Well, when you think about that and observe closely at what happens – you can see the transformation of light into its relative spectra. A similar thing may occur with matter.
Interestingly 42 is the number with which god creates the universe
– in the Kabbalistic tradition, a mystical science which has its roots in antiquity. Girona, Spain – Home of the Kabbalistic tradition lies at Latitude 42 degrees North. Many fathers of modern Physics, such as Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer (architect of the atomic bomb) had an intimate and working understanding of Kabalistic sciences which described the sub - atomic and macro universes (now called quantum). The implications of these early studies were later applied and used to devastating effect.
The connection with our research of latitude 42deg here is that
41.18837 deg is not far 'displaced' from this seemingly significant latitude – and that there seems to be a fair bit of effort going into energising or 'charging' this new area electrically for whatever reasons. The Discovery
During the later part of 2007 our group of researches continued to scour the rugged and windswept countryside around Southern
Latitude 41188837, on the South West coast of Wellington, for clues which would give us direct evidence of hidden technology sites. During one particular afternoon / evening sojourn to investigate and observe a remote radio transmission site, we stumbled across something which none of us has been able to explain to this day. The site in question is located atop 'Quartz hill', Terawhiti station, and at the time was managed by the
Wellington VHF group (Amateur radio operators – they also manage the Belmont repeater site mentioned in part one of this investigation). We found parts of the area to be 'alive' with audible resonant activity emanating from wooden guy poles, those used to support a low frequency 'Rhombic' RF antenna system for amateur radio use. The audible resonance could not have been an artefact of any wind activity blowing through the extensive array of antenna elements and guy wires, as the night was perfectly still. At a later date a couple of us made the long journey back to the site and captured an audio recording of this phenomenon
(you can hear sheep bleating in the background as they were grazing in the same area). The audio doesn't really come clear until around the .46 mark as we were hastily finding a a position to hold the small voice recorder up against the pole from which the sound was emanating. Here is a link to the audio recording from that evening:
The full version:
There is no doubt in my mind that the sound we recorded did not have a natural origin. Once the audio was run through a spectrum analyser it's combined frequency peaks became obvious and were clearly defined. What emerged from the analysis was very interesting and proved beyond doubt that the 'signal' was artificially and precisely generated. It consisted of 24 sub tones, and was something I could readily recreate an approximation of using multi channel audio tone generation software.
The signal seemed to 'pulse' and reached a crescendo during which time more tones were activated for a period of time. Being familiar with traditional modem signalling and data tones I could not prescribe to be unlike any sort of analogue or digital information transfer sequence I had ever heard. A much more detailed study is being carried out on the audio one which can determine if it is being used as any sort of information carrier or similar (which conventional communications engineers are familiar with).
It should be noted that this was all audible to the human ear, being in the Low Frequency 'audible' range. No radio frequency measurements were taken at the site that day.
A signal level (dB) Vs Frequency Graph it can clearly be seen that there are approx 4 groups of high signal levels bundled between
200Hz and 1KHz, all within the range of human hearing. A further, detailed and extensive study of the recorded sound is necessary.
Below is a frequency Vs time graph is presented which shows multiple sets of sub tones present. These fluctuate in amplitude and sometimes come off and on as if encoded with a type of signaling.
I encourage anybody who has heard anything similar to this to contact me at thanks.
The Quartz hill / Terawhiti station site had a long and prestigious association with radio communications. The nature of the area lent itself very well to enhanced reception of radio signals, not in part to it being located in a removed and elevated geographic location away from potential radio noise sources. Possibly the existence of large amounts of underground quartz, which in previous times had been mined for small quantities of gold, had something to do with creating favourable conditions to work with electromagnetic energy.
Aside from the quartz Hill radio location there are also several other interesting areas not far separated which possibly indicate other areas for clandestine activity. Lets look at these one by one:
Please note the relevance of all these areas is that they are very near to or directly on Harmonic 4118837 – the major 'Ley' line – with a direct mathematical connection to the fundamental 'speed of light' reciprocal which is under investigation here.
Makara radio station / Quartz hill
The previous quotation (penned by Rudyard Kipling) was inscribed on a plaque which sat below the winged footed figure of Mercury, sitting atop a globe and placed in the foyer of Makara 'Radio receiving' station 28 June 1945. It seems very apt and leaves a tantalising clue as to the actual purpose and possible nature of the installation.
Now the site of a massive wind farm (which will be later discussed), the Makara area was once home to a complex and advanced radio receiving station – the location being chosen for its low noise floor, proving to be an ideal place for the reception of radio signals. Quartz hill (strangely enough a large mountain of quartz crystal which briefly once saw gold mine tunnelling in the area) is where this receiving station was located. The station was established shortly after the WWII and comprised of a plethora of advanced radio receiving equipment designed for the reception of telegraph and telephone traffic globally. Early forms of picture transmission for the press were also received there. A description of the equipment is given below in a newspaper article sourced from the National Library of New Zealand.
Makara Radio Station 1945. Possible site for advanced electromagnetic research.
Avalon Studios Broadcast Centre and the dept of Geological and Nuclear Sciences – Avalon, Lower Hutt.
From the outset, the commissioning and building of the Avalon TV studios was riddled with trouble - mostly due to its bizarre
'robot' like design, baffling architecture and isolated location. The entire building was quite unsuited to its intended purpose and resembled an array of space age looking buildings with a large 'monolith' which is built more like a resonant cavity than a functional studio. Despite 25 cm thick concrete walls and low ceilings the studio was plagued with sound bleed through issues.
'Studios were stacked on top of each other in the tower, despite there being acres of land to build on, creating sound pollution problems'
There were also unused parts of the building which reportedly had ceilings so low no one could comfortably work in them.
When looking at it from a geometric / Harmonic perspective, it may have been ideally situated to work with inter dimensional energies associated with a very close ley line (Harmonic 4118837 – the line of latitude which it placed very closely to). The entire building and its transmission systems could possibly be employed as a 'transducer' to set up harmonic resonances to tap into and manipulate the natural energetic structure of the planet
At the very least part of the facility may serve as a control, operations or monitoring centre for some very advanced experimentation that may be taking place in the vicinity. This sort of information would have been privy to very few people.
Looking back at opinions on it's location and architecture support the feelings of puzzled staff who were now required to commute a considerable distance from their previous, perfectly suited studio in the nations capital – Wellington city. To quote the evening post editor Don Churchill in an article penned in 1975:
"Avalon, of course, is a disaster. Everyone, it seems, wants to tell you that. It's too big, half used, incomplete. It's everything that broadcasting shouldn't be."
This Beg's the question, what was the other half used for? A story can be found here:
Avalon studios was built in a remote and puzzling location. Many miles away from the previous hub of broadcasting and quite isolated from local news sources and people who regularly were subjects of media.
It is interesting to note that several people have reported space dilation experiences while walking in the vicinity of the studios – not far from the Hutt River. Distances seem exaggerated to the eye and a strange 'muffled' sensation is felt at times while walking in the area, akin to walking in a tunnel.
Avalon Studio 1980
The name 'Avalon' is derived from ancient Celtic history and is to be said that it is a land which lies beyond the 'veil' and one that remains hidden. It is also said that is where King Arthur's sword was forged and according to history may have actually been located in the Antipodes (quoted from Wikipedia).
To finish off our peek into Avalon studios here is quote from the NZ page as a lament to this mysterious building:
'The building was no doubt designed by the Ministry of Works under the watch of government architect Frank Irvine Anderson – but
hopefully someone in the ether knows a little more about the background of this wonderful gem of a building'
….... Someone or something in the 'Ether' Indeed ….
Hawkins Hill CAA Radar site and vicinity
Bordering the Makara wind farm on the east lies a ridgeline which stretches from Brooklyn, Wellington to Hawkins hill, a feature to the south, where the CAA Aviation radar is located. This is a public access road, generally only open to foot and bicycle traffic, as the gate is frequently locked to public vehicle access.
What is intriguing about Hawkin’s hill is that an unusual building is located there known as the 'Peach Castle'. There is no known history to this very secure structure and it is listed as a 'private residence'. It is ideally situated to observe the entire south and west coast of Wellington overlooking the makara wind farm, new site of the former quartz hill radio station in the process. Located right next to the castle is what appears to be a military style bunker built into the side of a hill which sports several antenna systems from the hill into which it is embedded.
Considering the isolated and inhospitable location, heavy security and military style bunkers complete with communications systems, it seems clear that there is the possibility of this being a covert location for clandestine activity. I would even go as far to say is that it would be viewed favourably as a strategic location, capable of harbouring an underground base somewhere in the vicinity.
Some blog commentary and observations on the area:
'The Airways Corporation Radar Station dome was built in 1990 holds both primary and secondary radars, and is part of a network of radar stations.
Hawkins Hill is also home of a weird building known as ‘the peach castle’. It is a private residence, but I think was once intended as a conference venue. I actually think it would be a great conference retreat venue. I looked the GV up online and it is only $1.05 million for the castle and 4,000 sq metres of land.
I think the owners must have got sick of people treating it as a tourist spot as it is surrounded by a barbed wire fence, cameras,
and some very big and scary guard dogs. It’s just another weird
Karori sight.'
The Peach Castle, Hawkins Hill, Wellington South Coast
Back in 2006/7 when we were actively survielling the area around the Peach Castle we were confronted on a couple of occasions by the unfriendly owner or caretaker of the Castle, who did have two dogs patrolling the grounds. Ironically over the last year (2016) the building has become a luxury hotel for dogs … 'Woofingtons' The Puzzle of Persistent aircraft trails
During July, 2006 a sequence of video edits were produced which presented some of this activity, and some unusual observations – such as symmetrical and square / rectangular cloud formations in the area - SW coast of Wellington – and it seems that the continuing activity over a period of more than 10 years is still ongoing.
The question remains what is this and how this is affecting ourselves and our environment??
Video Link:
The above video is of crucial importance to our investigation as it shows the activities over one day of intense skybound activity – it shows also the Peach Castle, aforementioned, which is positioned directly below the crux of the phenomenon unfolding. There is much shown in this video for those with eyes to see...
Circa 2006, there has appears to have been a concerted effort made to permanently blanket the atmosphere above and beyond Latitude 42 degrees south with what is commonly termed 'Chemtrails'. This operation has been ongoing and is very noticeable, especially for the residents of New Zealand's Nelson / Marlborough districts. It has been extensively documented and begs the question 'WHY' so much activity in this particular spot?. This occurrence was documented in part one of this investigation, it seems that this area is of some significance. So much so that the NSA have had a long presence in the area with primarily the establishment of a VLF type radio base adjacent Woodbourne air-force base in the 60's followed by a more permanent installation deep in the Waihopai Valley – well known for its many documented UFO sightings and strange encounters. And when looking at the significance of the latitude 42 and the local history of 'disappearing' Islands as observed from Arawpawa there may be an attempt at 'blocking' or capitalising on the energies present at specific locations. This is an area of research that needs much more focus – the amount of attention by the 'shadow' forces here indicate that something very significant is afoot.
The Marlborough sounds and surrounding areas have seen very heavy
UFO activity over the years including a very significant event where a TV camera crew, deliberately attempting to capture frequent UFO activity aboard a Argosy cargo plane, famously captured footage in 1977 which was subsequently broadcast globally and became international news. Their story was published in a book titled 'Let's Hope Their Friendly' by Quentin Fogarty.
Chemtrails and Nano Technology
Recent technical research presented by Scientist Harald Kautz
Vella (see Miles Johnston’s 'Bases' series of videos on You tube) have indicated that Chemtrail particulates are nano technology introduced into aviation fuel as an additive. The manufacture of
JP8 jet fuel and its constituents is tightly controlled and a reasonably obscured industry. It is also this authors opinion that the phenomenon known as ‘Chemtrails’ are not delivered by traditional ‘aerosol’ deployment mechanisms (ie electro-mechanical pump and spray systems) but rather are a JP8 fuel additive that
precipitates into matter when certain atmospheric and electromagnetic conditions are present in the atmosphere where the aircraft is passing. This methodology can explain how such an undertaking can bypass the awareness of the aviation industry at large. The massive logistical problems that would beleaguer an independent ‘aerosol’ deployment method, employing both civil and commercial aircraft across all carriers globally would not go unnoticed by maintenance and ground crews.
Now that we have established a plausible method by which the
'Chemtrails' could be deployed we now must look at one or two of the many purposes that may be behind them.
Geo engineering is a prime consideration and we also must be vigilant in exploring other applications other than simply stating they are here ‘to modify and exact an element of control over the weather'. While this may be a prime consideration, and completely plausible there are many considerations to take in. Advances in the Genetic understanding of the function of living organisms leaves the door wide open for a non organic 'guiding' influence to be introduced into the biosphere and living organisms. Our own RNA and DNA, along with that of the planets lifeforms could also present an area of vulnerability to be exploited by external, and non or inorganic, influences.
Evidence has recently come to light which posits that the
Chemtrail phenomenon is a deliberate attempt to create a digitally driven artificial reality matrix, which includes active DNA modification of all living and organic beings inhabiting this realm. The heavily modified sky and unusual cloud configurations which can be observed during heavy persistent activity appears completely artificial in nature and may consist of nano technology which is stimulated and activated via electromagnetic radiation to create massive computers in the sky. Torsion Tensor Physics is an active science which is tied intimately with research and experimentation into the creation and remote manipulation of 'smart' matter. Those who wish to learn more can research the WWW for plenty of information on this.
We may be starting to see evidence of these experiments and manipulation of matter in the atmosphere above us. These experiments may follow a pattern in time to produce a ripple effect which when coupled to global operations such as
CERN,networked quantum computers and artificial intelligence platforms could be having a very tangible effect on our perceptions and the Gaia conciousness.
The following images (including the recent video) present similar occurrences 10 years apart, and by all accounts - are still ongoing and possibly intensifying. Many more of us are starting to
notice the unusual sky activity within our own natural environment.
Wellington, and stretching out to the Tasman Sea, across Cook straight and into the Marlborough Nelson bays area. Sitting right across Harmonic Ley 41188837 and stretching South.
The beginning of the 'stacked' Lenticular cloud formation. You can see the pancake shaped layers beginning and form.
As persistent aircraft trails appear, the surrounding natural sky becomes 'stressed'. Possible Geometric modulation techniques by employing low frequency longitudinal, standing waves may seen around the edges of the cloud. Directed Electromagnetic / Etheric technologies may be artificially building up specific harmonic resonances within the combined waveforms until a critical geometric lock is achieved. This in turn interacts with the Nano technology dispersed within the 'chem' which activates it.
The result causes the natural, surrounding sky to appear 'stressed'.
Persistent Contrails continue to build up across a localized area. Trail activity continues to be very apparent across the artificial clouds span.
A view taken from Otaki a different location facing South towards Wellington. Note build-up of what commonly is termed a Lenticular' cloud, typically stacked, this appeared to being 'fed' by the trail activity around, through and across it.
A picture taken from Tawa, during sunrise a different location facing South - West towards Cook straight and the top of the South Island of New Zealand.
While the readers primary attention is drawn to the striking sunrise display on the underside of this 'cloud' it may be prudent to focus on the the close layers immediately above the reflected sun. This cloud was previously built up and manipulated by the appearance of persistent aircraft or 'Chemtrails'. Note it's unusual edge distortion and different texture.
Video Link:
The video is of crucial importance to our investigation as it shows the activities over one day of intense skybound activity – it shows also the Peach Castle, aforementioned, which is positioned directly below the crux of the phenomenon unfolding.
The Video was shot in 2006 and the photographs shown in this section were taken in 2016! this has been going on for some time now.
Looking back at the video footage - the readers attention should be drawn to the still infra red images in the video, photographed on a 35mm camera using Kodak IR film (HIE – no longer available to the public, it has been discontinued since 2007).
Please bear these in mind as further through this research paper an interesting parallel is drawn with research conducted in the
USA. Please see the section titled 'The Montauk Connection'
The Symmetrical cloud issue – Satellite perspective
Photographs all taken in New Zealand 2016
Very recently (2016), some satellite images have surfaced on a weather modification watch facebook page which illustrate perfectly the anomaly of square edged or symmetrical could formations above the greater Wellington region. These were first observed and filmed around 2006 / 7 when this investigation started. The images posted below show that this anomalous activity is continuing, and quite a few people are starting to take note of it. It appears almost as if large amounts of energy are being directed into the area and being 'shored up' or contained in a field structure.
Please note that there is a massive wind generation farm directly underneath the apex of the formation – along with a High Voltage DC connection which has ground return rods capable of carrying up to 3000 ampere of return current – one ground rod (earth return) is positioned directly on Harmonic 4118837 on Makara beach. The other ground rod is approx 288 Nautical Miles to the south near Methven / Bog Roy in Otago, connecting to Lake Benmore Electricity
Generation plant (Hydro). The figure 288 will be of extreme interest to researchers of Bruce Cathies. Bruce demonstrated that the pure Harmonic of the speed of light is 144 (matter and energy
are released which coalesce as light slows down – this precipitates into our world around us).72 is Half of this –
Interestingly, when the Makara wind farm was commissioned it was tagged as generating 72 MW (million Watts) of Electricity. Looking at the figure 288 this represents double the speed light or 2C - It is the harmonic figure which incorporates the complete matter / antimatter cycle. The Pulse Of The Universe.
The Etheric connection
Trevor James Constable,another Native New Zealander, was a pioneer in the art of employing infra red photography techniques aimed at the sky to image the invisible – things which are slightly out of the range of our visible sight (lower Infra Red field range – Ultraviolet is the higher field range,just above the visible).
Trevor's photographic work into the unseen and the world of UFOs led him to discover what seemed like 'creatures of the sky' likened to plasmatic lifeforms, circulating around in the atmosphere. He even designed and applied techniques to attract these entities from where he could capture them on IR film.
His discoveries were published in two books titled 'They live in the sky' and 'The Cosmic Pulse of Life'.
During various periods of this life TJC was led to investigate the work of Wilhelm Reich, colleague of Sigmund Freud, and the modern discover of Orgone Energy. Orgone, Prana, Chi, Mana, Ether or the life force is the fine structure of the universe, comprising of the flower of life – it is the cement and glue which form the
'base matrix' or fine construct which scaffolds this reality – it has the attributes of a living, flowing organism from which life blooms.
Trevor’s attention turned toward research on the Ether, and like
Reich (a man of great academic standing who tragically died in a
US Federal Prison in 1952 – silenced by the establishment,BEGAN TO
UNDERSTAND THE FINE STRUCTURE AND MANIPULATE IT via various techniques, including a tuned, resonant device, know commonly as a Cloud-Buster. The sky began to take on a new life when viewed through the eyes of understanding men exploring and rediscovering an ancient science. Trevor Constables books 'The Cosmic Pulse Of Life' and the Borderlands publication 'Loom Of The Future' both into great detail about his empirical research which produced very tangible results and validated Reich's own discoveries.
Physicist Nassim Haramein is a breakthrough scientist who is very well regarded and presents a very lucid academic case for the existence of the fine structure or Ether. Along with many proponents of Nikola Tesla's discoveries and practical applications of Non Hertizan Physics based on Maxwell’s Original field equations (which were later heavily edited by Oliver Heaviside to remove multiple field iterations contained in
Maxwell's Quaternion equations) containing potentials which can be identified with Etheric structure (neither electromagnetic or biological but showing traits of both, often called 'Scalar' potentials).
During Constables Infra red photography work, he happened to notice what seemed to be 'critters' – similar to jellyfish or biological cellular lifeforms, turning up on his celluloid. Similar things are frequently seen through night vision equipment by avid skywatches and Ufologist research.
During heavy episodes of chem or persistent contrail activity there are frequently seen 'Orbs' or unusual craft moving rapidly through photo frames. This has been very well documented by the skywatching community, and points to more than just weather manipulation operations underway.
PART II ENERGIZING THE GRID Makara Wind Generation plant and the dual purpose
HARRP construction engineer Billy Hays, was intimately and directly involved in the construction of the first known HAARP site, located in Gakona Alaska. HAARP is in essence an extremely high powered radio transmission station purposely built to directly interface with and experiment upon the ‘electojet’. This is an area of charged particles which comprise part of the upper atmosphere. A cyclotronic resonance of billions of watts (EIRP) is set up creating a huge RF (Radio Frequency) tornado. This is mainstream science. Billy's engineering qualifications led him to directly understand potential applications of the HARRP.
Looking at the 61 giant wind generators dotting the landscape around Harmonic 41188837 some interesting effects may be produced by these. As well as providing generation platforms employing turbines the rotation of the vanes are improvised to provide a 'pulsing' static discharge into the atmosphere when each blade reaches its apex, charging the air above them. The massive fibreglass blades act as would a comb being rubbed on clothing would and build up a static charge as they move through the air. The discharge phase creates a lightning effect which is extremely rapid and cannot be seen with the human eye, as it occurs much, much more rapidly than our 30 frames a second visual cortex can process. This is much the same process with which 'sprites' plasma discharges observed in the upper atmosphere may be artificially triggered (natural VLF radio emissions are often associated with the sprites).
Billy details that a positive charge is then stored in the air which energizes the Barium and Aluminum (which is the lightest conductive metal known to man) along with activating, possibly Nano components, in the artificial cloud left by the residue of activated JP8 Jet fuel. See Bibliography for a Link to the talk.
As visible Light can be employed to transmit both energy and information it possibly is of no coincidence that strange light formations and emissions have often been reported with Chemtrail activity. The video presented earlier shows evidence of the black line phenomenon, the low resolution of the clip does it no justice.
This has been reported worldwide and much investigation has cleared this phenomenon as being purely 'shadows'
VLF signals can also be induced into and re-transmitted from the power distribution grid. Interference from common farm machinery such as pumps, alternators and motors can often do this unintentionally
The MONTAUK Connection and the uncloaking
The infamous 'Montauk Project' which stemmed from earlier research aligned with the commonly known Philadelphia experiment during the second world war, has now become legend in esoteric and high technology research circles. The entire complexity of the goings on surrounding the Montauk project is far too much to go into here – it is suggested that the reader do some intensive research into this project - in my opinion the most thorough and well researched accounts, are those presented in the Montauk series of books authored by Peter Moon, Sky books (Please see bibliography).
Where I an drawing a parallel here is to illustrate that HARMONIC 41188837 (Of the Northern Hemisphere Latitude) is also very, very close to Montauks camp hero base.
This is a very significant area long exploited by occultists and those seeking to manipulate the subtle and not so subtle energies.
Time / space experiments, along with the interfacing of human conciousness with machine / high technology were alleged to have been conducted in this locality. It is situated near Brookhaven laboratories where very advanced research into electromagnetics is conducted. Possibly the right Etheric conditions prevail here to allow the penetration of space and time to more effectively occur.
The binding of entities via electromagnetics
The Genies bottle
This is where this story gets very, very weird.
Douglas Dietrich, Former Presidio Army base chronicler and librarian, is a very compelling individual who gives very clear testimony and offers some very convincing logic for the case of alternative history – focusing on the occult impulse which has essentially driven all historical events at a deeper level. His tenure at Presidio Military base, near San Francisco during the 80's, under the command of on Lt Col Michael Aquino, a very controversial individual, was filled with the sort of intrigue and bizarreness that would defy any sort of common sensibility.
Aquino, a commissioned officer in the US Army, worked as the officer in charge of Psychological warfare strategy. He was heavily involved in the Satanic church and made no effort to obscure this, rather he outwardly promoted his religious leanings and enthusiastically integrated his learnings into the military s operational environment.
Aquino was well versed in all aspects of the satanic religion, including dealing with prater intelligences, otherwise known as demonic entities or extra dimensionals. Douglas Dietrich, and employee of the US Dept Of Defence, was under Aquino's direct command and often engaged in research, archival and document destruction work for him.
Dietrich eventually left his position, joined the Marine Corps as an enlisted man, completed a career within the regular military. Eventually, due to his astute nature and keen memory – began exposing all that he had learned during his time under Aquino.
In an obscure interview give on Revolution radio (05/04/12) with Kerry Cassidy, Dietrich turns to discussion on one of the hidden purposes of HAARP. This begins with a historical account of how, during WWII, American bombers engaging Japan had to fly against the jet-stream travelling there over the North Pacific. This was an incredible obstacle and the head winds encountered resulted in tremendous losses for the US in both aircrew and aircraft, as they had to fly at low altitudes to avoid the head-winds thus exposing them to enemy fire.
Deitric posits that one of the reasons the original HARRP project was implemented (and its specific geographic location in Gakona Alaska) was to find a way of reversing this jet-stream using RF based cyclotronic resonance – effectively reversing the northern jet-streams natural atmospheric flow. Col Aquino had at some stage became involved with the HARRP project in a occulted manner –
HARRP was indirectly controlled by the Dept of Defence, and being an esoteric electromagnetic device it was put to many research departments within the DOD to come up with applications for it.
Aquino states that one of HARRP's darker applications was for the binding (not invoking or evoking – but binding) of 'entities' intra dimensional or otherwise that, through the practice of high magic (modernised by the likes of Crowley etc) had managed to become animated and were guided into this realm.
When exploring this possibility one must remember that the
Tetragrammaton and Enochian magical traditions are very technical and precise in their execution. Protocols, calls and rituals must be followed to the tee for results to be obtained. Combinations of tonalities given at specific times and at specific locations are said to cause rifts in the space time continuum and allow breaches to take place. This may allow intrusion into our dimension of other forces, impulses and intelligences.
Specific formulae and equation sets, applied practically via the field of electromagnetics and the science of physics could possibly be a potentiated and applied in similar endeavours - a modern approach to those initiates following paths as the traditional spirit callers.
The segment from that obscure interview Dietrich gave back in 2012 can be found here (copy and paste into your browser):
Every religion on the face of our planet, shamanistic or otherwise has its pantheon of supernatural beings. These beings many benevolent, many not so benevolent have demanded there fair share of worship and sacrifice. Their impulses have captured man's imagination and guided his behaviour over the ages.
Possibly there is actually something of substance to these legends. The first part of this investigation paper (2007) looked at the presence of what is commonly termed 'Sylphs' or Air spirits roaming our skies, in some cases even appearing to actively participate in clearing 'Chemtrails' from the immediate environment.
Some modern channellers have claimed that there is a war going on directly over our heads which we cannot directly sense with our limited visual and audio acuity. It lies outside the range of our vision and hearing.
Looking at the relationship to our current area of focus – that is the investigation of Harmonic Ley Line 41188837 and its environs, one which appears significant and relevant to the manifestation or manipulation of space / time aberrations, a series of photographs was taken over the Peach castle during the recording of the video presented earlier.
The following photographs were taken using Kodak HIE high speed
Infra red 35mm film, employing a daylight filter which removed all of the visible spectrum.
Kodak HIE 35mm Infra-red film was discontinued shortly thereafter in 2007. Only digital techniques remain today. Possibly, these digital IR imaging techniques may fail to capture the deeper parts of the IR spectrum using readily available, albeit modified, digital camera and appropriate lenses.
Two images shot that day, July 2006, are very intriguing – in that they appear to show a 'cloud' entity emerging from the maelstrom that was the sky above. A sky filled with chemtrails, artificial clouds and pumped full of electromagnetic radiation.
Aquino likened the action of HARRP when employed in binding entities – to that of securing a large and aggressive man to a table with a thumb-cuff. The man is content as long as he receives nourishment and will not attempt to break his restraint.
Pre colonisation (European) New Zealand history is rife with the worship of ATUA, the Maori Gods, and much bloodshed was propagated in their name, tribal warfare being almost continuous. Many historical sites or Maori PA as they are called are adorned with carvings and representations of these Atua. Perhaps, like the Aztec culture deities from another space time continuum invaded the lives of the people and took them over, offering power to the priest class in exchange for sacrifice and influence.
Every part of the world has variations of these entities represented through tribal artworks and artefacts.
Traditional representation of a HEI TIKI – or ATUA: Maori Deity
Two Infra Red Photographs of the sky above SW Coast of Wellington during the video Filming in 2006. Kodak HIE IR 35mm Film employed with a total daylight filter.
horo i runga i te kiriata, i te atua o te rangi
Perhaps the generation of this massive artificial 'computer in the sky' is a purpose-built communication / gateway and binding device for prater intelligences and the manipulation of reality?
The local areas Mythology (Owhiro bay) recalls that the area was where the sky gods came down to speak with the Tohunga (Maori priest class). This history it seems has been deliberately obscured and the whole area at one time bore the brunt of some very supernatural occurrences with regards poltergeist activity etc. One such account can be found here:
It is interesting to note also that a prominent Masonic lodge is set back in a secluded Valley off Owhiro Road.
Supporting the Matrix
Looking at some of the electromagnetic or radio emissions in the area directly next to the peach castle then we can cast our attention to a series of radio antennae protruding from a very well secured military style bunker nestled into the side of a hill next to the castle itself.
Close to this sits a series of innocuous folded dipole antennas.
These antenna belong to the Wellington ham radio club – more specifically the VHF branch (Very High Frequency). They are in fact amateur radio 'beacons' broadcasting repetitive telemetry in the form of Morse code call sign identity signalling. They are employed to gauge radio propagation characteristics through monitoring of relative signal strengths at a distance etc.
What is of interest to the Harmonic explorer is their frequency of transmission and duty cycle (ie how often they pulse off and on).
Looking at the Hawkins hill amateur beacons transmission frequency: 144.2750 MHz (f1): 144.2750 x 3 = 432.2750 The difference between these 144.2750 / 432.2750 is 256
432.2750 MHz (f2): 432.2750 x 3 = 1296.2750 The difference between 432.2750 and 1296.2750 is 768 (256 x 3)
1296.2750 MHz (f3)
1296.2750 converted to Bruce Cathie's Grid time measurements (by multiplying with 8 then dividing by 9) give us a figure of 1152.24444 – this figure is associated with the circumference of all atomic structures – a key component of our physical 3D realm.
The carrier transmission frequencies are also separated by steps of 256 MHz (between f1 and f2) and then 768 MHz(between f2 and f3). 768 is 256 x 3
Looking at modern digital platforms the math behind them runs in powers of 2 ie 2,8,16,32,64,128,256 etc. This is because they operate in BINARY mode. Harald Kautz Vella and authors such as Wes Penere have some very interesting things to say with regards this and its direct influence on our conciousness and biological systems.
In digital systems you can only store information encoded by powers of 2.
When integrating digital systems with our analogue environment mathematical progressions and radiated field functions would naturally follow steps which incorporate both multiples. These mathematical functions are translated into electronic transmission platforms which can influence both these environments.
To simplify this extensively - Ratios of 3,6 and 9 represent our natural world and its associated functioning, binary or the digital realm operates at functions to the power of 2. Ones or Zeros – a solid switch state.
What I am presenting here is a considerable over simplification of the possible processes involved so the introductory reader may be able to grasp the concepts involved.
Another consideration is that of wave superposition and interference theory – this is what occurs when two wave fronts collide (similar to two ripples in a pond meeting). Very simply put we have colliding fronts which are in phase, combine and produce a higher output and those out of phase which produce a nullifying effect – constructive and destructive displacement of the Ether perhaps derived from multiple signal sources combining.
It is interesting to note that maximum displacement occurs when the phase difference between the waves is in multiples of 2 and minimum displacement is in multiple of 3's.
Perhaps some transmission systems in employment are not only meant for the transmission and reception of information? Please see the explanation in the first video here:
Does this constant transmission system broadcast a solved equation set into the Ether which supports arcane experimental endeavours? After all, electromagnetics is just applied physic's – which stems from the fulfilment of precise mathematical functions.
Perhaps some electrical and electromagnetic systems in employment are not only meant for the transmission and reception of information or electricity? The complexity of setting up and operating this covertly would be staggering, it would take decades of planning, coordination and careful manipulation of frequency allocations and electrical grids. These systems may even be out of the reach of classical physics – when Maxwell's equations were altered by Oliver Heavyside to remove the field or Scalar potential from transverse EM waves a large chunk of science was hidden or occulted.
The Waihopai Connection and Orion’s Belt / GIZA Plateau
The first investigation paper published in 2007, brings attention to bear on the Waihopai 'Echelon' NSA station, located in Waihopai
Valley, Marlborough, New Zealand. This is not far south from
Harmonic 41118837. A contributor to the Bruce Cathie fb page, decided, on impulse, to compare the layout of the complex and its adjacent fields (under rotary irrigation) to the Giza complex in Egypt. At a cursory examination, some interesting parallels are drawn..
To quote from the sharp group member who posted the comparison:
'The smaller Pyramid physically couldn't be situated as close to the bush / stream so had to be realigned to fit the flat open area, but the OUTLINE AND SIZE IS proportional'
This is an interesting find, as many modern researchers have now recognised that the pyramids, and other similar monuments, appear to have a definite TECHNICAL purpose. I would leave this conjecture open for now, hoping to stimulate the minds and actions of other researches exploring this territory. Much of our true history has been completely obscured and re-written to keep humanity in the dark, so to speak.
Several prominent researchers have also drawn connections between the Orion system and the great Pyramids among others. Random Internet Commentary
'A change in the scalar harmonics within an artificially aligned solar system also affects human perception - the brain being a quantum receiver. The solar system was imprisoned within a a "modified" Birkland current and planets were destroyed and misaligned, artificial moons put in place in order to induct this scalar template from Orion. The human brain and DNA is a product of this Scalar template . All human beings have been trapped in a inter-dimensional prison and "DNA cage" the "Mandela effect" is a product of the change in these harmonics as this solar system is bought back to the correct quantum density. CERN is based on ancient technology. CERN is a small part of a network of ancient technology that are located at significant grid points around the Earth. The purpose of this type of technology is too keep Earth on a scalar level in timing with the disharmonic template of the modified Birkland currents emanating form Orion. This "pushing" and "pulling" effect from the attempt to put this solar system back into the correct alignment with the rest of the actual universe is causing the Mandela effect errors in reality as this code is broken and reworked multiple times by the AI that controls reality and is slowly being broken as each harmonic layer is breached.' Author unknown..
Planetary Kilo-metric Radiation
The Earth's Auroral activity (northern lights etc) produces radio waves which can be detected and translated directly to audio. The radio waves are very long in wavelength and radiate well out into space. In terms of output power the energy radiated runs from about 1 to 10 MW (Million Watts). The Audio which derives from the radio waves is very intriguing and can be vary from birdlike chirps to howling. The other planets which exhibit strong radio emissions are Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus(and of course our Sun. Looking at the broad nature of the emissions, they could possibly looked at 'spread spectrum' transmissions. With multiple sub carriers (information?)placed across a relatively narrow part of the radio spectrum (when referenced against our own radio communication systems).
The radio waves emitted by earth appear to start at 5 Khz and run to approx 500kHz, Other sources have quoted 50 – 500Khz.
A spectrum capture of one such recording from the Earth’s Auroral
Natural VLF (Very Low Frequency) radio emissions are also caused by what is known as 'sprites' – spectacular plasma type discharges in the upper atmosphere. With our still limited understanding of the electrical nature of the universe these very diverse radio transmissions (each Planet has its own 'signature') may be a form of communication / connection between the bodies in our solar system each broadcasting in unison to produce the 'music of the
Metatrons Cube and the Hexagonal structure of the source field
One particular planet of note, due to its unusual polar configuration of a hexagon, is Saturn. It is interesting to observe the historical mysticism connected to this planet in relation to geometric structures, the 'cube' (being essentially a 3D Hexagon) is one of them. It is not my intention to go into all the historical evidence which points towards the function and veneration of the cube, but rather would point to the suggestion that the cube / Hexagon forms an integral part of our quantum reality. Ancient history, of which a time when a technology pervaded that was far more refined and superior than that of today shows many depiction of the 'flower of life'. Modern physicists such as Nassim Haramein, have clearly identified and wowed the scientific community with direct associations of this 'field', 'fine structure' with what is know as the Etheric element, that which supports a reality framework upon which the atomic structure is built and matter manifests from.
Possibly in modern times various transmission structures may have also been purposely built to assist in the retention, alteration and experimentation with the fine field structures. It has been widely recognised in more recent times that geometric monuments, far from being tombs for dead royalty, served a technical purpose.
Please see the antenna layout of one of the largest Low frequency transmitters in the world – based at Exmouth, Australia. Employed primarily for submarine communications there have no doubt been experimental uses for this massive piece of transmission technology - anyone remotely familiar with sacred geometry will immediately see the connection.
There has been much speculation and misunderstanding surrounding the advent of 'Quantum Computing' – the most advanced and powerful machines ever built. These machines are so unlike the computers that we use day to day that they can barely be compared. A Quantum computer operates in a state of non-reality – that is they function outside of our own space time continuum. They operate and manipulate things at a quantum level – the smallest level possible.
It has been theorised that manipulating matter at the quantum level, due to the theory of superposition, will effect the macro level at large, producing effects that can completely change the physical makeup of matter in this universe.
These machines are networked, via the singularity university
(California), Google and NASA to other massive technical devices such as the Large Hadron Collider (CERN) and many other similar establishments around the world.
Now the age of quantum computing is upon us there most definitely
(considering the nature of science and its pursuit) be attempts made to alter this reality at a quantum level via probable manipulation of the fine field structure.
Enter the quantum computer. To give you an idea of its power what would take the most powerful generic supercomputer on the face the planet to solve a particular equation - lets say 10,000 years – the quantum computer could do in seconds.
The most powerful supercomputers are also involved in weather modelling and prediction interestingly enough. Introduce geo engineering and the weather could possibly be controlled via these supercomputers
A Quantum computer (D-WAVE), millions of times faster than a supercomputer, could map and pinpoint things at the quantum level. Some current theories indicate if the fine structure of our known universe can be altered then everything across the wide field changes. Changes at the micro will affect the macro (cosm)
These quantum computers are so vastly different than what you have sitting in front of you they simply cannot be compared to each other.
Some view the planet Saturn as the current 'reality field generation broadcast platform'. At the very least, and again for those with eyes to see, the Saturnian influence and symbolism carry much weight in this realm.
In closing, this paper is designed to stimulate the inquisitive and creative mind of the borderland researcher. It is an ad hoc stroll along the blurred line between the tangible real and the what can be loosely considered the 'unreal' (by today’s standards, for what is science fiction today could be science truth tomorrow). Spurned from the inquisitive mind of the common esoteric researcher, intuitive hunches based on synchronicity coaxed from the quantum field prevail. The simplistic approach to Bruce Cathies Harmonic Mathematics presented here are primarily
dedicated to introducing curious minds to looking at electromagnetics from an alternate perspective.
In a way I feel like a lot of other people feel – that we as a species are becoming disenfranchised with our home planet. We have become so far removed from a symbiotic connection to her that the madness which surrounds us seems acceptable. Now technology stands on the brink of overtaking us - to maintain our very existence while searching for the truth and meaning gives us back our purpose. Looking forward to the day when we can relax again … Until next time.
Bruce Leonard Cathie – The Harmonic conquest of Space, Harmonic
288 – The Pulse of he Universe, The Bridge to Infinity
Billy Hayes / Elana Freeland – Talk on the KEV Baker show Apr 2016
Harald Kautz Vella – Bases Interviews
Nassim Haramein -
Trevor James Constable – The Cosmic Pulse of Life, The Loom Of the
Future (Borderlands Research)
Peter Moon – The Montauk series with Preston Nichols
Well Jack, since we live in a two dimensional world run by a Jewish computer, more truth is told on Netflix as it's time to lift their ban on the unvaxxed. I live in a multi cultural world run by Spirit.
Von Newman one of the tribe or was he not as I know how any jooish computer works. My apologies for his brilliance. However, he shall be remembered as a great man as he hated frauds like Einstein.
Moderation is off as a courtesy. Please treat others as you would like to be treated yourself. Posts a few calories short of a happy meal will be marked spam.
Well Jack, since we live in a two dimensional world run by a Jewish computer, more truth is told on Netflix as it's time to lift their ban on the unvaxxed.
ReplyDeleteI live in a multi cultural world run by Spirit.
Von Newman one of the tribe or was he not as I know how any jooish computer works.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies for his brilliance. However, he shall be remembered as a great man as he hated frauds like Einstein.
However, Jewish computers can be reprogrammed.
ReplyDeleteLet MK write as I entertain him.
One question for Emily empire.
ReplyDeleteShouldn't Europeans ban Bic lighters?
How much LPN goes into millions of those?
Such hippocrits as they shouldn't be smoking?
And now euro trash wants a Norse god?
All roads lead to yawyah
Can't spell the name.
Your not supposed to know.
How many Bic lighters does it take to heat a eurotrash home?
ReplyDeleteIn Europe this winter a BJ will be in terms of Bic lighters by eurotrash whores. LOL
The only reply is from the mentally ill?
ReplyDeleteAt least I rule well my household full of cats
The old fucks say what to the frequency?
Of what the fuck
Is that
As Jack's dad said kill it with a stick
Just that
They did what